Chapter 3: A new home...

SHINee Mystery Files



Onew jots down on his small notebook as Taemin tells about what happened on the night that he was almost killed, they didn’t go to the beach just to relax and eat cake, but as officers, Jonghyun and Onew have responsibilities to do, and they got down to business by interviewing the victim.

So far Taemin told them about the features of the criminal, he told them the criminal had a tragedy mask on with a black diamond printed under the left eye, and he cannot tell if it was a man or a woman because the criminal wore clothes that covered his entire body. That was all he was able to say, he didn’t even remember why he fainted.

Jonghyun was his fingers, helping himself with the last piece of cake in the box.

“Sheesh pigging out much?” Onew snorted at him as he put his notebook inside his pocket.

“Want me to shoot your sorry ?” Jonghyun snarled back still munching on his cake.

“That last piece was for Taemin!”

“He doesn’t mind, right Taemin?”

Jonghyun flashed an innocent grin and the boy shook his head, “No, I don’t mind at all hyung…but I thought I heard Onew hyung said to save some for the chief…” Taemin replied and after hearing that Jonghyun choked, he knows that Siwon hates it when someone steals something from him.

Onew laughed very hard knowing that Taemin is joking all along, Jonghyun glared at the two and smirked, “Very funny! Now you two are teaming up against me huh?”

“Sorry, I was only kidding…” Taemin surrendered with a faint smile.

Onew’s phone began to vibrate and he answered the call, he heard Siwon’s voice on the other line.

“Where are you two? Ugh! Never mind just get back here, so did you get anything from him?” Siwon’s a little cranky because of the media outside the station.

“Well we got a little, just the story of what happened that night” Onew replied briefly.

“Well just return here and we have matters to discuss, we found out something too so hurry”

Siwon hangs up and Onew faced Jonghyun, “Let’s go back to the station, chief needs us” he told him then smirks mischievously, “What’s the smirk for?” Jonghyun asked.

“The chief is a little cranky tsktsk…”

“Oh shut up with the jokes already!”

“Who says I’m kidding now?”

Jonghyun ignored him and got to his motorcycle, started his engine and went on first, Onew and Taemin got in the car and drove off to the police station and went directly to Siwon’s office.

“Oh finally you’re here! Taemin could you sit right there, I need to talk to my officers” Siwon pointed to the couch on the far end of his office, Taemin nodded and sat there while Jonghyun and Onew sat in front of Siwon’s desk.

“The officers said that the cameras in Juvenile hall weren’t working when the crime happened, which is quite suspicious because all security cams should be in surveillance 24hours. I’m guessing the criminal had some help inside and we can’t get anything from that person” Siwon stated and Jonghyun frowned.

“Why not?”

“Because he is dead, we think that he is the guard that was found dead in the elevator who was knocked out on his head, he bled to death, he was also the guard who was in charge of the security room and his fingerprints are the only ones found in the controls, he might have been forced or not but the cameras were shut off earlier than the time range of the crime. Eventually the murderer killed him too!”


Onew told Taemin’s story to Siwon, they discussed the case for hours and Taemin fell asleep on the couch, remarkably there was no evidence found pointing against the criminal, he executed a well planed crime and the police have searched the whole juvenile hall for clues but found none. Now it comes down to Taemin’s protection, they can’t let him live inside the station just to keep him safe because he need a real home. They can’t send him to a hotel either because they are not obligated to spend such an amount, Siwon finally decided that the boy needs a house to settle in, but whose house exactly?

“Let him stay in your house sir! You have a nice place there he’ll feel at home right away!” Jonghyun suggested obviously trying to save himself but Siwon sook his head.

“I’m busy. I can’t take care of him and work on the other cases at the same time! Besides…I have company, why don’t you let him stay in your house huh?”

Jonghyun’s eyes widened, “N-no! No way! We have no extra room in the house and I have Key in company remember? Her house, her rules!”

“You can ask her then; just refrain from doing ‘things’ that satisfies you for a couple of nights, we don’t want the kid thinking some strange things!”

“What the—it’s unfair! I totally disagree!” Jonghyun blushes and puffs his cheeks at Siwon who was now chuckling, Onew looked at Taemin sleeping on the couch, he looked peaceful, calm yet pitiful. He doesn’t know why these feelings of pity rages within him, maybe because it’s the first time he met someone so unfortunate in person, or is it because he is just too kind. Onew listened at the two bickering and decided to step in and end their quarrel.

“Break it you guys, we won’t achieve anything by pointing fingers…the boy needs a home and protection, I’ll let him stay in my apartment…I think there is an extra room in there.” Onew sounded more mature than Siwon when his words escaped his mouth, he looked determined and Siwon patted his back, “That’s my boy! Thanks for the sacrifice; I’ll give you some extra cash for the boy’s needs okay? Now that’s a good officer!”  Siwon praised him but Onew just rolled his eyes.

“Why didn’t you think of that sooner dude? You could have saved us the time of debating!” Jonghyun punched Onew’s shoulder playfully agreeing with Siwon, the two are obviously playing along because they don’t want the responsibility while Onew just couldn’t resist taking it.

“Okay Onew, just bring him here tomorrow when you go to work, all of you are dismissed!”  Siwon commanded and said his goodbyes to his officers while Jonghyun left the office relieved. Onew sighed heavily and went o wake up Taemin, he called the boy but he couldn’t hear Onew so he reached for Taemin’s shoulder to shake him, but Taemin’s left hand snappily grips Onew’s wrist. This startled the older boys since Taemin’s eyes are still closed and it seems that he is still sleeping although his hand are still holding Onew’s wrist tightly. The detective didn’t notice the boy’s bandaged hand before and he wondered where Taemin got the wound, soon he was able to wake up and his eyes widened at the sight that his left hand is holding Onew’s wrist, his expression had the mixture of fear and shock. He quickly removed his hand and said sorry to Onew, the detective didn’t mind.

“Quite a reflex you got there…come on, you’ll be staying in my place from now on, resume your sleep there. Don’t worry; I’ll protect you there alright?” Onew offered his hand this time for Taemin to take, the boy looked at it, it seems that Onew is asking for his trust. Taemin grabbed the hand and stood, “Let’s go then…”


They all went home; Jonghyun arrived in his humble home and parked his motorcycle in the garage, Key arrived earlier than him and she is cooking inside the kitchen when Jonghyun suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist, making her jump in surprise almost ruining their dinner.

“Jong, could you be more careful?” Key complained, Jonghyun placed his chin on her shoulder and sniffed her hair. “Aww…my baby is a little cranky, let me help you relax!” Jonghyun massaged Key’s back, it’s one of his undeniable talents. Key stopped cooking feeling Jonghyun’s fingers work on her back, her tension disappeared but she knows where this is going.

“Jong…stop! Save it for later ok? Dinner first!” Key said with emphasis and Jonghyun nodded like a puppy obeying his master.

After dinner the couple prepared for bed, the day proved to be stressful for Key because of all the paperwork stocked on her desk, Key was about to close her eyes when she felt something crawling on her legs. It wasn’t long when she realized that those were actually Jonghyun’s fingers trailing their way up to her legs. He glided himself on Key’s body and soon he was on top of her, planting kisses on her neck, cheek and of course the most favorite part of Jonghyun, her lips.

“Want me to continue?” Jonghyun asked referring to the massage he gave her awhile ago, sounding so eager as he hug Key tightly, feeling each other’s warmth under the sheets.

“Hmm…I just know that massage will turn to something else, not now baby…I got lots of things in my mind and work is one of them, lots and lots of things to organize tomorrow and I want a peaceful sleep! By the way, how is the case doing? Sorry I wasn’t able to help much…” Key faced Jonghyun, their noses touching each other.

“Little progress, if we are talking about Taemin’s killer then damn it he left no clues in the scene and if the killer is someone who wants to take revenge, don’t you think it’s a bit too much?  I mean it happened a long time ago and Taemin was only a kid, besides there wasn’t enough evidence to prove that the boy is guilty of killing those people…its just—“

“Oh Jonghyun, it’s been years since we entered police job but then there is still a soft spot in you huh? Well it’s because you’re a good person Jonghyun, that’s why you couldn’t think of revenge to the extent of stalking someone and killing them.” Key caressed Jonghyun’s face with her forefinger as she smiled sweetly.

“Hmm…maybe, but if I died and the murderer got away with his crime, would you…Key, would you the same thing like what Taemin’s killer did?” it was the first time Key saw Jonghyun’s eyes so innocent, as if he didn’t know the dangers of the world and what people could do to one another.

“Jong…I love you more than anyone and anything, you’re the only one left, you’re the most valuable possession I have…if I lose you I’d go crazy, especially if the cause is injustice…probably I’d do the same thing Jonghyun…hunt down that criminal and punish him, make him regret the evil deed he has done!” a glint of anger in Key’s eyes gave Jonghyun a chill on his back, he has seen her get angry a lot of times but this one is a bit different. He ignored how those eyes depicted hate and just kisses her again to change the mood, “I definitely don’t like serious talks between you and me, let’s just sleep!” Jonghyun turned off the lights and their humble home fell silent under the full moon and the cold night.

“No! N-no, stop!” Taemin protested, his sweat is dripping and his face showed discomfort, he twitches in his bed and he would punch the air once in awhile as if someone is attacking him…a bad dream, a terrible nightmare that has been haunting him for years. The dead re appears in his dream, beating him down to the ground as the dirt touched his skin and soon almost covered all of it. He was still young yet he felt the harshness of the world, such events that happened couldn’t lead you to think that someone would still smile after experiencing such pain.

“Please…stop!” He pleaded, crying in his sleep as if he can still feel the pain that happened a long time ago, and the beatings subsided, the figure whipping him gone like it was swept by the wind. Then, he heard a chuckle, an evil one; it echoed and provoked him, filing his head with the chaotic howl.

“If you want them gone, I can do so…” the voice said, tempting little Taemin to submit himself.

“Who are you?” the little boy asked wiping the blood on his lip, he couldn’t see the person but he can hear him or whatever it is.

“All the people that is causing you pain, they will be gone…do you want that?” the voice said again with a husky chuckle. The little boy nodded immediately, who wouldn’t if one is asked with such a question?

“Then set me free, summon me…be me!”

Taemin could have stopped himself back then, but the urge for the pain to disappear overthrew him, he shouted a couple of times but his young self couldn’t hear him, the little boy accepted the offer and everything turned bloody.

“NO!” Taemin woke up with a stricken face, hands and body shaking with fear, is lips quivered and his breaths were coming up short. A few minutes passed and he calmed himself, gripping the sheets on his bed realizing all of it was a dream; he was ashamed of shouting for he could have woken up Onew who is actually sleeping soundly in the room beside him.

“Forget them Taemin, forget what happened!” He told himself, he drank the glass of water on his bedside table and sighed heavily, he looked at his bandaged hand with hate as he lay his head on the soft pillow. “You are one scar I wanted gone…” he whispered and he heard a reply from a voice that he has been hearing in his dreams, the voice that tempted him, the voice that caused all of the things to crumble before him.

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Chapter 11: Hey, I just found this story and I already read it whole, it's so interesting n_n!!!! I just want to know if you're still updating it??? I really like it and I want to know what happens next. Great work by the way :D!!!!
Chapter 11: Don tell me that Key is actually Key Claud!!! Nice twist!! Keep it up author
Update soon
Chapter 11: Please continue to update this! It's scary but it keeps me going on and on. Fighting!
Chapter 11: PATTY!! you really continue to impress me!! man...once again the chapter is written beautifully, and thank you again for updating it! VERY NICE!! ahhaha love the Onew and grumpy lady scene, well done!!
Chapter 11: i have a feeling that Key is the last claud, and also might be the masked man who is trying to kill taemin .-.
Chapter 10: Waah, when did u posted this? Haha its PERFECT! WEEE WOULDNT WANT IT WRITTEN IN ANY OTHER WAY! I CHOSE THE RIGHT DISCIPLE ! WAHAHAHA NW IM GOING TO B D 1 TO DEMAND FOR UR UPDATES! GOOD JOB PATTY! SANA maraming mag comment ulet,lets bring ds fic alive ,advertiSe muna sa frendx mu lolx
dasun ko lang ni basahon.. sako gd bi.. hehe.. sorry
. This is too good, I swear. I'm not overreacting or anything but this... this is really amazing! I wonder if Key is the last Claud since his... I mean HER (lol) parents were murdered probably by Taemin. It fits since they're all the same age, as what Onew deduced. But I really loved the cliffhanger (despite of making me yearn for more). 3 people needed in the case are missing (or it could be two? hehe). It bugs me to hell but I'm loving the mystery going on in here.

I can't wait for more! I HATE YOU VERY DAMN MUCH FOR MAKING THIS MYSTERIOUS AND AWESOME FIC! (loljk of course you know I wub u berry mucho ;-;)