Chapter 1: Last Day

The Rythym Between Love and Happiness
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5:00 pm​,

Everyone is still busy managing the case that needs to be solved. But I've now seen a very neat table on me.. I'll miss my room. I'll miss everyone in this place. I've worked on this place for 3 years and never applied for absent or leave. But now I need to rest for my little one.

"Hyewon-ah~~~ Are you still here? It's time to go." Told Hyungwon while give her smile.
"I know but.. I feel sad to leave my room. I've spent my times day and night more than I sleep at home. It's hard for me to leave", said Hyewon. Hyungwon pat her shoulder gently. Hyewon smile when she saw his bring something. "What's that?" Ask Hyewon.
"This is some present for your upcoming baby", tell Hyungwon.
"Wahhh.. It's look fancy. What's inside the box? Shoes? Clothing? Toys? I feel excited to know each gifts from all of you. Hehehehe", said Hyewon while giggle.
"Behave please.. You must wait until your due date."
"Yes I know.. but I can't wait :D" Hyewon smiling happier and hug Hyungwon as an appreciation for him to belong here with her. To be her teammates and to be a supportive leader in the team.

Knock... Knock... 

Someone knock the door and stand on the doorframes. He is one of their teammates too, Park Jibin. His smile always give positive aura to everybody no matter what happens. "Congratulations my girl, Lee Hyewon!!" Yell Jibin while spread up her arms to give her warm hug. Hyewon immediately welcoming his hug. He pat her back gent
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