| Chapter 01 |

One Last Love

"Amber!" Jackie, Amber's sister yelled, running to her. "Thank GOD you're alive. I missed you so much!"

"Ha-ha, Jackie." Amber laughed. "Yeah, I missed you too."

"Hmph. Not even greeting us." Peter said.

"Yes, yes. I missed you guys too." Jackie giggled, giving the One Way members a group hug.

"Amberry~, I'ma go to your room and help you unpack." Jackie said. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." Amber replied. "Just don't call me Amberry."

Half an hour later, Amber's room was normal; clothes in the closet, laptop on the desk, picture of her and Henry together on her side table by her bed--...

Wait... What?

Amber wheeled over to the side table, and stared at the picture. Tears begun to stream out of her eyes.

"Lunch is ready!" Jackie suddenly popped in. "Hey Berry? You okay there?"

"Yeah." Amber replied, quickly wiping her tears with her hand.



"You sure?"


But Amber suddenly bursted into tears.

"Berry, come on... Don't cry. You're gonna make me cry."

Jackie wiped Amber's tears. "Please stop crying."

"I can't!" Amber suddenly yelled. "I miss Seoul. I miss Victoria, Luna, Krystal, and Sulli; I miss my Dino brothers; I miss Henry! Why couldn't I just stay in Korea and heal there?!"

"Amber, people here miss you too. So you've come to the conclusion that you love your little K-Pop friends more than your friends here in California?"

"It's just-- I'm not allowed to go out and see them! What's the point of that!?"

"Why aren't you allowed to go out and see them?"

"SME's orders. I'm not allowed to go outside until I'm finished healing. I'm only allowed during emergecies or something."



"We could bring them over here."


"But really-- why were you crying?"

Amber pointed at the picture of her and Henry.

"Oh my gosh... Berry's in love!!" Jackie exclaimed in pure happiness and glee.

"No I'm not!" Amber yelled, turning bright, tomato-red.

"Aiyee~, you're blushing!"

"Tssss. Shut up, woman!"

"Come on, Amber Josephine Liu! This is probably the first crush you've had in your whole, entire life! Don't deny it!!"

"Aish, Jackie! Just please don't tell..."

"So you're admitting you like Henry!!?"

"Yes! Yes I am!! Now shut up about it or else I'ma kill you!"

"Berry-Bear is in love~!"

"Jackie is going to get stepped on!"

"What's going on in here?" Michael asked, barging in.

"Amber is--"


"Well, whatever it is, it should be put on hold right now. Youngsky and Peter have already started eating. You better head to the dining room before they finish all the chicken."

"Geez. Yes dad." Jackie laughed.

"Aish. So weird." Michael scoffed, heading to the dining room.

Jackie wheeled Amber to the dining room, where Peter and Young Sky were munching on a bunch of fried chicken.

"Pigs." Jackie muttured, helping Amber sit down comfortably, and serving her.

And while eating chicken, Amber did not think of anyone else, but...

Liu Xian Hua;

Ryu Hun Hwa;

Henry Lau...


Author Notes:

OMG! 11 subscribers already! I LOVE YOU ALL SO DAMN MUCH I WANNA HUGGLE YOU ALL. But comment if you can. That motivates me more. \m/ So what did you think of this chapter? Kinda boring, right? Well, let me assure you, it gets completely interesting... I promise you... 

Thanks for reading this chapter! Hope you'll stay until the very end *U*


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ying9202 #1
Chapter 7: R.I.P author san...
darya_tnt #2
Chapter 7: Lol im supposed to be sad but llol i was shocked
hopelesslover4268 #3
Chapter 7: I know you can never see this but thank you for writing this story. Rest In Peace....
I hope people see this comment. I'm YouAreFat's friend. She really did die of cancer, and was at the hospital multiple times. That was one of the reasons she couldnt update. She intended me to look for her notebook and update it, but I dont know her AFF password. I found the notebook, however.
Chapter 7: :O :O :O :O :O :O :O OMO :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
Chapter 7: What just happen?
You ended this already.
And this 'Thank you for claiming my life, CANCER.'
Are you serious? I don't know what to say.
Be strong. Fighting!
deelau #7
AN UPDATE!!!! *woot*woot*..... Henber FTW!... Update soon as you can.... I will be patiently waiting.... :)