
Bad Bye


Levi was waiting for his Mama outside his school gate. His friends have left earlier on. Mama was late again. But he knew his Mama had to work and raise him single-handedly. He couldn’t complain because she cares about him more than her own life.


His lips curved into a huge smile and then he waved happily at his mother. The 8-year-old then ran towards his Mama’s car.


“How are you sweetheart?”

“Good! Look! I won first prize again!”

Yongsun picked up the painting and smiled softly. It was a painting of her wedding photo with Wheein. The boy saw it by chance two days ago and asked for her permission whether he could paint this photo. She relented.

“Wow, this is really good. How come you never showed me?”

“I want this as a surprise! And today is Mama’s birthday. Levi wanted to give you this as a birthday gift! How could I let you see it before your birthday?”

He pouted his lips and folded his arms. Yongsun was tickled by her son’s behaviour. For some reason, this boy was becoming more and more like Wheein especially his agyeo. Maybe it was Wheeins’ speciality and her son inherited it.

Yongsun stretched her arms out and Levi climbed onto her lap; he gave her a tight hug. Yongsun was consoled. 8 years have gone by and Wheein was still in her slumber. Most people would have given up but Yongsun and Levi were reluctant to.

“Happy Birthday, Mama.”

He whispered softly and Yongsun held back her tears. What has she done to deserve this boy as her son? How could she not love him with all her heart? She would die for him if she needs to.

“Thank you, Levi. I love you.”

“Love you too, Mama!”

“Let’s get home.”


The mother-son pair were in high spirits. They were singing in the car and Yongsun was really amazed at Levi’s intelligence. His teacher once told Yongsun that Levi has a gift for Art and an excellent singer. He might be only 8 years old, but his voice was clear and soothing.  He had a lot of little girls who adored him.

She was proud of Levi. And Levi was just an exact replica of Wheein except for the fact that he’s a boy and he’s tall for his age. Perhaps his father’s genes were imparted on him too. Oh, Yongsun met his father who was a doctor. He was a little surprised to find out that he has a son but nevertheless, he has been a supportive figure to Levi. He might not be here all the time but when he was needed, Levi’s father would step up as his father. Oh, and he’s gay so women were not his kind.  I don’t think I need to explain further.

They reached their apartment and it was just like a typical afternoon. Except for the fact that their apartment was filled with people.

“What on earth is going on?!”

Yongsun was shocked the moment she opened the door; a frisbee just brushed past her cheek. Moonbyul was the culprit.

“Unnie! Surprise!”

“Happy Birthday, Kim Yongsun!”

Everybody was there including Levi’s father. And even Dr V was there too.

“Dr V, you’re here too?”

“Levi invited me.”

“Levi what?”

She turned around to find Levi carrying a birthday cake in his hands. That was when Yongsun realized. Her son has planned this birthday party for her. Her 8-year-old son did it.

“Was this your idea, sweetie?”

“Yeah! I just wanted to make you happy today.”

Yongsun smiled. She got on her knees and took a closer look at her precious boy. Of course, she was staring back at Jung Wheein, the male version.

“Make a wish and blow the candles, Mama!”

Every year, Yongsun’s wish would be the same – Jung Wheein to wake up and be with her again. And this year, it was still the same.

“Ok, done!”

“Let’s eat!”

Levi made his way to his grandmothers. Both my mother and Wheein’s mother adore this boy so much that sometimes I felt that they were pampering him too much. But I didn’t say much. Levi is the antidote to the pain the family has suffered ever since Wheein’s accident.

I looked around; everyone was having a good time. Dr V and Levi’s father were chatting. I guess, both are doctors, well technically even though Levi’s father is a rocket scientist. They probably understood each other’s lingo more than anyone else here.

Moonbyul was hugging Hwasa. These two had come a long way. They were just friends when I first met them. Moonbyul was my junior from high school but we lost contact. I saw her again when Wheein introduced her best friend, Hwasa to me; Moonbyul was there too. Apparently, the 3 of them met at a club and had been friends for the longest time. Moonbyul was glad to see me again and she told me about her huge crush on me. She said that was the stupidest moment of her life because she had never confessed to me. She said she was too chubby then. I remembered her but I thought she was adorable.

And now, because of Wheein’s accident, the two got closer. Hwasa needed someone by her side and Moonbyul was always there. No matter how busy she would get with her work, Hwasa would remain her priority. She would run off from whatever she was doing whenever Hwasa needed her. So, it was natural for them to get together when Hwasa realized how much she depended on Moonbyul. I was so happy for them when Hwasa shyly confessed that she was seeing Moonbyul and they were getting serious lately. I wished them all the best.

I then focused on Wheein’s mother. She had grown thinner over the years, but I took the liberty to invite her to stay with me and Levi. She was getting old and nobody was there to look after her. Thankfully, she agreed, and she had helped me with Levi. I was still a novice Mom but Wheein’s mother skilfully took over those little things that I was still unaware of. She cooked for me; she did the laundry and kept the house clean. But I know she misses Wheein. Sometimes I would hear her sniffling and when I peered into her bedroom; she would be staring at Wheein’s photo when she was a child. My heart sank. Of course, she misses her daughter the most.

My parents and my sister – they were my pillar of strength. Sometimes when I felt burnt out; or when I felt like I couldn’t go on anymore, they would come to my rescue. Omma would take Levi home with her on alternate weekends; I had to give Omoni some time off for her own things. So, it was such arrangement that got my family close – Wheein’s family and mine. We would take turns to look out for Levi and of course, me. My sister got married and had a family of her own. But she would bring Levi with her whenever she goes out for a family outing. My brother-in-law has always been the understanding man. He was the one who suggested that Levi should join them for their family outings. So far, Levi had travelled more often with my sister and her family and he enjoyed it tremendously. He was the hyung to my sister’s children. He took care of them.

My sister often reminded me that I have the best son in the world. I never denied that. Levi Jung. He has been great. The first time I took him; the first night I spent with him alone – it was the most painful moment yet I felt blessed. I could still recall that first night I took him home – he was 2 months old. He was finally discharged after gaining weight and was in clean bill of health.

He wasn’t tiny anymore and he was such a cutie pie. I couldn’t take my eyes off him as I laid him next to me. The queen size bed was once lonely because Wheein wasn’t around but now, I have my son with me. I sat in front of him; he was staring up at me with his little pacifier in his mouth.

“It will just be you and me. I’ll take good care of you, I promise.”

I whispered softly and then he gave me a smile. He cooed for a bit and then he stretched his arms out. I watched him as he actively kicking his legs up in the air. He was such a happy baby that I couldn’t afford to be in depression; not when my son was so lovely like this.

I often felt that he was my saviour. He made me realized that life was supposed to be this tough but with all the laughter and joy we shared together; I somehow understood that I could carry on living with a little tiny weeny bit of hope and happiness.

Levi’s my happiness. He created that belief and I was inclined to take it. Raising him up on my own – I initially thought it was tough but god, no. He made it easy for me. He didn’t cry at night; he slept through. And he woke up; he was always smiling. That little smiley child was the reason why I continued to live my life even though Wheein was missing in action.

I took videos; photos and made collages of his baby years to toddler and now an 8-year-old budding painter. That’s my son; that’s my Levi. And I brought him to see his mother every single week. Since he was just an infant till now; and Levi would always be in a good mood when we visited Wheein at the hospital.

He would spend time talking to her. He would massage her and sometimes read her a story. He never gave up hope.

“Mommy, Levi’s going to wait for you. Even if it takes you forever to wake up.”

This often left me in pieces. I couldn’t undo the pain in his heart; the pain of not having his Mommy with him as he grows up. I blamed myself for being incompetent.


I woke up from my silent reverie. Levi was sitting on my lap; cupping my cheeks with his tiny hands. I smiled.

“Yes, sweetie?”

“What are you doing?”

“I was just thinking of you when you were a baby.”

“Was I a good boy?”

“You were more than that. You’re an angel.”

“Because you and Mommy are angels too!”

Of course, you are. You’re always my little angel. I kissed him on his forehead, and he hugged me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and then smiled widely. Whenever he does that, Wheein popped up on my head. Because when he smiles, he is Wheein.

“Mama, I have another gift for you!”


“Come with me. It’s in your room.”

He got up on his feet and pulled me up as well. He then engulfed his tiny hand with mine and dragged me along through the hall. Everybody was watching us with huge smiles on their faces. Dr V was exceptionally happy for some reason. I gave him a wary look and he shrugged his shoulders. But nevertheless, Levi steadily pulled me along until we stopped just outside my room door.

“Go on, Mama. Your greatest gift is in the room.”

I chuckled softly.

“Where do you learn to be this romantic?”

“Byul Omma!”

Of course, that greasy moonstar. She managed to pass on her legacy to my son.

“I’ll wait here. Mama go in yourself.”

“Okay, sweetie.”

I opened the door; it was just darkness. Levi closed the door behind me, and I struggled to look for the light switch. The darkness was blinding me and when I finally found the switch; I turned it on. I quickly turned and I was stumped.

A woman was sitting on a wheelchair. Her smile was wide. She was thinner than I could remember but that familiar smile on her face got my heart breaking into pieces. I instantly slumped to the floor with a loud thud; she pushed herself towards me.


Her raspy voice called out to me. I had almost forgotten how she sounded like.

“Is this a dream?”

I stuttered as I tried to hold back my tears. She pulled my arms and I went on my knees. She tucked me in between her legs, and I leaned on her. She touched my cheeks with her warm palms. It felt surreal; and all the pain came at once. I had to break down.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. I’m so sorry for putting you through all this.”

“Wheein ah, what took you so long? I struggled so much to stay alive.”

“I know, sweetie. I know everything. I heard all your cries when I was on that bed, comatose. And I felt like dying each time you cried next to me.”

I finally broke down. It was a horrible sight as tears fell profusely. She just held me closer and hugged me tightly. She broke down too.

“I’m sorry, Yongsun unnie. I’m so sorry. I’ll make it up to you for the rest of my life. I promise. I’m not leaving ever.”

My birthday wishes this year had come true.


The party was over. It was a bittersweet reunion where everyone; almost everybody broke down together. Tears were abundance and everyone was tearing up; crying and I was the worst. The agonizing cries attracted the people outside the room. Hwasa burst into the room; hugging me and Wheein in her arms.

“Unnie, calm down!”

I kept crying; brawling and I was in complete pain. It just came at once and the heart was aching so badly. Wheein was struggling too. Moonbyul stepped forward and pulled the 3 of us in her embrace. Levi staggered forward and knelt in front of me. He had never seen me in this worst state of my life before. Only Moonbyul did when I got drunk and kicked myself like .

“Mama, are you okay?”

He was worried for me. He probably thought he made a mistake.

“Did I make you cry?”

“No, sweetie. No, you didn’t.”

“But Mama never cried like this before. Levi’s scared.”

I pulled him into my arms and hugged him. I kissed his forehead umpteen of times; whispered sweet nothings to him. He must have been terrified to see me like this. My son didn’t deserve this. He deserved better.

Then Wheein pulled him away from me and took him in her arms. She looked at him; tenderly. Gosh, that look on Wheein’s face – she must have been regretting a lot of things. No, Wheein didn’t have to feel this way. It wasn’t her fault either.

“No, Wheein. You’re a great mother. You kept him alive and delivered him into this world. You gave Levi to me so that I could live on. So, don’t ever think that you’re a bad mother.”

I whispered to her. Hwasa and Moonbyul looked on; Hwasa gently ruffled Levi’s hair as our cries subsided and our lips curved into soft smiles. We were smiling at each other.

“Unnie, Levi was the one who brought Wheein home. He was the one who spurred Wheein to wake up from her long coma.”

Hwasa suddenly spoke up. I was taken aback.

“Changsub oppa sent him to the hospital before. Do you remember the day you had to stay late at work? Changsub oppa offered to send him home? Levi asked him to bring him to the hospital instead.”

My eyes grew larger. I didn’t manage to visit Wheein at the hospital because of the work load. So, I got Hwasa and Moonbyul to assist me because Wheein would get bed sores if she stayed in the same position for the longest time.

“You mean, Wheein woke up and I wasn’t informed about it?”

This time, Wheein took my hand. Levi took comfort with Hwasa. He loves Hwasa’s hugs. Well, he had always enjoyed Hwasa’s hugs because of her comfortable front. Boys will always be boys.

“Levi spoke to me when I was in comatose. He said you have been crying too much that it hurt him. He even said if it was too much for me to handle, then I should let go too. He was not going to make you or me suffer anymore. Maybe if I let go, then it will be easier for all of us to move on. But I refused to do that. I needed to wake up because I wanted to stay.

Then out of sudden, I was out of breath. I felt like a black hole me into this vacuum and I couldn’t see anything. I heard voices but the words were too muffled. The voices were too distant.”

Wheein recalled that frightening moment when she thought she would die and leave them for good.


“Jung Wheein, can you hear me?!”

It was too distant. I couldn’t make out the words, but the voice sounded urgent. I felt pressing on my chest; and felt sudden pain all over my body. I couldn’t open my eyes; it was total darkness and I fought hard to stay alive.

“Defibrillator! Hurry! Okay, everyone ready? Now, clear!”

I felt sudden shock; like an electricity just zapped through my heart.

“Again, 250. Clear!”

Once again, I felt it. Am I going to die?  It has been so long. Then out of sudden, I heard a small voice calling out my name.

“Mommy! Wheein Mommy!”

Levi! Oh my god, Levi! My baby!

“Levi, what are you doing here? Get him out!”


“Again, 300. Clear!”

I couldn’t hear anything but Levi’s cries. Was he watching me; dying in front of him? No, my baby is too young to witness this pain. God, please. Let me wake up. Let me be with them. You have punished me for far too long.

Then suddenly, it was total darkness.


“Wheein-shi, can you hear me?”

I could hear the same male voice. But this time, it was close enough. He called out again.


I tried to open my eyes; there was an instant blinding light covered over me. I winced.

“It’s okay, take your time.”

What was going on? But I did take my time before I opened my eyes fully. At first, there were shadows; and then I could see blurry faces peering over me. I squinted my eyes before I glanced to my left.

I saw a man with a white coat; looking at me; nurses surrounded him and then I saw a couple of people whom I was slowly trying to recall.

“Wheein-shi? Can you see me?”

I focused on him; then I nodded.

“Thank god! Oh my god, you’re alive!”

I wasn’t too sure if he was crying or he was overwhelmed but I could feel headache coming on. I was still trying to get used to my surroundings. Then suddenly I heard a familiar voice.


Hwasa. I immediately opened my eyes and then turned to look for that voice. She was next to my right; holding my hands tightly. Her face was blurred at first but when my focal point become focused; she was in my focal view now.


God, I was so glad to find a familiar face. She leaned closer and hugged me.

“Oh my god, you’re back. Oh my dear god, Wheein ah! I miss you so much!”

“How long was I in coma?”

“9 years, Wheein. 9 years and you were just silent.”

9 years? I was out for that long?!

“But all that didn’t matter anymore. You’re here now. That’s all that matters now.”

I closed my eyes and nodded. I was feeling lethargic and I didn’t have much power in my body; I couldn’t move my limbs that much. 9 years – wow, what the hell have I been doing all this while?


A soft could be heard. A voice of a young boy filled my heart. And I recognized that voice. I turned slightly and came face to face with a boy who looks like me.

“Levi? Is that you?”

I managed to speak; he was still standing awkwardly; not sure what he should do. Moonbyul was behind him; holding him by the shoulders. I slowly sat up; I wanted to look at him properly. The son who grew up without me by his side for the last 9 years – Levi Jung. Hwasa held me up and I managed to lean on the back of my headrest.

My eyes filled with tears; god he’s so handsome. His two dimples on his cheeks; his porcelain white skin and his small eyes; just like mine. I created this beautiful boy. I stretched my arms out slowly; and Moonbyul gestured him to move forward.

Without hesitation, he leapt on the bed and slammed against my chest. I quickly engulfed him in my embrace and cried non-stop. He’s 8 years old. I lost 8 years of my lifetime – I didn’t watch him grow up since young.

“I’m so sorry, Levi.”

He shook his head but still buried his face in my chest. He smells good; Yongsun unnie has brought him up well. Wait, Yongsun unnie!

I quickly scanned around the room, but she wasn’t there. But Levi pulled away and looked at me. Somehow, he knew.

“Mama is busy at work. Mommy, did you wake up because you heard me?”

“Yes, I woke up because I heard you. I could you hear talking to me all the time.”

“This is great! You woke up just in time. Mama’s birthday is 2 days’ time!”

“That’s right! Yongsun unnie’s birthday is coming up! Oh my god, Wheein ah, you’re going to make her happy for this year’s birthday.”

Moonbyul added on. Just then, I saw Hwasa leaning closer to Moonbyul. She held on to Moonbyul’s arm. I looked on and then gasped.

“You two are together?”

“Yeah, we got closer because of you. I was dying inside when you got into that accident, Wheein ah. If not for Moonbyul unnie, I might give up on myself too.”

Hwasa gave a quick peck on Moonbyul’s lips. I smiled apologetically.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sleep for this long. I tried hard.”

“Well, welcome back, Miss Jung.”

The man with the white coat stretched his hand out. I took it quickly and he gave a firm hand shake. He then told me what happened and introduced himself. I was grateful for him. He kept me alive.

“Actually, Levi was the one who kept you alive. I wasn’t too sure if you could remember anything but your heart started beating again when we put Levi next to you. He was just born 10 minutes earlier, but he had that soothing effect on you. It was a miracle.”

I looked at Levi again. He smiled widely. I thought it would be awkward and weird for the two of us since I wasn’t a part of his life when he was growing up. But he made it so easy for me. I guess, we had that bond nobody could tear it apart. He came from me.

“Mommy, can we surprise Mama?”


“Can you come home on Mama’s birthday? Let’s throw her a surprise party!”

With that, I waited 2 days before I could see Yongsun unnie again.


Wheein was on the bed. I was on the sofa. The two of us were staring at each other. There were too many words to say but I couldn’t open my mouth. The pain was still there; and I was desperately trying to get rid of it. But I guess it was just too overwhelming.

Wheein struggled too. It was not easy for her either. 9 years and then suddenly she had a son and her life was turned around instantly. But we both knew that tomorrow would be a better day for us, and the future would be great.

However, for now, we needed to focus again. I was lost for words now that she was in front of me. Levi was with Moonbyul and Hwasa. He had too much to handle especially when I cried like a baby and he was helpless. He thought he hurt me. That silly boy.

So, I asked Moonbyul to bring him home; allowing me to sort things out with Wheein. After 10 minutes of silence, Wheein finally stood up and gingerly walked over to my side. She had difficulties but she forced herself. I immediately went to her and scooped her up in my arms. Then gently I put her down on the sofa with her sitting in between me. All this while, her gaze never left mine.

How awkward this could be? We shouldn’t be feeling like this. We love each other so why were we behaving like as though we were strangers.

“I will make the effort.”

She suddenly spoke up. I kept my silence.

“I think you have been living without me; your heart was probably frozen because I was not by your side.”

“Wheein, I don’t know. It just hurt so badly.”

“I’m not blaming you, baby. I’m not blaming anyone. I guess, this is my chance to love you and let you feel my love again; give you everything and care for you for the rest of our lives. I’ll do the job.”

I didn’t say much.

“But if one day this is just too much for you to take, let me know. I’ll leave.”

“No, don’t. Please. Give me some time. I’ll come around.”

“Take all the time in the world, baby.”


But it didn’t take long. A week later, I found myself missing Wheein even though she’s right in front of me. Levi was incredible. He grew closer with Wheein and I swear he’s fond of her. Mommy there, Mommy here. In his life, only Wheein matters.

“Mama, I love you too.”

“But you have been spending so much time with your Mommy. Mama is not needed.”

“Who said? Mama is smart. You teach me English better than my own tuition teacher.”

“How can that be? I hired him to teach you because he’s supposed to better than me.”

“Oh, just take it as I don’t like him.”

“Geez, Levi.”

Wheein was watching us with a smile on her face. She has been going for therapy classes to help her with mobility. She was able to recover faster than expected. She has been an excellent housewife; she cooks, she cleans, and she washes our laundry. She was like a typical wife and most importantly, she took her role as a mother seriously.

“I’ll heat up your food.”

Unfortunately, the distance between us was not getting closer. I still felt like as though we were learning how to be together once again. Well, she tried her best. And I know she didn’t want to push too much with me. But she’s hurting. And I know that really well.

But that night, I suddenly found myself missing her. We were lying in bed; she was dozing off while I watched her falling asleep. Wheein’s beautiful. Everyone knew that. And Changsub was chiding me for being dumb.

I started to rethink. My heart was feeling all sorts of emotions. Heart strings tugging at many different areas and I knew losing Wheein is not going to happen again. I leaned closer and put my arms around her waist.

Then I recalled Changsub’s conversation with me earlier on. It still hurt thinking about it.


“Your wife is back yet you behave like as though you lost a universe and that she owed you because of the pain she put you through.”

“What do you mean?”

“How long are you going to be like this? Wheein wasn’t doing it on purpose. You’re lucky that she’s fine now. No permanent damage; no brain damage. She was as good as new, yet you treat her coldly.”

“I didn’t. I just felt weird.”

“She didn’t cheat on you. She got into a bad accident; her skull fractured; she could have been brain damage because she was in a coma for so long. But no, she fought back and returned to your side. What else do you want her to do?”

I kept quiet. Changsub made sense. Well, he does all the time. He looked at me before patting on my shoulder.

“God returns your family to you. Shouldn’t you do something about it? Is your feelings matter that much that you were willing to overlook and throw away what you had with Wheein before? What if she decided that it wasn’t working and then she walked out of your life once again? Will you be willing to accept that?”

Hell no. Not again.  I shook my head vigorously.

“Then stop brooding and get over it. Learn to love again and I swear, you will love her even more.”


I woke up with Wheein in my arms. The sun shone on my face and it felt warm. But my arms felt warmer because Wheein was hugging me tightly in her sleep. I pulled away gently before staring at her face.

I need to stop. I need to stop over-thinking. I need to get over this awkwardness and learn to love her like I did before.

But before I could even think of what I should do, she pulled me closer with her eyes closed.

“I love you, Unnie. I’ll never stop. And I’m not giving you or us up. If it takes me another 9 years to win you over or even forever, trust me I’m staying put.”

Gosh, what am I doing? Why am I still so stupid? I shook my head and then left a lingering kiss on her forehead. Not anymore. Stop it. Kim Yongsun, stop being stupid for god sake.

“No, you don’t have to. Let’s start today. I want to be with you, Wheein ah.”

She finally opened her eyes. Tears b in her eyes and I mentally slapped myself for making her cry. How long more do you intend to hurt her, Kim Yongsun?

“Don’t cry. I’m sorry. I’m not letting go either. You have always been mine and always be.”


“Mama, you’re late!”

“It’s only 5 minutes.”

“Mommy is never late when she picks me up.”

“Then ask Mommy to pick you up next time.”

“She wanted to. You were the one who volunteered.”

Gosh, my 11-year-old son was getting rebellious. Honestly, he loves his Mommy more than he ever does with me. Well, I was a little strict and somehow the disciplinarian in the house. Wheein was the angel.

But this boy just knew how to pull and push. He suddenly leapt closer and hugged me. I was a little stunned by his action that I questioned his gesture.

“What is this supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. I just wanna say I love you!”

My heart melted. So much for being a tough mom. This boy can melt you within seconds. He needs to stop hanging out with Moonbyul.  Moonbyul’s rubbing too much of her greasiness on my Levi.

“Stop hanging out with your god-ma.”

“She’s excellent with her pick-up lines.”

“You’re just 11. What kind of pick-up lines are you trying to learn?”

“Mama, your son is popular in school. I don’t have to look. Girls will flock to me.”

I rolled my eyes. I honestly feel like I might have to apologize to many parents in the future. We talked for a bit before we finally reached our destination. Wheein was preparing lunch and Levi sprinted to her as soon as I parked my car.

Sigh. So much for having him for the first 9 years of his life. He’s now closer to his Mommy. I’m not complaining. Just felt a little left out.

“What are you brooding about now?”

A pair of strong arms enveloped me from my back. I grinned widely. My wife is still the best.

“Nothing, I just felt left out. Levi cares more about you.”


He was exasperated but I stuck my tongue out at him. Wheein shook her head. She turned me around and kissed me on my lips. Then she pulled Levi closer and kissed his forehead.

“The two of you are my favourite people in the world.”

“We know.”

“Then stop fighting for my attention. I love you both the same.”

Yeah, I love you too, Jung Wheein. Then I looked at my son. He stuck his tongue out at me before running up to his room. I chuckled softly.

I love you too, Levi.

I love you both so much.






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Chapter 3: go author if you like to cause anguish lol, and anyway thanks you always do a good job also thanks for your effort
Chapter 3: Such a uwuness story ?
waggy11 #3
Chapter 2: Head hurts.
Heart aches.
Huhuhuhuhu ???
Chapter 3: My heart hurts in the first chapter...my heart broke in the second chapter...and my tear dam broke in this epilogue...TT.TT
Thank you for this beautiful story and Bad Bye is definitely a beautiful yet sorrowful song... ^^
vitawheeiny #5
Chapter 3: Happy ending...... T.T
Icecream013 #6
Chapter 3: *getting the last tissue in the tissue box* *wipe the tears* t-that was one hell of a ride T.T but everything is well in the end and i am happy...i'm asking too on why did God let them experience that horrible journey...these angels doesn't deserve that
franch_fries #7
Chapter 3: Your works are always so heartwrenchingly beautiful. This one though, I couldn't finish in one sitting. The first chapter left me in shambles, not even the appearance of 'Dr. V' could comfort me. By the time I read the second one after 7 hours of reading the first, I was a crying mess. When Wheein was pleading God, Levi, and Yongsun, I just couldn't handle it. I had to plough through the last one. I relate so much to Yongsun, she must've gone through depression. I guess it was hard for her to let go of the pain she felt for years so suddenly once Wheein woke up as if it's the most natural thing to do. I'm glad she got over it though. This really was so beautiful. Thank you.
MMMOO4wsun #8
Chapter 3: Authornim ??? now i’ve read the epilogue i could not stop crying ??? this is such a good story
MMMOO4wsun #9
Chapter 2: Chapter 1 i am a crying mess but chapter 2 ii am an ungy crying mess. ???????????
MMMOO4wsun #10
Chapter 1: I’ve read so many fics but this is the first time i cried so hard. ??? you are such a good writter you can make me feel what you wanna tell to your story i’m still on the half of the chapter 1 but i can’t help not to comment.