Convince Me Not





Interview with the casts…. Bits and pieces of the truth.

Setting :  Somewhere in planet Earth.





SC:   I want to be gentle with this because of the topic’s sensitivity. I’ll do my best to extract infos in the most gentlest manner. *clears throat, looks straight at Sunny and asked without hesitation*. Why did you Taeyeon?


Taeyeon: *Falls off from the chair*


Sunny : *Eyes widened*


*Cricket sounds*


SC : *Blinks few times with an expressionless face while waiting for Sunny’s reply*


*Cricket sounds*


SC : *Brings out a shotgun out of nowhere*


Sunny : *Opens mouth but still eyes wide open*


Taeyeon : … I was…. *teary eyes and staring at the floor*


Sunny : *Darted at the mumbling Taeyeon* Sweetie……


SC : I remember asking a question……… *eyes narrowing*


Sunny: *gulp*


Taeyeon : *Still mumbling  in a world of her own* Sunny… she…. She…. Owwwww… the memories!!!.... *sniff sniff sob sniff*


Sunny : *glares at SC*


SC: *Hums while looking innocently at the shotgun* I thought I asked a question.. La la la la la.. *looking like a scary psycho killer*


Sunny : *sigh* Okay! Okay! BecauseIWantedHerSo MuchICan’t ResistHerOverFlowingHotness!!!


Taeyeon : *Looks at Sunny* You…….. *Cries*


SC : *Forgets the shotgun and starts to be sleepy*


Sunny : I mean… she’s so hot. her was not on my plan but… I was so jealous.. it’s her fault! *Points at the sobbing Taeyeon*


Taeyeon : *Pouts and backfaced Sunny*


Sunny : So that’s…..*notices SC is super sleepy* Secret Code?....


SC : *Opens eyes and sits straight* Now Taeyeon…..


Taeyeon : Why?.... Why is it my fault?!... Why?.... *Can’t get over Sunny’s reply*


SC : Taeyeon…


Taeyeon : *in trance*


SC : *pissed off*


Taeyeon : *mumbles*


SC : *hits Taeyeon’s head with a pillow that came from nowhere*


Taeyeon : Oooffffffff!!!


SC : If you keep on ignoring me… I will pair you with Sooyoung.


Sooyoung : *nods with a serious face and writes on her notebook* I will check the effect of our team up. I will compute the blah blah blah blah…


SC : ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Sooyoung : *finished explaining and closed her notes* SC… you’re sleeping. *opens notes again and started writing datas*


SC : *opens eyes* I’m awake…. *yawns*


Taeyeon : *sniffs*


SC : *Glares at Taeyeon* Stop acting like a baby. I made your character cool and composed. *speaks in monotonous tone*


Taeyeon : *pouts* What would you feel if I you, huh?! Smartass!!!


SC : *Eyes sparks evilly and smirks*


Taeyeon : *Gulps*


SC : * lips seductively*


Taeyeon : *Steps backwards*


SC: It won’t be if I enjoy it. (Aww.. come on girls! I know you don’t mind being gay for Taeyeon. Aish!)


Sooyoung : *writes on her notes again*


SC : *back to expressionless* So Taeyeon….. do you hate me because of that chapter?


Taeyeon : Author is so blunt…  Yeah……. I kinda hate you. *looks at the ground*


SC : Sorry….. French Kiss?


Taeyeon : *sighs*


SC : I was planning to elaborate Sunny’s crime but my conscience hit me. (Nahh…. I got lazy and decided not to continue Taeyeon’s ordeal)


Taeyeon : Conscience my foot! You just got lazy!!!


SC : *smiles sheepishly*


Taeyeon : *whispers and looks away* I’m so glad you got lazy…..


SC : Taeyeon…… why is it so hard for you to say your feelings?


Taeyeon : Duh! *rolls eyes* You made me like this.


SC : *mumbles*


Taeyeon : Okay fine! This is me. Take it or leave it. *cool act*


SC : Leave it.


Taeyeon : *Convince Me Not Character Mode* How about you? Could you speak your feelings towards your loved ones? *smirks*


SC : Smartass……


Taeyeon : *crosses arms over chest* See! My character is a piece of you. Got you! Punk!


SC : *mumbles in gritted teeth* Damn you!


Sooyoung : *writes on her notes again* Captain is… a…. piece… of… author….. *nods nods*


SC : *Strangles Sooyoung*


Sooyoung : Aaaakkkkkkkkkkkk!!! *writes on her notes while being strangled* Author…… is…. Pissed…  Akkkhhhhhh!!!!


Sunny : *sobs*(she’s been spacing out when I started talking to Taeyeon)


SC : *releases Sooyoung*


Sunny : Sweetie… do you still……


Taeyeon : I forgave you already….


Sunny : *sniffs*


Taeyeon : I hated you so much… I hated our parents when they decided to get us into a relationship. And I had to sleep beside you every single night…… I felt so betrayed.


Sunny : *cries quietly*


Taeyeon : I don’t know how it happened or how it started……. I…… I started to get over it and looking forward to do it with you…. What lovers do….. *blush overload*


Sunny : Yeonie………


Taeyeon : Sunshine…….


SunYeon : *stares at each other lovingly*


Taeyeon : I…… I….. lo…. Lov……..


Sunny : *expectator*


Taeyeon : I…. I……. Kyyyyaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! *flips table and grabs Sunny out of SC’s sight* (Where did the table come from? Aish!)


Sooyoung : *writes on her notes* Captain…. Can’t… say…. Her… feelings…. And… just…. Let… her…. body…. Speak… for… her….


SC : *sighs* Why are you here again?


Sooyoung : Well…. I’m a cast of this fanfic too.


SC :………………………………..


Sooyoung : You only gave me small pop out cameos. This special chapter is my moment.


SC : *sighs*






Hyoyeon : HyoRi?


Yuri : *O____O*


SC : You got problem with that?


Hyoyeon : Are we an item?


SC : That’s my question.


Yuri : We’re an item?!


SC: *starts to have an evil plan*


Hyoyeon : Me and her? No…no… author no!


Yuri : *darts at Hyo* You’re insulting  me.

Hyo : *darts back at Yul* Insulting? I’m not saying anything bad against you.


Yuri : You’re insulting my hotness.


Hyo : O_______O


Yuri : You think I’m not hot?


Hyo : I didn’t say that.


Yuri : So you think I’m hot?


Hyo : I didn’t say that also.


Yuri : *mumbles* Denial…..


Hyo : Are we arguing?


Sooyoung : *writes notes* Hyori…an.. item…


HyoRi : *glare at Sooyoung*


Yuri : So… what is it? Hot or not?


Hyo : *sighs* Stop it. You’ll give author cute ideas. And the readers would think that its cute to make us a couple.


SC : HyoRi?.....


HyoRi :………


SC : Nahhh…. I don’t dig HyoRi.


Hyo : *Exhales overactingly*


Yuri : *pouts*


SC : *narrows eyes at Yuri*


Yuri : I don’t want to be paired with Hyo but….. I also don’t like being rejected.


Hyo : Rejected? Don’t speak like I dumped you.


Yuri : Well… you just did.


Hyo : So.. you like me?


SC and Sooyoung : *watching HyoRi while eating chips*


Yuri : Not in that way.


Hyo : So why are you upset?


Yuri : ‘Coz I should be the one dumping you.


SC : *sighs* (Author got lazy continuing the HyoRi argument)


Hyo : SC is getting lazy again.


Yuri : Our appearance will be cut short again.


SC : *kicks out Hyori*





The author gets lazy again and decided to end the special chapter. JeTi and the other casts next? Part 2 of special chapter?



Hyo : Author!!! Author please!!! Don’t make HyoRi couple. Be deaf and blind with your crazy readers’ comments!!



SC : I said I don’t dig HyoRi.


Hyo : *sees the familiar Tiffany Wild Beast on a Rampage aura and runs 10 meters per second* Sorry author!!!

Back to author’s blah…. I’m planning to include the parents on the part 2….


Eunjung : Hey! How about me?!


SC : *contemplates* Okay… I’ll include you next issue of this chapter.


Eunjung : Can’t you move my sched now?


SC: *growls*


Eunjung : *sighs*





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