Waking up the sleeping beast

SHINee Mystery Files


THIS FOR LIKE...A YEAR ALREADY? I REALLY DIDNT HAVE THE MOTIVATION!! SO for the sake of those who still wants to keep reading this I forced myself to update...mianhe everyone...


@flymouth- it was quite a coincidence that you commented here last night for me to update, I was already typing the continuation of the chapter I left hanging hahah somehow you gave me a push to continue it as well. sorry fr the wait.






Onew got to his car hesitating to open it, he knew Key would be there probably fixing up her wound, thinking that she knew what completely happened back there and how Onew got a bit of a scaredy-cat. Onew felt terribly guilty, yes they caught the thief and yes they saved the hostage and yes they retrieved the stolen money. But the thought of not having to pull the damn trigger ticked him off, the fact that he couldn’t save that hostage even if the chances are zero to one, one being his and zero being the criminal’s, and all he had to do was pull the trigger. Jonghyun might be stubborn and childish but he did his job without hesitation, Onew scolded himself that. He suddenly felt a wave of insecurities wash over him, his train of thought was interrupted when Key opened the door of his car and looked at him.

“What are you standing there for? Come in!” Key gestured him to come over and he gave her a weak smile.

“Did you get him?” Key asked with hope in her eyes, Onew was a bit glad she didn’t know the full details yet.

“Uh yeah…we caught him…Jonghyun did a pretty good job.” Onew replied wryly.

“As expected from an ace shooter, well I’m sure you did a pretty good job as well detective Lee Jinki” Key gave Onew a pat on his shoulder giving him a pretty smile.

“A pretty good job messing up!” Onew thought to himself and just nodded at Key as a reply, “I heard you got hurt…”

“Oh it’s just a cut, don’t worry it’s no biggie—OW!” Key yelped as Onew examined her wound.

“What do you mean it’s not big? Because it’s huge? That cut is deep Key; Jonghyun said I have to take you home so I’ll clean your wound there!” Onew went to the driver’s seat and started the engine leaving Key in the back pouting; he noticed that all this time Taemin had been sleeping all along.


“OW! FREAKING FUDGESTICKS!” Key shouted as Onew put antiseptic as gently as he can to her wound, he swore he never heard a woman curse so much in a minute like Key, he thought that he had heard all the bad words escaped from her pretty lips with just a dab of a cotton ball with antiseptic on it.

“And you say that this is no biggie, from your shouts I could tell that it’s really painful…” Onew said sarcastically and dabbed the cotton ball a little harder this time.

“Oh go yourself Onew!” Key hissed at the stinging pain.

“No bad words shall come from you ever again missy!” Onew dabbed he cotton harder and harder making Key yelp a series of ‘Ouches’ and more curses, Onew just laughed at her and finally became gentle. He pulled the sleeve of her clothing lower so that he could clean her wound more but he saw something else, just a few inches under Key’s cut was another wound that was healing, it was an awful color of black and blue that seemed to have a bite mark in the middle.

“YAH! No peeking!” Key said and Onew stared at her, he didn’t realize that pulling down her sleeve caused some skin to be exposed on her chest.

“That’s not what I was looking at! Where did you get this?” Onew asked pointing at her healing wound.

“Oh that…its nothing just a wound I got from getting tackled by one of the guard dogs in the station, they get rabid sometimes you know. Don’t tell Jonghyun okay? Or he will throw a fit to those dogs ha-ha!” Key gave an uneasy laugh and tried covering her wound, “I think I’ll rest now, thanks for cleaning my wound…”

“Just don’t curse at me again while I do that, okay get some rest and I’ll be downstairs waiting for Jonghyun” Onew said and closed the door of Key and Jonghyun’s room.

Onew went downstairs and had found Taemin sitting on the couch with an uneasy expression, the boy’s eyes darted everywhere as if someone was watching him or he had just gone instantly paranoid. One thing is for sure, Taemin wasn’t comfortable.

“Hey come on, let’s go home” Onew approached him and patted his back; the boy flinched from his contact and looked at Onew with a stern face.

“What took you so long?” Taemin asked all of a sudden as if irritated.

“I had to clean Key’s wound, sorry to keep you waiting.” Onew was taken aback by Taemin’s tone and just ignored it, maybe the kid was tired and kept waiting for him downstairs to finish with Key. It was quite a fact that Taemin couldn’t sleep in this house, he was bothered, probably because of the day’s events.

Taemin stood up abruptly and went out of the door, quickly heading to Onew’s car. The detective scratched his head in confusion and just followed the boy into his car and finally driving back to their humble home, putting aside the things that have happened for now.


“N-no…” Taemin whimpered in his sleep, he was having one of those nightmares again that would eventually lead to more screams later. The memories of his past kept coming back again and he stirred in his sleep endlessly, the boy couldn’t take what was happening in his dream and began to cry.

“I don’t want them to die…” he whispered with eyes closed but in his mind the image of dead bodies soaked with their own blood appeared.

“I-I did nothing wrong!” he sobbed, he sees his old self quiver in the corner of the room of that mansion…lonely, weak and so fragile.

“AAAH!” he screamed a desperate scream, eyes widening and snappily sitting up on his bed as beads of sweat fell from the sides of his face. He ran his fingers through his hair looking as if he will lose his sanity any time soon; his breathing became irregular as his chest heaved quite fast. He didn’t want to sleep anymore…he didn’t want those dreams coming back. He pulled his blankets away from him and jumped out of his bed in a hurry; he wore his jeans and a jersey jacket over his shirt and put some money in his pockets, stuffing them in there not caring if they wrinkle.

He knew Onew would have locked the front door already and he didn’t want to disturb the older boy, nor he didn’t want to let him know that he was going for a walk in the middle of the night. He had no choice but to get out of his window, and so he began his escape.

His hands were in his pockets as he walked the cold night, wandering around the streets of the city with his head bent down trying to keep a low profile from those people whom he passed by, who were obviously up to no good.  He had passed a small store and decided to buy some soda; he had gotten himself thirsty because of his lengthy walk.

The boy on the cashier greeted him as he entered and Taemin didn’t even smile back, he got a lot on his mind and just headed to where the sodas were kept. He had a tired face yet his body didn’t want to rest at all, he wanted to do something else than just lie on his bed and scream in his nightmares.

He had gotten himself a soda from the fridge and paid for it, wondering where he would go next as he left the store drinking his soda and continued walking. The path ahead was dark with no street lamps on, the darkness succumb him as he insisted on walking. It was just as dark as that night, he remembered, as dark as the night where he was chained and tortured. He cringed at the memory and kept walking, a small bridge was up ahead and the rippling water of the stream below it made Taemin look.

He followed the path of the stream and it led to an endless horizon of darkness, he sighed heavily gripping his soda, “Will I always be in the path of darkness?” he asked himself glumly and headed to the wooden bridge. There were no railings, it was just as if the bridge’s sole purpose is just to get people to the other side, you couldn’t sight see from there but Taemin stayed there for awhile. He looked at the moon and didn’t even realize that it was full; he wondered why the area around the bridge was so dark even though the full moon in the sky was brightly shining. The wooden bridge creaked as Taemin took his steps, not knowing that it was quite an old one, his foot managed to break one plank when he had carelessly stomped, he realized that the bridge was not safe and so her ran…unluckily the boy slipped and fell from the wooden bridge

“AARGH!” he groaned in pain, thankfully the stream was small and so he was able to lift himself t the bank. He was soaked though, and his sides were hurting from the fall. The darkness didn’t quite help him find a suitable way out. He should just go home, he thought. Onew might get worried if he found out about what happened, he tried touching the ground for support but his hands caught something unusual. Taemin examined the thing with his fingers and realized it was some sort of mask, he was curious on what it was doing there. He grabbed it with him and continued to find a way out until he had reached a steep, a way to get back to the bridge; his muddy shoes tried their best to climb up as he kept holding the mask. Finally he got himself back on the main road and as if on cue, the moonlight flashed giving a little light to the streets, but Taemin widened his eyes seeing what was on his hands.

“N-No…” he trembled, griping the mask on his hand as if he was trying to break it. It was a tragedy mask which had a black diamond print under the left eye, the sight of it just made the boy panic. It was the same mask that his murderer wore on that night at Juvenile Hall, and the way he was facing the same mask now it seems as if the murderer was looking right at him. Scared as he was he threw the mask on the stream, his breathing became irregular again “What if he’s here?” Taemin thought, looking from his left and right.

“What if he’s watching me all along?”

“He’s probably near, waiting for me!”

He was getting paranoid and ran as if someone was chasing him; his left arm began to throb somehow. The pain was intensifying as he kept running but he couldn’t stop, the murderer might be there lurking and just waiting to stab his sharp knife and cut him open. Being in a hysterical state he wasn’t looking where he was going and bumped into two thugs that were smoking in an alley. The other one drop his cigarette because of Taemin and he glared at the shaking boy, grabbing him b the collar.

“Hey kid, you wasted a good smoke, you have to pay for that!” the thug sneered at him, his strong arms gripping on Taemin tightly and his partner behind him laughed.

“Ooh you’re going to get it boy, you just made Jin over here really angry!” the skinny thug brought up his pocket knife that glimmered in the dark, making Taemin wriggle an attempt to escape.

“I think he has money in his pocket, go get it Pete” said Jin as he pushed Taemin on the wall and pinned him there so that Pete could rob him.

The pain in Taemin’s arm worsened and he tried so hard to suppress it, he watched the knife on Pete’s hand with dread, he’s in danger and he couldn’t get away this time.

“Stop moving!” Jin shouted at Taemin and punched him on his stomach, making the boy almost puke out the soda he had drink earlier. Taemin slumped on the dirty ground clutching on his stomach, it was really a bad idea for him to go out at this time of night and he regrets it, but there’s no turning back.

“Ha-ha such a weakling!” skinny Pete snorted and played with his knife, Taemin tried sitting up and rest his back against the wall as the thug with the knife approach him. He knew someone will get hurt, he knew someone will shed blood…the bandages on his left arm loosened and dropped on the ground… Taemin smirked.

Pete had raised his knife aiming to stab Taemin, as the knife went close to his face Taemin’s left hand had stopped it from going any further. Pete was quite surprise to find the kid strong for he had stopped his attack, he was surprised even more when Taemin twisted his arm making the knife fall from his grip as he kept yelling curses and fell on the ground as well. Jin tried to attack, aiming a punch but Taemin’s quick hand gripped on his neck and pushed him on the ground, now the two thugs were groaning on the ground, watching Taemin approach them with wild gleaming eyes.

The boy was not on his right mind; he was laughing to himself then glared at the two thugs writhing on the ground.

“Worthless!” Taemin hissed squatting on the ground beside Pete, the skinny guy widened his eyes in fear, Taemin looked at his left palm, it had been a long time since it was exposed. He saw that prominent cut again; though it was made a long time ago it still looked fresh. His fingers twisted on its own, and the cut started bleeding, only to open up and reveal tiny sharp teeth. It looked as if his palm was grinning to him, a black tongue stuck out from it as well, a mouth had formed on the boy’s palm and it looked hungry.

“What the is that?” Pete tried crawling away from Taemin after seeing the mouth on the boy’s palm, it was quite a freak show to him.

Taemin kicked on his stomach making the thug stop moving, he squatted again and leaned closer to Pete, aligning his palm on the thug’s chest…then Pete started to feel his ribs twisted broken; his loud screams filled the alley making his partner Jin quiver on the side.

Tears started falling from his eyes and he started puking blood, a lump had formed on his chest and it was growing and growing, as if something inside wants to come out. The thug screamed desperately for Taemin to stop but the boy was only chuckling and the mouth on his palm was grinning happily at the growing lump on Pete’s chest…then it burst. Blood spurted everywhere, on the walls and even on Taemin’s face, Pete’s heart was seen through his open chest and Taemin’s left hand gripped on it, the mouth on his palm the heart and ate it quickly.

Jin seeing this gasped and tried moving himself up as he was numbed by his fear, but Taemin wouldn’t let him get away. He had pulled the big guy back with such force that could not be possible for his skinny figure.

“You cannot put it to asleep once you have awaked it…” Taemin said as if trying to lecture Jin as he stomped on the thug’s head, touching his chest with that cursed hand of his.

“Your heart is mine to consume…goodbye” Taemin sing-songs and then loud screams were heard, the only sound that was heard that night and as the boy was done with his act he left the premises, grabbing the bandage onthe ground and escaped with a menaecing grin on his pale face. But as he covered up his blood soaked left hand with tha bandage, his grin turned sulky and he began to cry...he stopped his tracks and looked at his dirty hands.

"What have I done?"

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Chapter 11: Hey, I just found this story and I already read it whole, it's so interesting n_n!!!! I just want to know if you're still updating it??? I really like it and I want to know what happens next. Great work by the way :D!!!!
Chapter 11: Don tell me that Key is actually Key Claud!!! Nice twist!! Keep it up author
Update soon
Chapter 11: Please continue to update this! It's scary but it keeps me going on and on. Fighting!
Chapter 11: PATTY!! you really continue to impress me!! man...once again the chapter is written beautifully, and thank you again for updating it! VERY NICE!! ahhaha love the Onew and grumpy lady scene, well done!!
Chapter 11: i have a feeling that Key is the last claud, and also might be the masked man who is trying to kill taemin .-.
Chapter 10: Waah, when did u posted this? Haha its PERFECT! WEEE WOULDNT WANT IT WRITTEN IN ANY OTHER WAY! I CHOSE THE RIGHT DISCIPLE ! WAHAHAHA NW IM GOING TO B D 1 TO DEMAND FOR UR UPDATES! GOOD JOB PATTY! SANA maraming mag comment ulet,lets bring ds fic alive ,advertiSe muna sa frendx mu lolx
dasun ko lang ni basahon.. sako gd bi.. hehe.. sorry
. This is too good, I swear. I'm not overreacting or anything but this... this is really amazing! I wonder if Key is the last Claud since his... I mean HER (lol) parents were murdered probably by Taemin. It fits since they're all the same age, as what Onew deduced. But I really loved the cliffhanger (despite of making me yearn for more). 3 people needed in the case are missing (or it could be two? hehe). It bugs me to hell but I'm loving the mystery going on in here.

I can't wait for more! I HATE YOU VERY DAMN MUCH FOR MAKING THIS MYSTERIOUS AND AWESOME FIC! (loljk of course you know I wub u berry mucho ;-;)