Chapter 01: The 7 Masters

The Prodigy


The World of Magic changed when the 7 Masters rose to power. Also blessed with Immortality, no one in history could ever stand toe to toe with them and achieve victory. They can only be defeated by their own. A force of nature is the best description for these powerful men and women. True to their name as Masters, they are deadly to anyone who dares to oppose them. Yet to the people they protect, they were not short of kindness. Loved, cherished and respected, the 7 masters are welcomed anywhere they wished to go. The leader, being the just man that he is, made it a commitment that when they help others, it wouldn't be to ask something in return. Due to their actions, the leaders of the world holds with the highest of regards.


            The 7 Masters protected the Earth when an unknown Entity immerges. This Entity and its 6 powerful generals brought chaos and mayhem into the world. Only due to the efforts of the 7 Masters that they were able to subdue the onslaught of this unknown being. They drove it back from whence it came from, but they never got the chance to finish the job because it got away at the last moment. Although, once more the world was back at peace.


            In return to their heroics, the 7 Masters are made the guardians of the seven continents. They are all given the chances to choose which continent they prefer to protect. And the world went into a frenzy of joy and excitement when receiving such joyous news. The young wizards of each continent were thrilled with the thought of having the opportunity to learn from one of the masters. Continents, countries, and cities were in a frenzy when the masters finally placed their picks.


            The 2nd Master chose the biggest continent, Asia. Being the second strongest after their leader,  he is confident that he is capable of leading and teaching the continent. His base of operations is in China because it is where he was born and raised.


            The 3rd Master chose the second biggest continent, Africa. Though she is a lady and the third strongest, she's confident she will make the most of the position she is entrusted with. She also wants to help make Africa prosperous.


            The 4th Master chose the third biggest continent, North America. The fact that she is a native born from one of its countries, she feels it's only suitable that she takes the responsibility to watch over the whole continent including her home town.


            The 5th Master chose her own home continent, Europe. She is royalty of the English heritage. In doing so, she feels it's only suitable she manages her duties as the Princess of England and as the protector of Europe.


            The 6th Master, for the love of his hometown, chooses Australia. Out of the 7 Masters, he is the second master who's already married and with children. He wants to stay closer to home.

            The 7th Master, chooses South America as her home. Her family has lived and stayed in their land so she wants to repeat the legacy that her forefathers have done in the previous life.


            The strongest of the 7 Masters chose the biggest continent yet with the smallest population, Antartica. Married to the love of his life, he chooses to stay closer to home. Out of all the 7, he is the most humble and most kind. The people of his town loves and adores him.


            Decades passed, the world had known only peace. The 7 Masters' bond together was never severed until power started to corrupt the 6 of them. With beings of immense powers, the 7 Masters have brought nothing but prosperity for their respective continents. Yet each of their exploits stirred jealousy towards one another. And soon, a war broke out between them. Things were getting worse until their leader intervened. Accompanied by 10 of his best students, he was able to subdue the masters. The War was over.


            Amidst the chaos, the entity they thought was gone came back. It gathered its forces, hidden away from the 7 Masters. Troops of unimaginable quantity with 6 Generals whose strength are on par with the other 6 Masters. No one escaped the onslaught as the battle rages on for hours. Many had fallen in the heat of this battle.


            Seeing how it would not end, the leader of the 7 Masters took matters into his own hands. The leader of the 7 Masters used a life-consuming spell to imprison the Dark Entity. Even though he is the strongest Wizard alive, he can't defeat the Dark Entity for good. So his last choice was using the Imprisonment spell. However, this spell required a sacrifice. His life which he gladly put on the line to save his comrades and the world.


            Everything happened too fast for anyone to have noticed what was going on. The skies cleared, the battle stopped, and the pain was no more. All of the Wizards rejoiced except for the 6 Masters. They realized what spell was cast and the price that was paid. For them, it wasn't the time to celebrate for their lives would have been a forfeit if it weren't for their leader's sacrifice. And the 6 of them came into a conclusion that a fight between them should never occur again for it is deemed too hazardous for everyone. Instead, they will bond together once more to keep the peace that was tearfully and painfully earned.


            The 6 Masters built schools together in their respective continents to train young Wizards on magic and knowledge. They knew that even though the sacrifice of their leader, the Dark Entity will one day return to wreak havoc upon mankind once more. With their immortality was stripped away due to the unanimous decision of all 6 Masters. They tried to find successors that can carry on their powers to protect the world when the Dark Entity returns.


            The continent that the Leader of the 6 Masters resided in also built a school with the help of the 6 Masters. Yet the difference between the other 6 schools, no one can inherit the powers of the strongest Wizard alive. His son was made the headmaster of the School. Even though he is a powerful Wizard, he could not match up against the 6 Masters. And his school is not as popular compared to the other 6 schools across the globe. The students that attended his school are still high above average numbers, but it's still not enough to compare against the other 6 Schools. It is said that Antarctica's school of Magic is a Dog that's all bark and no bite.


            Centuries upon centuries have passed, and the headmasters of the 7 schools changed each time. Each successor is always stronger than the next. Their ages also vary from someone of the early 30s to someone barely 19 years of age. Yet their powers are as immense as ever. The same also happened for the 7th school, but once again the current headmaster could not match up against the other 6.


            Fate has other plans for the 7th School. From the secluded regions of the Antarctic, a powerful magic surge erupted. A strength that even the 7 headmasters combined could not defeat. But the phenomenon disappeared just as mysteriously as it appeared.









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