His Biggest Dream (Sequel to His Biggest Fear)


"Yes, Yunnie?"

Yunho glanced at Jaejoong. In the sunset, an autumn backdrop highlighting his odd blonde hair, Yunho wondered what other word he could use to describe Jaejoong except for "perfection"; he found none. A blue wave roaring to his side, daring to eat those perfect, smooth cheeks, like pieces of never-ending candies that he could on forever. Those piercing dark eyes peering into Yunho's soul and ripping apart everything his parents had wanted him to be and making him anew, into the man he wanted to be for Jaejoong and Jaejoong only.

But still... That blonde hair... Yunho didn't take much of a liking to it, light hair against light skin. It didn't fit well. It didn't fit Jaejoong all that much either. Jae is a mysterious figure, always keeping to himself, but he's also rambunctious and outgoing, unpredictable. The singer's black hair was much better than blonde, because it portrayed that Jaejoong's decisions and thoughts up in his mind are open to no one and he can do what he wants when he wants. Yunho's little rebel.

Black presented nothing to the outside world, keeping others in the dark, while blonde would allow others to see into Jaejoong and find his strong points, his weaknesses, and break him, shove him this way and that, until he's all used up and no longer entertaining. That's how people were, smashing in the kind people's strengths and turning it into a weakness, a fear.

the long blonde locks, still soft even after all the bleaching, Yunho said softly, "You should change your hair back to black."

"Why?" Jaejoong asked, petting his hair protectively. "I like my blonde hair."

"I do too..." Yunho replied quietly. It wasn't a lie. "But I miss your black hair--when it stands out against the orange sunset and when it blends with the dark of night, only seen when the stars kiss the soft locks of raven black feathers in all of its shining brilliance."

Jaejoong giggled and pushed Yunho lightly, playfully. "You're such a romantic!" he squealed as he stood up.

"Says who?!" Yunho exclaimed, also standing up and beginning to chase Jaejoong. "Where're the candles? The fancy dinner? Joongie!!"

Jaejoong laughed and ran away faster, skipping down the shore of the beach, sand flying everywhere. It was a peaceful time along the beach, running from each other when they knew that they couldn't outrun each other, chasing each other even though they were already caught in a net of their love, protected in a fort they'd created together that was built not of stone but of fire, passion.

Suddenly, Jaejoong tripped as he was turning around to glance at Yunho. Before Jaejoong could hit the soft sand, Yunho's arm shot out and caught the blonde behind the waist.

A moment of intense silence passed and then Jaejoong grinned shyly. Pressing a finger to Yunho's lips, he murmured, "My savior..."

Yunho grinned. "My Hero..." he breathed, eyes closing in bliss and lips inching closer to Jaejoong's.

The soft lips of Yunho grazed upon a wet surface. Opening his eyes, Yunho found a water form his love. The liquid, so soft and cold, slipped through his fingers. Cold, black-blue water splashed around Yunho's feet and nearby was his Jaejoong, pale, with pitch black hair and teary brown eyes.

Yunho could sense something was wrong and reached out to caress his lover's black hair. How is his hair all of a sudden black again? "Joongie, what's wrong?" he asked.

Jaejoong slapped his beautiful hands away from him, his face contorted with pain and loss, anger and desperation.

"Jaejoong!!" Yunho exclaimed, trying to get closer to the crying one, but the pale-skinned singer pushed him away again.

"You see the water around you?" Jaejoong asked shakily. "These are my tears--the tears I've shed over you for the past years since our band disbanded, since we split paths, since you were taken from me! And what do you do?! You sit here and dream... Come find me! Make your dream a reality."

Yunho bit his lip. Many times he tried to get in touch with Jaejoong, but he'd changed his phone number when he'd gone to Canada. And then Yunho tried to meet up with him when he got his phone number, but he was sent to Japan. And then during an after party they could've met, but Changmin had fallen ill and he needed to be taken care of.

How badly Yunho wanted Jaejoong back could be compared to the heat of their passion they'd once had when still in one band. And Yunho would kindle that flame to new brighter heights.


Jaejoong was home alone, reading a book he shouldn't be reading but was because it was the closest thing he could get to Yunho--"가시연," the famous YunJae fanfiction turned into a book by Maio.

He sighed as he put the book down, nearly to the end. The end... Bitter, cruel yet insanely amazing with all its pent up frustrations. Thunder crashed and lightning flashed from outside, causing Jaejoong to jump in surprise. A cup of coffee would soothe his nerves, so Jaejoong stood and began his journey to the kitchen. Chuckling, he picked up some clothes that Yoochun and Junsu had left lying around, too distracted at the time to pick up what they shed from their bodies.

As Jaejoong threw the soiled clothes into the wash, the doorbell rang. Rushing to the door, he threw open the door with no expectations, but was left dumbstruck by the sight before him. Covered in rainwater cold enough to freeze bones, dripping with pain and passion and desire, there stood Jung Yunho before the brown, shocked eyes of Kim Jaejoong.

It took no more than a moment for Jaejoong to pull Yunho inside his house, never minding the water and dirt that he was tracking through the foyer. Once the door was locked, Yunho pinned Jaejoong against the door and kissed his soft lips, his pale cheeks, his strong jaw, his smooth forehead, and his black hair--yes! Jet black like the night, raven black strands falling ever so gracefully around those deep eyes, framing the beautiful face.

"Jaejoong..." Yunho murmured into the crook of the older's neck. "I love you... Why did I ever let you go? How did I lose you, Boo?"

Jaejoong smiled and kissed the top of Yunho's head. "Lose me? Since when did you lose me?" he asked with a gentle smile.

Yunho coughed up a nervous laugh, hiding his blushing face in Jaejoong's soft hair.

A few moments later, Jaejoong decided to finally give Yunho a warm shower and some fresh, dry clothes. The evening was pleasant, one of the most peaceful that either of the artists had had in months--years.... With cups of coffee in each other their hands, the pair cuddled up together in bed.

Jaejoong reached over Yunho's shoulder for his book, and the manlier one laughed.

"Why're you reading this trash?" he asked laughing, taking the book from Jaejoong's fingers.

Setting down the coffee mugs, the two wrestled for the book. "It's not trash!" Jaejoong exclaimed, finally snatching the book away and hugging it to his chest. "It was the closest thing to you after the split."

Yunho smirked and gently took the book away again, placing it back on the table. Pressing Jaejoong against the mattress, lips centimeters away from Jaejoong's, he said, "Why don't we get closer, huh?"

And with that, no words were used for the rest of the night.

Yoochun chuckled as he placed a hand on Junsu's nervous shoulder. "See?" he said, pushing the door open a bit more. "They're asleep."

Junsu let out a shaky breath and grinned. "You did a good job, Chunnie," he praised quietly.

"I know." Yoochun chuckled. "Spiking Yunho's drink last night was the best I could come up with. Changmin said every time he's drunk he tries to kiss him and always thinks about Jaejoong."

Junsu giggled and shut the door to YunJae's room to give them privacy. "They're so peaceful together," he commented. "They must exhausted."

Yoochun smirked. "Oh, don't worry. You'll be just as tired as Jaejoong hyung in the morning." Before Junsu could protest, Yoochun had pulled him into their room and locked the door.

And outside in the dark night, there shone five stars connected in the shape of a "W" that twinkled down through the windows of three different rooms and danced sparkles on the sleeping faces of five different gods who always stick together through everything.


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does anyone know where i can get the english translation of the book written by maio? love your fanfic!!!!
wow! i like this.
so close yet so far from the truth.
sunkyu for sharing! *bow 90 degree*
omg i love this story
amazing writer~
haha poor changmin doesn't have someone to spend the night with... cough cough
--venissa #4