Chapter 38

Please Keep My Secret


At Maid Latte..

“Hey where is she?” Hara inquired when she looked around

“She?” Hyoyeon asked

“You mean, Seohyun-ah!” Taeyeon said. “Seohyun-ah must be at….”


Seohyun looked at the apartment number then back to the small paper she was holding. (A/N: Remember the paper in chapter 27) She did not expect that Kyuhyun would be living in a condominium.

“# 11” Seohyun said. “This must be it.”

She rang the doorbell and in a while she saw Kyuhyun open the door. The guy had bandages on his left arm and right wrist. Kyuhyun was shocked when he saw the unexpected guest.


“Hey, what in the world is this place?” Seohyun still could not believe.

“It’s my house” Kyuhyun answered

“I know!” Seohyun said. “I mean I did not expect your house to be as extravagant as this.”

“hmmm” he mumbled. “So, you came to visit me?”Kyuhyun asked

“Something like that” Seohyun said shyly

Kyuhyun let her enter and led her inside his apartment. Seohyun looked around and noticed that there were no other people.

“Where’s your family?” she asked

“They are not here. I live alone” Kyuhyun said. “I’ve been living here since I started going to middleschool.”

Kyuhyun approached Seohyun.

“Why did you come here?” Kyuhyun teased. “You don’t mind me doing things to you?”

She felt his warm breath against her face. Seohyun placed her palm on his forehead and felt the warmth of it.


“Ehh..” Kyuhyun  answered boredly

“GO TO BED!!!” she instructed. “I’ll borrow a towel, ice and some other else.”

“No, I’ll do it” Kyuhyun refused

“I said go to bed!!!!” Seohyun answered

Kyuhyun bowed his head. “Seo, really yo—”

“Please stay in bed. You Pabo.” she cut him. She paused ranting him and said softly, “Please..let yourself rest.”

Kyuhyun lied on his bed while Seohyun constantly changed the towel on his head.

“You haven’t called your family at all?” Seohyun asked

“It’s not necessary” Kyuhyun answered nonchalantly.

“Why did you leave the hospital so quickly?” Seohyun asked worriedly.

“It was boring” Kyuhyun answered. “Besides, summer break would be over and school will start soon.”

“Yah, how can you go to school like this?” he asked sarcastically. “And are you even eating well?”

He did not answer and avoided her gaze.

Sigh. “I’ll cook you something” Seohyun said. She went to the kitchen and started making porridge for him. When she was done…

“You’ve overcooked it, the rice turned into a white soup” Kyuhyun said. “Prez, so you’re—”

“Yes! I’m not good at cooking!! You have a problem with that?? If you don’t want it, don’t eat!! I’ll eat them all myself!!” Seohyun whined

“I’ll eat!” Kyuhyun said

“Ehhh?” Seohyun asked

“But I can’t use my hand, so feed me” Kyuhyun said which made Seohyun blush.

Seohyun helped him up and fed him.



I was relieved that he was able to finish everything I cooked.

“I’m speechless” Kyuhyun said. “I never knew there was a way to totally kill the natural flavor of food.”

He is starting to tease me again.

“Shut up if you don’t have something nice to say!” I said. “Well, if you can eat like this all the time, then I shouldn’t be worried.”

“How can I leave leftovers?” Kyuhyun said. “It’s the first time I’ve had Seohyun’s home cooking” he said and looked at me.

I blushed when I noticed that unusual stare he gave me. “What are you looking at?”

“Why do you get pissed when people made eye contact with you?” he asked

“Shut up! Look outside the window or something” I scolded

“Arasso” and he looked somewhere else.

I owe him once again. He is mean to me, harasses me and makes me think that he is a erted alien, but…he is always there for me when I need help. On the other hand, I can’t do anything for him.

“Mianhae..” I apologized with my head bowed. “I feel like I’m depending totally on you. I’ve wanted to repay the favors you’ve done for me, but I can’t at all. In the end this is all I can do. I’m so hopeless”

Instead of hearing an answer from him, I was shocked when he surrounded me with his arms to a tight hug.

“You’re so unfair, Seo” he said in my ear

I pushed him away to break the hug. “In what way?”

“I’m actually relying on you quite a bit too” he answered. “So don’t be too hard on yourself”

“You’re lying!” I said

“No, I’m not”

He smiled at me.

What is he up to again this time?

“You really piss me off” I said but he just chuckled.


And that was how the summer break ended


In Chungnam province (A/N: Just made it up)…

“Hero, be sure to take care of yourself there arasso? Don’t skip meals and don’t get sick.” the old woman told a young man

“Ye, halmeoni don’t worry about me. You need to be healthy while I’m away alright?” the lad said. “Yoh, grandpa won’t you be saying goodbye to me?” he said as he approached his grandfather.

“This kid!! You’re that serious in finding that person huh.” the old man said

“Yes, seriously than ever” he answered.

“Alright, go find that person and come back soon. Don’t make your halmeoni too worried for too long” the old man advised.

“Don’t worry harabouji, I’ll come back when you’re on the verge of death” the guy joked.

“Yahh!!” harabouji said. “I’m more worried about you than myself!!”

“I’m just kidding.” he laughed

“Why can’t you just finish high school before finding her? It’s just one semester before graduation.” harabouji asked

“Because I feel it’s the right time.” he said

 “Alright, this conversation is taking you too long. The bus won’t wait for you.” halmeoni said. “Be good at your new school and don’t get involved with any troubles” halmeoni said.

“Ye, annyeonghigasaeyo” he bid farewell to his grandparents. He gave them a tight hug and finally boarded the bus going to Seoul.



Annyeonghasaeyo!! I’m Kim Jaejoong but my grandparents and friends call me Hero. I had that nickname when I was in 3rd grade.

Why Hero? Well, when I was a kid, I wanted to become a superhero and save everyone.

Funny isn’t it?

By the way, the two people I’ve been talking to a while ago are my grandparents. They are really nice, aren’t they? My grandparents own a farm and I help them with the work there. Although we live simply like this, I am grateful that they take care of me very well. I’ve lived with them eversince 4th grade when I became an orphan after a tragic accident. I was sad at first but thanks to them and a very special friend, life had been much easier after that day.

You must be curious where I’m going, don’t you?

I’m going to Seoul..

Yes, in that big city..

To find a person..

That very special friend..

My first love..

The bus stopped and the driver announced that we were already in Seoul. I carried my bag and stepped out of the bus. I felt the Seoul air again. After nearly 8 years, I was back.

I took out a paper on my bag and looked for the address of the school I was going to transfer to.

“First stop, Kyunghee High..”



Several days later..

At Kyunghee High…

“I DEMAND THE CLUBROOMS BE CLEANED IMMEDIATELY!!!” Seohyun ranted on the sports club members

“W-what is this all of a sudden Prez?” a student asked

“IT’S NOT SUDDEN AT ALL” Seohyun said. “I’ve been telling you guys over and over again to clean!! Your clubroom reeks so much that anyone can’t bear to go near it anymore!!”

“What are you talking about? We do our meetings inside the clubroom!” they protested

“That’s because you guys are just as filthy!!” Seohyun answered

“What’s wrong with being filthy? It makes us look tough” a student said

“Hmmmp, anyways we are going to clean this up on Saturday” Seohyun ordered.

“That’ll make forever!” Heechul said. “We don’t want to be here until dark.”

“I bet you’re not even going to give us time to eat.” Hankyung agreed

“Umm everyone” Ryeowook butted in. “We’ll bring snacks, so would you guys clean? We’ll make things like rice balls”

 “Arasso, we’ll clean up this Saturday” everyone agreed and walked away.

“Ryeowook-ssi..” Seohyun said with a puzzled look

“You were surrounded, so I instinctively rushed in. I’m sorry.” Ryeowook said

“It’s fine. Thanks to you, looks like the cleaning will get done.” Seohyun said

“But if you think about it, making snacks for that many people is..” Ryeowook trailed

“Impossible!” Siwon finished

“You thought so too, Siwon-ssi?” Ryeowook asked

“It’s definitely impossible..”Seohyun said. “but the Student Council will do something about it. After all, the cleaning of the clubhouse is a request brought to us by the teachers.”

“I’ll do my best to do them” Ryeowook said

“But I wonder if they would be satisfied with just one rice ball..” Seohyun thought

“I doubt it” a familiar voice said

“Kyuhyun-ssi!” Ryeowook exclaimed. “It’s been a while! You’ve been absent from school for several days, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I was injured a bit” Kyuhyun answered while staring at Seohyun. “Long time, no see, Prez”

“Are you better now?” Seohyun asked coldly

“Yea, thanks to you” Kyuhyun answered

“That’s great” she said and then walked pass by him. “Let’s go, Ryeowook-ssi”

“deh Prez” Ryeowook said but stopped to ask Kyuhyun, “Oh yeah, Kyuhyun-ssi, if you were to have something for a snack, what would you like?”

“Rice porridge!” Kyuhyun answered

Seohyun stopped on her pace and felt her cheeks burn.

“Eh?” Siwon uttered

“No, that’s not what I meant, like snacks for sports events” Ryeowook clarified

“I said rice porridge” Kyuhyun repeated

“Uhmm but rice porridge is a bit..” Ryeowook said. “Ah never mind. By the way thanks, Kyuhyun-ssi”

“hmm I wonder…” Siwon thought


After class, at the SC office..

“Siwon-ssi, I’ll be here until late today so you can go first” Ryeowook said

“Okay” Siwon said

“Vice Prez, could look at this for a moment” Min Soo called

“See you tomorrow, Siwon-ssi” Ryeowook said and went to Min Soo

“You guys are totally buddies now” Seohyun said

“You too, Prez” Siwon answered. “You’ve totally become his girlfriend, haven’t you?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” Seohyun asked naively

“I don’t really understand why you have to hide it” Siwon pressed on

“Seriously, what are you talking about?” Seohyun asked again. (A/N: She is totally clueless ^-^)

“You’re dating Kyuhyun-ssi, right?” Siwon asked

Seohyun widened her eyes. “Are you an idiot?! Quit joking around. Who would ever date that erted alien?” Seohyun defended

“So you went to nurse and made rice porridge for him when you’re not even his girlfriend?” Siwon asked curiously

“H-How did you know that?” Seohyun stammered

“I’m sorry. I just made an educated guess” Siwon answered

“That’s…it’s because I owed him..” Seohyun answered. “So I really had no choice. Don’t get the wrong idea”


“I’m sorry” Siwon apologized again. “I’ll go ahead then”

Siwon went to his locker to get his things. He saw Kyuhyun reading a letter.

“Some people still do put love letters in lockers huh, Kyuhyun-ssi?” Siwon asked

“Aissh what a drag” Kyuhyun commented. “Can you go meet her for me? She said she’ll be waiting for me in the 2nd year room.” Kyuhyun asked Siwon

“H-How could I go?” Siwon stuttered

“Don’t tell me you’re still afraid of girls or something like that?” Kyuhyun asked

“That’s not the issue here” Siwon said

“Then, could you throw this away for me?” Kyuhyun asked showing him the letter


“Gotcha! Just kidding!” Kyuhyun smirked then started to walk away

“Why don’t you date her?” Siwon managed to ask before Kyuhyun could go any further. Kyuhyun stopped. “If getting love letters is such a pain for you, then you should choose just one person. Then I’m sure fewer people will ask you out. And it seems like Prez isn’t very self-aware of her feelings for you too, but she is so..”

Kyuhyun turned to face him again and said with a smirk, “What an interesting thing to say, Siwon-ssi. Is it annoying to watch from the sidelines?”

“’s not like that..”

“I’ll wait for her to realize it herself then”

And he left him just like that


8 pm at the Seo’s Residence..

Seohyun has been practicing making rice balls..

“Unnie what are you doing?” Suzy asked

“Practicing making rice balls..” Seohyun answered. “But I can’t make it go triangular and they keep on falling apart. And I can’t waste rice anymore.”

“How about this for an idea, unnie?” Suzy suggested. “You rip and roll the tissue to rice size, then damp them”

“Great idea, Suzy-ah” Seohyun exclaimed. “Poverty really creates wisdom. Now, I can work on them without hesitation.”

“Do your best” Suzy encourage her sister.



At the Home economics room of Kyunghee High..

“Okay, time to make the snacks..” Seohyun said

“Prez, you don’t look too well. Have you been losing sleep?” Ryeowook asked

“Aniyo. I’m fine.” Seohyun answered. It was keeping its shape by the morning, so I should be able to make them. “Split up into teams and get working on it” Seohyun instructed the SC officers

“Ah, Prez!” Ryeowook said. “Help is here”

“I’ve got some free time” Siwon said

“Ah okay, thanks for coming Siwon-ssi” Seohyun said.


Everyone proceeded on making the rice balls. At the working table of Ryeowook and Siwon….

“Looks like Kyuhyun-ssi is not here today” Siwon observed

“Oh yeah, he’s not here today” Ryeowook said

“Ryeowook-ssi, what do you think of Prez and Kyuhyun-ssi?” Siwon asked

“They are amazing people” Ryeowook answered.

“No, that’s not what I meant”

“What are you asking about then, Siwon-ssi?” Ryeowook asked curiously

“Like, about their relationship”

“Ahh, they are the GOLDEN TEAM!!!” Ryeowook answered.


“They are both amazing” Ryeowook said. “Excel in both academics and sports. They are like a different breed of people. It’s like they are living in a different world. Prez is always helping me. I could help Prez if I could do everything like Kyuhyun-ssi can.”

“Ryeowook-ssi, do you like Prez?” Siwon asked

“Yes, of course I do.” Ryeowook said cheerfully

Sigh. “You’re very honest!” Siwon said

“A-Aniyo.” Ryeowook objected. “I did not mean that in a dating sort of way or anything like that.”

“Yah, Ryeowook-ssi, stop talking and get moving” Seohyun scolded when she heard Ryeowook mumbling.

“Yes Prez! Mianhae”

Meanwhile, the Sports Club Members had been cleaning the clubhouse the whole morning

“I did not expect, that we accumulated this much of a trash” Hankyung said

“Hankyung-ssi, look what I’ve found. I’ve found my missing mirror!!” Heechul said showing him the object.


Back to the Home Economics Room..

“It’s done” Seohyun said. “Finally!! Good work everyone. You’ve all done a wonderful job”

“Eh? What are these strange looking balls doing here?” Siwon asked when he saw Seohyun’s rice balls

“It’s a rice ball, Siwon-ssi” Seohyun said sarcastically glaring at Siwon. “It’s nothing but rice ball, right?”

“Y-yes p-prez” Siwon agreed fearfully

“WHERE ARE OUR SNACKS!!!” loud shouts could be heard and the members of the sports club barged in to the Home Economics room and began to devour the snacks prepared.

 “You guys—” Seohyun said. “Yah!!! Quit wolfing them down!! Are you guys making progress on the cleaning?”

“Look, there are strange balls mixed in here!” the students ignored Seohyun

“Let’s toss them away” another student said and put it aside in a corner.

Seohyun started to get piss.

“This isn’t looking good” Ryeowook said. “I think she’s totally…”

“You’ve all got some nerve” Seohyun said softly. “YOU BETTER GET READY FOR THIS!!” Seohyun burst in anger.

The students stopped eating and saw Seohyun with a scary glare. They literally ran for their lives. (lol)

“Have Mercy!!” they all shouted as they were chased by Seohyun

“The Sports Club members are so courageous” Min Soo said

“Let’s just clean the place up” Ryeowook suggested


5 pm, the cleaning was done so Seohyun went back to the Home Economics room to clean the place up.

“Those guys..”she said. “They left after cleaning the place up”

She approached the table and saw the rice balls she made. “I wish they could have done something about these, too” she said disappointedly. She got a plastic and placed the left rice balls there. She went to the corner, sat on the floor and leaned her back against the wall. She got one of her rice balls and began to eat it.

“The taste is pretty horrible, I’ve got to say.” she said. “This is the result of the whole night practice huh?”

That rice porridge was better than this. Even he won’t eat these.

Then she suddenly felt sleepy. “I’m pretty tired today. I’ll take a nap for a while and head home after.”

And she closed her eyes going into a deep slumber.



I saw Seohyun enter the Home Economics room..

“Those guys…they left after cleaning the place up” I heard her say

I saw her approach the table and said, “I wish they could have done something about these, too” she said rather disappointedly. She took a plastic bag and put some rice balls in it. I waited for her to walk out but she went to the corner instead. She sat down and leaned at the wall. She ate one rice ball and said something but I could not hear her from where I was standing.

She yawned then finally closed her eyes. She must have been really tired. I waited for a couple of minutes before I entered the room.

I approached her and slumped down also. She was quietly sleeping. I got one of the rice balls and tasted it. It was not that good but it was fine. If she would give it to me, I’ll eat them all. After all, it is Seohyun’s rice balls.

I chuckled. “You’re really on a league of your own, neh, Seo?” an unexpected smile crept on my face.

 “Good job for today!!” I tapped her head lightly so that I won’t wake her up. I sat beside her and leaned her head on my shoulder.




I was on my way to get my bag when I passed by the Home Economics Room..

I saw Kyuhyun-ssi, tapping the sleeping Prez’s head. He said something but I could not hear it.

He must have waited for her all day long. Too bad for him, Prez was too tired that she fell asleep.

I then saw him lean Seohyun-ssi’s head on his shoulder.

“I really don’t get it” I said. “Why don’t you tell her how you feel if you care for her so much? Why would you lie like that and keep yourself from pursuing her?”



The next Monday …

Where did those rice balls did those rice balls disappear to? Seohyun asked herself. Really strange things can happen.

“Prez” Kyuhyun called

“Seriously, why do you always come out of nowhere?” Seohyun asked

“Am I?” Kyuhyun asked. “I’m showing up naturally though”

“Aishh forget it” Seohyun said. “You won’t even give me a sensible answer.”


And the classes began..

Class 3-1 was having their music class..

“This is Kim Jaejoong” their teacher said. “He is transferring to our school today. He was born in Seoul but was in Chungnam for 8 years..”

Jaejoong approached the piano inside the room..

“What’s wrong?” the teacher asked him.

“Piano!!!” he said cheerfully

“It looks like she wants to play it” Sooyoung whispered to Seohyun

“Can I play it? Can I?” Jaejoong asked eagerly

“Well, we won’t play the piano for now, Jaejoong-ssi. We’ve got some other lessons.” the teacher said strictly.

“I can’t?” Jaejoong asked with puppy eyes

“You can’t” the teacher said and Jaejoong suddenly felt gloomy

“Poor him”, “He looks sad”, “He really looks sad” the teacher heard the other students say

“I really can’t?” Jaejoong asked again

The teacher pitied him so, “Uhmm…maybe you can?”

“Of course not” Seohyun interrupted. “You can’t spoil him from day one, sonsaengnim. You have to make him abide by the rules.”

“Yes, you’re right” the teacher said

“Jaejoong-ssi, was it?” she asked Jaejoong. “Put the thought of playing the piano away for now. Sonsaengnim said we still have other lessons to learn before playing the piano”

“You’re so mean!!” Jaejoong said

“Yah!! I was just telling what you’re supposed to do!!”

“The Prez is mean” her other classmates said

“You guys keep your mouths shut, too” she scolded them.

“Sonsaengnim, don’t mind them. Just proceed on the lesson you prepared” Seohyun said

“Alright, Jaejoong-ssi, you could sit beside Kwon Yuri”

“Yes, arasso” Jaejoong answered

“Here” Yuri raised her hand so that he would know where he was suppose to sit

Jaejoong went to his seat beside Yuri.

“Hi, I’m Kwon Yuri. Nice to meet you, Jaejoong-ssi” Yuri said

“Nice to meet you too Yuri-ssi” Jaejoong answered.

“Seohyun-ssi, since you are the SC Prez I’ll assign you to tour the new student around after class, okay?” the teacher said

“Deh sonsaengnim” Seohyun answered

“Aisssh why does it have to be the mean girl” Jaejoong whispered




A/N: Sorry i was not  able to update coz i was sick. I felt a little better today so i posted this chap..

Anyway i introduced a new character in this chapter ^-^


Meet the cheerful and talented Kim Jaejoong!!

Watch out for him ^-^

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cj-the-greatest #1
Chapter 56: Wow dieback! This story is really amazing. I have watched maid damage anime and have read the manga as well. At first I couldn't imagine seohyun in misaki' s character at all. But gradually I started to get into the feel of it. I am glad you made seohyun interested in piano in the story as well. Coz I can't imagine seohyun without piano. There's just one thing that I found slightly incompatible. I just can't imagine jaejoong playing hinata 's role. He looks like a bishounen too much of an "it boy". I were in your place I would have chosen jung yonghwa. He gives off the girl next door vibe...also there was another slight incompatibility with yuri playing sakura's character. Yuri is too much of a y tomboy to play a naive character like sakura. I think sunny would have fit this role. Anyways your story your choices. I am not complaining though coz it was too entertaining to read. I am only staring my thoughts on this. Take care. You are doing an amazing job. Keep writing. Hwaiting! kamsahamnida for sharing such a daebak story
cj-the-greatest #2
Chapter 56: Sorry I made many grammatical mistakes in my comment. I forgot to mention if once. I wanted to write if I were in your place. Second I meant yonghwa gives off a boy next door vibe ni
cj-the-greatest #3
Chapter 56: Wow dieback! This story is really amazing. I have watched maid damage anime and have read the manga as well. At first I couldn't imagine seohyun in misaki' s character at all. But gradually I started to get into the feel of it. I am glad you made seohyun interested in piano in the story as well. Coz I can't imagine seohyun without piano. There's just one thing that I found slightly incompatible. I just can't imagine jaejoong playing hinata 's role. He looks like a bishounen too much of an "it boy". I were in your place I would have chosen jung yonghwa. He gives off the girl next door vibe...also there was another slight incompatibility with yuri playing sakura's character. Yuri is too much of a y tomboy to play a naive character like sakura. I think sunny would have fit this role. Anyways your story your choices. I am not complaining though coz it was too entertaining to read. I am only staring my thoughts on this. Take care. You are doing an amazing job. Keep writing. Hwaiting! kamsahamnida for sharing such a daebak story
Chapter 56: Unnie fighting! I will be always wait for youre update. :D :D
Chapter 56: I'm 100% waiting for your update, so thanks for not leaving us behind :p
Yaya808 #6
Chapter 56: Thank you so much for the update!! Miss this story....
Yaya808 #7
Chapter 56: Thank you so much for the update!! Miss this story....
Yaya808 #8
Chapter 1: Hi authornim just started reading wonder it sounds familiar. I love maid sama:) and having Seohyun as heroine!!! Thanks!
Guixuxian0206 #9
Chapter 55: nice update.. cliffhanger in d end.. hope that they will talk first before kyuhyun will disappear.. they will tell what they feel and have some moments that thyre going to cherish while waiting for the right time to come that kyu will comback to seoul again.. have there promises together..
seonai #10
oww its kaichou wa maid it