| Chapter 06 |

One Last Love

--Michael POV--

As the raindrops slid across the window...

I realised, that it was useless loving someone from afar.

It'll just hurt you more...

I don't get why I just can't...


It was raining, and the teardrops on my face, rolling down my cheeks fell faster than the raindrops falling from up the sky, down to the ground.

Crying makes you feel sticky. Once you just let your tears dry up on your cheeks, you have that tingling sensation and it just feels sticky. Tears of pain especially. It hurt loving Amber from afar. It hurt loving anyone from afar. I swear, I thought that Amber and I were just best friends. Why didn't I confess to her sooner? Why did I just have to wait for Amber to debut and meet that guy. Why didn't I just say, "Amber, good luck, and I love you"? Why didn't I do that back then?

As I think of what I could have done, Sky enters the room. "Hey hyung" he says. "Are you okay?"

"I guess so." I say, quickly opening the window and sticking my head out. I didn't want the maknae to see me cry.

"Stupid, it's raining. You're going to get sick. And you're going to get the furniture wet."

"That's okay." I wasn't in the mood to reply to Sky's mocking. Oh, the maknae of the group. Constantly being that way. Obviously, because of their young age, they tend to take advantage of such.

"Hyung, are you sure you're okay?"

Enough raindrops had coated my cheeks, to make me look like I wasn't crying at all. Just like I stuck my head out the window. 

"You're real funny, Sky. You ask if I'm okay, then you call me stupid, then you ask if I'm okay. I mean, I don't mean anything bad, but it's just funny."

"Hyung, you're face is so wet. Wipe it. It looks like you've been crying or something."

"I stuck my head out of the window with the pouring rain falling on my face, of course it'll look like I'm crying, Sky."

"Eh. Your face is just.. I just can tell that you've been crying, hyung. You don't have to hide it from me. Now tell me, what is wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong."

"You can't ever hide from me, hyung."

"I told you, nothing is wrong."

"Just tell me."


"Give me the box."

"What box?" I snorted. 

"The one from Henry."

I ran to my room and tossed him the box. "You want it? Get that . I'm going."

I dashed off the house and took a bus to wherever it'll take me with my bus pass. I just need a damn break from everyone, really.

--YoungSky POV--

Probably hyung's just on his period. I've always suspected that he was gay.

No, that was a joke, thanks. I don't want to get beaten up. Don't tell him I said that.

I didn't trust Chance with that box. So now, I'm just going to hide it in my room like a good boy and pretend I gave it to Chance. That'll stir things up.

I mean, I'm not a sadist, but that thought is just so flippin' funny. I can't get it out of my head.

Yes, I kept the box afterwards. I'm just going to have to remind Amber about it. Yep. I'm going to do that. Now.

Mleh. I'm lazy...

--Amber POV--

My phone beeped. one new text message. From Cousin Sky. How sweet.

"Oi. You've gotten Henry's gift box yet?" was the message.

I have no intentions of receiving anything right now. I have no intentions of getting out of this room...

My phone beeped again. Unknown number..

"Amber. I'm sorry. I love you. --Michael"

What the is this ...

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ying9202 #1
Chapter 7: R.I.P author san...
darya_tnt #2
Chapter 7: Lol im supposed to be sad but llol i was shocked
hopelesslover4268 #3
Chapter 7: I know you can never see this but thank you for writing this story. Rest In Peace....
I hope people see this comment. I'm YouAreFat's friend. She really did die of cancer, and was at the hospital multiple times. That was one of the reasons she couldnt update. She intended me to look for her notebook and update it, but I dont know her AFF password. I found the notebook, however.
Chapter 7: :O :O :O :O :O :O :O OMO :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
Chapter 7: What just happen?
You ended this already.
And this 'Thank you for claiming my life, CANCER.'
Are you serious? I don't know what to say.
Be strong. Fighting!
deelau #7
AN UPDATE!!!! *woot*woot*..... Henber FTW!... Update soon as you can.... I will be patiently waiting.... :)