looking for new friends to hang with!


hi there! i've come to a realization that i don't have many friends so i would like to make some more now!

here is some info about me!

  • i am gmt minus five/four, but i am basically always on.
  • i only faceclaims males (rarely ever females.)
  • i'm extremely gay, but don't let that stop you from hanging out with me please.
  • i am so please be of age if you are interested in doing stuff with me.
  • i play apex, overwatch, don't starve together, and i can play other games. i also love plato!!
  • i have discord, twitter fl, instagram fl, and kkt.

please dm me with any of those platforms that you prefer and i'll hit you up!


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Sulovely #1
my kkt is sassychxrry if you’re still interested!