Convince Me Not





Crowd gathers on the activity area of the school. There were food stalls and souvenir items on sale, too. Loud party music could be heard even from the school entrance.

Jessica, along with the three musketeers entered the school grounds immediately after Yuri ransacked her bag in search of her I.D.


“Hugo, I think you should always wear your I.D. so you wouldn’t misplace or forget it. You should wear it even at sleep and while taking a bath. Haha.” Hyoyeon said to the frowning Yuri.

Yuri just rolled her eyes in response to Hyoyeon.


“Jessica, you’re so quiet…. What’s wrong with you?” Yuri asked the zombie-like girl.

“Hey!” Hyoyeon slightly nudged Jessica’s shoulder.


“Ohh… I think I know…” Yuri

“Its okay, Jessica…” Hyoyeon


Jessica was flustered and teary eyed.

“Bogart… I think Jessica wants to get even.”


“Affirmative, Hugo..”

“So.. at times like these.. ahehe..hehe..” Yuri


“Give the girl the revenge she deserves. Hehe..hehe.”

“Let’s go to the locker room first, Jessica.” Yuri

“We will strip for you.” Hyoyeo winked.


Jessica was about to cry when the two musketeers turned their attention to Tiffany.


“Stefan is in food trance again..” Yuri whispered to Hyoyeon.

“It’s very easy to poison this person.” Hyoyeon sighed.



Tiffany’s P.O.V.


Jessica has been quiet altroughout the ride. I wonder what’s wrong.

Oh..maybe she’s just feeling uneasy and awkward because of Bogart and Hugo. She’s not close with those two and she hadn’t bonded with them yet.


But wait!... So why was she felt comfortable enough to take off her clothes infront of those two?..  Aeeisshh… I’m confused with her actions. *sigh*

“Jessica, you’re so quiet…. What’s wrong with you?” Yuri’s question made me look at Jessica who was walking beside me. Hugo and Bogart were leading the way.


Hmmnn.. she was spacing out like she was .

Jessi Baby.. are you still feeling hot?...


Uhhmm.. hehe.. the aroma of the foods.. hehe.. Ohh.. the squid balls and chicken balls are chanting my name.

But before I could move, Jessica held my left arm tightly.


I looked at her.


“What is it Jess?....are you alright?” She had a pleading look in her face. This got me worried. Fever? Diarrhea?

“Please don’t go. Please don’t leave me with these two.” She tugged my arm.


But I want to eat… the squid balls and chicken balls are waiting for me…

I glanced at the two. They were grinning like an idiot.


“Please…Baby please…..” She pouted her lips and blinked couple of times with her puppy dog eyes.


I alternated my eyes on Jessica and the food stalls.

What would I choose?





Jessi Baby…


My Jessi…

Damn! This is difficult!

This would be the hardest decision in my life!  >.<


Jessica moved infront of me and gave me a warm embrace.

“Baby please..please…”


“But we could eat first before we head to the activity area, right?”

“No Stefan! The Street Dance Competition is about to begin. We should hurry!” Yuri said.

Jeez.. I hate the events committee for prohibiting food inside the activity area. I should hit them with a ball and make it look like an accident.


I closed my eyes and clenched my fist.




And contemplate…



I opened my eyes.


“Aaarrrgghh!!! Okay! Okay! Let’s go! Are you happy now?” This is so annoying.

Jessica grinned and nodded.


“Whoah! This is new! Stefan choosing someone over food?” Yuri

“Is this because of the climate change?” Hyoyeon


“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Yuri

“You’re right about that bro!” Hyoyeon


“Baby please..please…”

“Yes? My Baby….”


Jessica and I shifted to Bogart and Hugo. They were embracing each other mocking us.

These brats. Hehe.


“Baby.. I chose you over food.” Yuri

“I know.. I’m so happy…” Hyoyeon


“And since, I gave in to your request.. you should be my snack.” Yuri

“Just promise that.. I could ride you.. I mean ride your car. Hihi.” Hyoyeon


I chose Jessica over food.. hmmnn…

How could Jessica be my snack?...

But snack is not enough.. I should be dinner and not just snack.

I will let her ride anytime.. she could scream and go wild if she wanted to.

Make her my dinner…dinner… Okay.. I’ll ask her for more favors.^_^



Jessica’s P.O.V.


Oh, Thank goodness! Blue agreed to stay with me. Sheessh! I don’t want to be alone with these two psychos!


“Whoah! This is new! Stefan choosing someone over food?” Yuri

Huh?! O.o


“Is this because of the climate change?” Hyoyeon

Climate change?!


The two started with their crazy conversation again. Blue was just smiling and watching her crazy friends with their little scene.

Yep.. to think about it.. She chose me over food.. I’m touched. Aww… hihi. ^_^


Blue’s eyebrows furrowed. Her eyes on the ground. She looked like she was lost into deep thoughts. She pouted and moved her lips from side to side.

What’s on her mind? 


“Let’s hurry!” Yuri pulled Hyoyeon and led the way.

On our way, I tried to open a conversation with the quiet Blue. It’s Friday today and she would be spending the night with me…I mean spend the night at our house.

“You’ll be spending the night at my place?” Me

“Yes, of course.” Blue

“What do you want for dinner?” Me


For an unknown reason, Blue’s song got stuck in my head.


Let me take you to a place nice and quiet
There ain't no one there to interrupt ain't gotta rush
I just wanna take it nice and slow
(Now baby tell me what you wanna do with me?)
See I've been waiting for this for so long
We'll be makin' love until the sun comes up
Baby, I just wanna take it nice and slow


Nice and slow.. why don’t you make it fast and furious this time.. Ahihi. ^_^

You again!!!

Fast..and oohh rough.. and ahhh.. furious… Hihi  ^_^

No! There would be no repeat performance!!!

Maybe it’s you she likes for dinner.. Hihi..^_^

I told you it’s not gonna happen again!

Hihi… ^_^


Blue put her arms around my shoulder and whispered in my ear.


“Jessi.. I want for dinner is…… you”






A/N: What happened to the site? The data recovered was incomplete. I hope the moderator could recover the files completely.

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