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This time I’m determined to do everything right. Wonyoung was right, I should stop running away. We both have done things that to other people may seem irredeemable but this is us. We have always dealt with things differently from others, it’s in our nature.

“I heard Minju’s pregnant again, congratulations.”

Wonyoung, like always, was my greatest support throughout the process of you and I trying to have a baby. She gave us recommendations for new fertility doctors, someone more compatible with me. I was never really involved in your process until the part where they inseminated you and so I never understood until recently how exhausting it must have been for you to go through all the appointments you went through by yourself.

“Thank you.” 

I reached out for the envelope hiding under my keyboard and passed it to her. 

“What’s this?”

“It’s the test result of the baby’s gender, not that it really matters. Minju and I were hoping you could throw us a baby shower?”

Wonyoung’s face lit up. 

“Are you for real?” She squealed.

“It would mean a lot to us.”

“I’ll see you around then I have to start planning. Do you guys want an intimate party? Wait, no, who am I kidding? After all that happened you guys deserve a big one! I have to start calling the other unnies.”

Wonyoung went on and on even after she left my office. I still don’t know how you manage to make me smile as soon as I see you.

“Wonyoung’s going off about a big party?” You asked.

“I told her that we wanted her to throw us a baby shower.”

Minju nodded. “That makes a lot of sense now.”

You slowly walked towards my desk and leaned in for a quick kiss. 

“My dear CEO, are you busy?”

I shook my head. 

“I’m never too busy for my wife.”

I pulled you in to sit on my lap. 

“Everyone can see!” 

You gently hit my shoulders. I look around and fair enough some of my employees are indeed looking through the glass windows. 

“Let them,” I whispered to her ears. “Let them see how much I love my wife.”

“I love you too.” She gets up from my lap. “But since you’re not too busy can I steal you early? I was thinking we could buy some baby clothes. I know we already have some at home but I was thinking we could shop again, together.”

The implication of the miscarriage hangs over us. 

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for the both of you.” I reached out for your hand. “I promise this time I will be there at every step. I will be there at every milestone our child will have. You don’t have to feel alone anymore Minju.”

“Thank you, Chaewon.”

I stood up and grabbed the coat hanging on my chair. 

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I'm back! (sort of) My life has been a whirlwind I finally got into my dream job and ppl when I tell you there's a reason why dreams are dreams. Thoughts? Comments? Also why do I keep hurting Chaewon????


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13 streak #1
Chapter 15: This chapter explains a lot abd makes me hate Chaewon's dad even more. He is a monster and ready to sacrifice anything just for his stupid company.

And Chaewon is ready to do the same just for that company. Maybe she can change. Maybe it isn’t too late for her.
13 streak #2
Chapter 14: I hope that Minju and the baby are okay. What happened must be really terrifying for her and also for Chaewon who might blame herself when the cause of it isn’t really known yet.
13 streak #3
Chapter 13: Things are getting complicated. Hitomi is way too innocent and I am afraid Chaewon is going to hurt her, unintentionally because no matter how hard she tries to deny, her feelings for Minju are still floating in her.

Minju isn't any better, she acts like she still has feelings for Chaewon but hangs out with her mistress.
13 streak #4
Chapter 12: Minju has no right to be mad at Hitomi when she continues to see her mistress. Maybe they aren't continuing they affair but Yujin seems to have intentions of taking Minju away from Chaewon as if she is some kind of prize.

Though Chaewon could spend some more time with Minju now that she is pregnant. To give her support even if hate is still strong.
13 streak #5
Chapter 11: Minju might be holding a deep secret. And her being in psych ward shows that maybe her cheating gor influenced by her mental disorder if that was why she was admitted there.

There are way more secrets and troubles in their family live than both of them expected. Chaewon is up for a ride.
13 streak #6
Chapter 10: So Chaewon also wants to hurt her dad who is not a pleasant person but by hurting others, nothing good will come out of it.

Violence is not the solution. But Chaewon has gone from physical violence to psychological and emotional one.
13 streak #7
Chapter 9: As much as Chaewon might not want to admit it, she loves Minju. So much she even wants their kid to resemble its mom.

Chaewon is slowly becoming like her dad, cold and focused more on his own needs and company rather than his loved ones.

Wonyoung is the only sensible person here. Maybe she can talk some things into Chaewon before she manages to ruin her and other people lives forever.
13 streak #8
Chapter 8: Chaewon should really considerate if she wants to bring another human in this world with someone she hates. That poor child would be miserable no matter how much love he or she gets from both of their parents.

Dad is not a family man. It is like he knows something is off or just wants to punish his daughter for choosing a woman over any potential male supers he might have picked for her.
13 streak #9
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Minju really messed up, made all those promises only to break them once she got the chance.

Yujin is going to cause some trouble, Maybe Wonyoung will put her in the right place. Who
knows, maybe Yujin's heart will start beating
for someone else, that person being Wonyoung. They hate each other though.

I liked this chapter a lot, wedding scenes are one of my favorites even tho the brides weren't happy at all.
13 streak #10
Chapter 6: Minju might have played being hurt but what if there are sincere emotions? However I understand Chaewon not wanting to play this twisted game anymore. Yujin can have Minju to herself, just she shouldn't be surprised when karma gets back at her twice as much.