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The instance of a beginning. 

Theirs took form in a lie. The spider had spun a massive web. She had used deception and lured the prey in. When the prey had realized what she had gotten herself into, it had all been too late. 

Minju studied to become a doctor for one reason, it’s the best way to reach her goal without raising suspicions. Her effort had not gone to waste because on the first day of her job she had met her.

Kim Chaewon. She will be the key to her own family’s downfall. 

“Hey, are you new?”

Minju’s nod was bashful. She has to pretend she doesn’t know her, treat her in the way she isn’t used to.  Her kind of people value attention and approval.

“I’m Dr. Kim, I’m working here for my residency.”

“Is that so?” 

Minju nodded. 

“I’m Chaewon, I kind of also work here. My friend actually works here too, we were supposed to have lunch but she bailed. Do you think you can join me?”

Minju looked down on the chart she’s been holding.

“I’m on call so I really can’t take long breaks.”

Chaewon grinned. The sight brought peculiar feelings into Minju’s heart. It had felt empty for years, numbed by the traumas she had experienced, and yet she could feel it beating .

“That’s okay, we can go to the cafeteria. I don’t like their food but it will do just fine. That way you won’t be too far and I’d have someone to be with for lunch. Win-win situation if you asked me.”

Reluctantly, Minju agreed, she isn’t too sure if this is too soon but who was she to go against fate when Chaewon is coming to her on her own will. Chaewon led her towards the cafeteria which Minju hasn’t learned about yet. It was quite empty since it was only nearing ten in the morning. The buzz from the breakfast is over and lunch is yet to come.

“How’s your first day going so far?”

Chaewon was having a sandwich and Minju decided to have the same. 

“It’s been pretty slow although I don’t really want to jinx it.”

Chaewon chuckled. “I understand the feeling. I’ve been around doctors most of my life.”

“Yet I’m assuming you’re not one?”

She smiled then shook her head. “I mostly do paperworks, technically I work with the hospital, not work in one.”

“So like a partner of some sort?”

Chaewon shrugged. “Something like that, I guess.”

Just as they were about to finish their lunch, Minju was paged. 

“I have to go.”

Chaewon wiped with a napkin. 

“I’ll be leaving too. Give me a call when you’re on your break. I might just be around.”

Chaewon handed her calling card to Minju, it has Chaewon’s number which the doctor planned to never call. The second time they met was a week after and it was by accident again. Minju felt lucky because she heard from the other staff that Chaewon only visits to see her best friend. 

“Your friend bailed on you again?”

Chaewon nodded.

“One of her patients extended their appointment. Do you want to have lunch?”

“Lucky for you, my shift just ended so we can go eat somewhere else.”

Chaewon chuckled. “I guess you’ve caught on to my hate for hospital food.”

“I have.”

Minju played along with Chaewon’s antics.

Their story continued with that. Lunches and flirtations. Chaewon eventually told about her background which Minju pretended to not know. Eventually, Chaewon asked her to be her girlfriend. Her father was not happy about their relationship and was cut off.

“This is not how the plan’s supposed to go.”

Minju is pacing while Yujin is sitting on the couch. She came over to her best friend’s apartment once she felt like Chaewon could be left to herself.

“Minju, calm down. Chaewon is an only child. Her father would have to take her back eventually unless he wants his precious company to be handled by someone else.”

Minju nodded.

“What if you’re wrong? What if we have to do something?”

“Stop thinking like that, I’m never wrong. For now, just pretend to care. This is one of her lowest moments and an even easier way to make her think that you actually love her. I promise, after this I know that everything will sail smoothly.”

Just like what Yujin told her, Minju stayed and never left Chaewon’s side. She tried to build back what Chaewon’s own parent’s destroyed. Minju couldn’t understand how her family’s approval meant a lot to her when her father hated her and her mother probably cared too little. 

Minju was taken aback one time when she saw Chaewon in her weakest moment. A sight she thought she would never see. The girl was too proud and strong.

She sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. She was staring into nothingness. Chaewon’s eyes reflected her soul. She was hollow and weak, nowhere near the vibrant girl Minju had first met.  Minju had the urge to hug her so she could wh

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I'm back! (sort of) My life has been a whirlwind I finally got into my dream job and ppl when I tell you there's a reason why dreams are dreams. Thoughts? Comments? Also why do I keep hurting Chaewon????


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13 streak #1
Chapter 15: This chapter explains a lot abd makes me hate Chaewon's dad even more. He is a monster and ready to sacrifice anything just for his stupid company.

And Chaewon is ready to do the same just for that company. Maybe she can change. Maybe it isn’t too late for her.
13 streak #2
Chapter 14: I hope that Minju and the baby are okay. What happened must be really terrifying for her and also for Chaewon who might blame herself when the cause of it isn’t really known yet.
13 streak #3
Chapter 13: Things are getting complicated. Hitomi is way too innocent and I am afraid Chaewon is going to hurt her, unintentionally because no matter how hard she tries to deny, her feelings for Minju are still floating in her.

Minju isn't any better, she acts like she still has feelings for Chaewon but hangs out with her mistress.
13 streak #4
Chapter 12: Minju has no right to be mad at Hitomi when she continues to see her mistress. Maybe they aren't continuing they affair but Yujin seems to have intentions of taking Minju away from Chaewon as if she is some kind of prize.

Though Chaewon could spend some more time with Minju now that she is pregnant. To give her support even if hate is still strong.
13 streak #5
Chapter 11: Minju might be holding a deep secret. And her being in psych ward shows that maybe her cheating gor influenced by her mental disorder if that was why she was admitted there.

There are way more secrets and troubles in their family live than both of them expected. Chaewon is up for a ride.
13 streak #6
Chapter 10: So Chaewon also wants to hurt her dad who is not a pleasant person but by hurting others, nothing good will come out of it.

Violence is not the solution. But Chaewon has gone from physical violence to psychological and emotional one.
13 streak #7
Chapter 9: As much as Chaewon might not want to admit it, she loves Minju. So much she even wants their kid to resemble its mom.

Chaewon is slowly becoming like her dad, cold and focused more on his own needs and company rather than his loved ones.

Wonyoung is the only sensible person here. Maybe she can talk some things into Chaewon before she manages to ruin her and other people lives forever.
13 streak #8
Chapter 8: Chaewon should really considerate if she wants to bring another human in this world with someone she hates. That poor child would be miserable no matter how much love he or she gets from both of their parents.

Dad is not a family man. It is like he knows something is off or just wants to punish his daughter for choosing a woman over any potential male supers he might have picked for her.
13 streak #9
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Minju really messed up, made all those promises only to break them once she got the chance.

Yujin is going to cause some trouble, Maybe Wonyoung will put her in the right place. Who
knows, maybe Yujin's heart will start beating
for someone else, that person being Wonyoung. They hate each other though.

I liked this chapter a lot, wedding scenes are one of my favorites even tho the brides weren't happy at all.
13 streak #10
Chapter 6: Minju might have played being hurt but what if there are sincere emotions? However I understand Chaewon not wanting to play this twisted game anymore. Yujin can have Minju to herself, just she shouldn't be surprised when karma gets back at her twice as much.