The Hidden Crown Princess


The Hidden Crown Princess

It's the first time in history The Crown Princess is going to a public private school let alone outside of the castle. At the age of seventeen The Crown Princess will experience her senior year as a student at Diamond Institute.

Diamond institute is one of the best Korean High School in the country. To be able to enter Diamond Institute you have to be filthy rich or earned yourself a scholarship. 

It's fortunate that her father, The King forbid The Crown Princess from displaying her to the public ever since she was born. No person will recognise her unless they have visited the Castle.

During her senior year she will experience things she never would've imagined. From heartbreak to happiness.

This is The Hidden Crown Princess.


© Owned by jtaissac




'' Father, my only wish I dreamt of coming true is to be normal only once. '' The Crown Princess says with her head low and both her knees on the ground facing her father, The King of South-Korea and mother The Queen of South-Korea. 

'' It's way too dangerous, my princess. '' The King says. 

The Crown Princess lifts her head up a frown visible on her face. 

'' Please Father. '' The Crown Princess lowers her whole body and bows slowly. 

The King sighs loudly and turns his head to look at his wife who is pleading him with her eyes to make her only daughters wish come true. The Kings love for his wife is beyond anything imagined and he would do everything for the woman he loves just to make her happy. The King sighs again. The Queen gives him a securing nod. 

He turns his head towards his daughter who still has her head low. He stands up from his chair and approaches her slowly. He places his hand softly on her chin while lifting her up. '' My princess, I will make that wish come true but promise me do not reveal your identity to anyone for it will bring danger into your life and I plan on keeping you for awhile. '' The King grins.

The Crown Princess hugs her father out of joy. '' Thank you, Father. '' she lets him go and runs away with a huge smile on her face towards her room. 

The King turns around and smiles brightly because once again he made his wife happy and he recognizes by the huge smile on her face. 

'' You did good and shall be rewarded, my love. '' The Queen winked and walked away towards their room.


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K-Reader28 #1
Please tell me you’ll come back author-nim. ?
K-Reader28 #2
Please update ... I'm anticipating a lot over what will happen.
Jenlisa ff?