The Captain and The Prefect

Welcome to Hogwarts

Their first years had gone by absolutely smoothly. Professors were incredibly impressed at Byulyi's knowledge, skills, and personality. Same with Seulgi, the two were the most un-slytherin Slytherins anyone at Hogwarts have ever met. The two had earned top scores in all their classes, top of their class, and had earned points left and right for the house of Slytherin. This was the first time ever Slytherins had led by a large chunk on the house points. In their first year, Byulyi was asked to join the quidditch team as a seeker - when Head of Slytherin House saw how impressive she was on the broomstick, and after wins after wins - even winning Slytherin their first Quidditch Cup in years, they made her the team captain.  

The only time Byulyi had shown signs of being a Slytherin was when girls and guys pulled her over while on her way to class to give her a confession letter or ask her out. All those times she simply stared at them (some would describe it as eyes piercing their souls - Byulyi and Seulgi would describe it as eyes screaming SOS and Awkwardness) and then stepped aside and continued walking away. 

In their second year, Byulyi and Seulgi's two-man-squad became a four-man-squad. Having the same classes together, Byulyi and Seulgi quickly became close friends with the first years Hyejin (Hwasa), a Gryffindor, and Wheein (Wheepup), a Hufflepuff, who were (no surprise) a pair of best friends since birth. People were surprised at first since it was a friendship mix between different houses but eventually they got over it. Who wouldn't want to be friends with the two older girls? 

Yongsun and Irene's achievements were no less. The two were still the queens of Hogwarts, still adored by professors, top of their grade. Yongsun and her powers had earned her the position of Ravenclaw's Prefect. 

Yongsun and Irene were walking down the hallway when Irene stopped and stared at the sight down the hall to the right of them. There stood Moon Byulyi, hands in her pocket, standing there with ANOTHER girl in front of her (probably the 4th time this week - this one was a Gryffindor second-year), head bowed down, arms out in front with presumably a letter in her hand. The friends of the girl were huddled together in a group behind the two, blocking the halls. 

"What- Why did you stop?" Yongsun asked as she took a few steps back to see what Irene was so interested in. 

Moon Byulyi. 

"Byulyi, I-I know this is u-unexpected but w-will you go out with me?" The girl stuttered. 

Byulyi stared at the shorter girl, took one hand out of her pocket, and simply pat the girl on the shoulder before walking away - down the hall towards Yongsun and Irene. The girl turned around and squealed, even though she was rejected, this was the first time Prince Moon Byulyi had ever pat someone on the shoulder. She ran off with her friends. 


Seeing her approach the two, Yongsun crossed her arm and frowned, "Moon Byulyi, 5 points off Slytherin for causing a ruckus and blocking the hall." 

Moonbyul glanced up and made eye contact with the older girl, she simply shrugged and walked off to find her friends. 

"Yongsun.... 5 points is a bit harsh isn't it?" Irene's eyebrows shot up, questioning her friend.

Yongsun huffed before continuing the walk (storming) down the hall, "It's a cumulative 5 points off for ALL the confessions ruckus she's had till now. 258 Irene! 258 confessions, this one makes it 259!" 

Irene picked up the pace, her eyebrows still cocked, "How do you know that it's 259?"  

"I-I overhead the girls giggling about it in our common room yesterday!" Yongsun stuttered, the two went off to grab lunch. 

* * * 

Byulyi stormed up to her group, her face bright red. "Unnie- what's wrong?" Wheepup asked, slightly concerened. 

"Kim Yongsun! I swear to god she- ughhh! Who made her a prefect?!" Moonbyul growled, "First, another confession AGAIN! And then Miss Prefect goes and docks off 5 points from Slytherin because the girl's friends blocked the halls. It wasn't MY fault they blocked the hall, they just DID." 

The three looked at her shocked, the Moonbyul they knew usually kept in character pretty well, seeing her break character came as a pretty big surprise. 

Moonbyul grumbled to herself, she hated the fact that she felt fluttering in her stomach as soon as she and Yongsun made eye contact, as soon as she called out her name. How pathetic. Weak. 

* * * 

About a week later, Hyejin and Wheein were sitting on the side, munching on some chocolate frogs as Byulyi and Seulgi and the rest of the Slytherin team zoomed around on their broomsticks about the quidditch field for their weekly afternoon practice - afterall, the first quidditch match of the year was right around the corner.

When it came to quidditch, Moon Byulyi's eyes were absolutely unbeatable - hence the position of seeker. Which is why, when the snitch zoomed by and Hyejin discreetly caught it to hide it from Moonbyul (for s and giggles), a few seconds later she appeared on the side lines, eyebrows cocked, demanding (in a joking way) for the snitch back. 

Hyejin rolled her eyes and grinned, "Unnie, your eyes are insane. I don't even know HOW you saw that. Even Wheepup next to me didn't see me catch it." 

Moonbyul simply shrugged, "I dunno. I just SEE it some how - some way," she returned to practice. 

With power comes great danger, of course and Byulyi and her speed learned it the hard way mid-practice when she went crashing into one of the flags. Luckily the fall wasn't so serious and she laid on the bench on the sidelines with only a fractured arm. Could have been worse.

As always, this incident didn't go unnotice to the rest of the houses and very soon the school was bustling with news of the injured prince, boys and girls all wanting to check up on and take care of the injured Byulyi. 

Yongsun walked onto the field, wand in hand. At first she simply shrugged at the news of Byulyi's fall but with a few more thoughts, she immediately turned around and went to find the injured girl. 

"I will heal her injury, you can all go back and rest." The group all went back to their respective houses, entrusting Byulyi (who had passed out from the injury) to Yongsun. 

With a wave of her wand Yongsun muttered. 

Brackium Emendo

* * * 

What a comfy pillow.... Byulyi shifted, almost falling off the bench but luckily an arm grabbed her before she could tumble off. An arm?! 

Byulyi opened her eyes and quickly sat up, the cloak covering her slid down. She turned and looked, surprised to see - 

The pillow was actually the legs of the Ravenclaw Prefect herself. 


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This is taking me a bit long to write, will update soon though!


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chonganna #1
Chapter 8: Pls update this is such a good story
moo_peanuts #2
Please update this one as well. It has been a year
HekatonKhir #3
Chapter 8: The softness and iness here is well balanced, and their relationship seems very organic(instead of being forced or fake).
Nobody22 #4
Chapter 8: Yeeeess u back
Chapter 8: been waiting for the update...kkkk thx for the update!!!!! love it as usual
Chapter 8: The perfect amount of fluff and m-rated hahah

Love this update ^^
Taitai84 1224 streak #7
Chapter 8: Awwwww best use of invisibility cloth ever
moo_peanuts #8
Chapter 7: Author-nim!! Please dont leave us hanging. Patiently waiting for your update
Chapter 7: This last chapter was... intense hahaha

I'm loving this fic,mamamoo + Harry Potter is a win win. Can't wait to read more chapters ^^
moonbyulyi08 #10
Chapter 7: hoo damn i’m so hoping yongsun uses this spell again in the future but with proper jsksjsj that ’s hot!!