La Confiance / Chapter Two / Final

La Confiance

Part 2

       It had been an hour; they were still in the restaurant, talking, laughing and having fun. JungMin was enjoying himself and his loud laughter, a bright smile was plastered on his face the entire time and the glitter in his eyes, were all evidence.

       On the other hand, KyuJong could not help the pain in his heart. The pang of jealousy, and the unanswered question in his mind; “Why?... why are you doing this to me, Min?”

       Besides his family that he loved and respected so much, these two people sitting here in front of him were the only ones he could ever love and trust. The girl was his first and last girlfriend, who left him seven years ago. One day they were all good, going out and having fun, the other she broke up with him and left. The reason? “I’m tired. You’re so boring and honestly, I’ve never really loved you to begin with. I just wanted to have fun and you were a good toy!” or that was what she told him on the last phone conversation they had.

       Well it was hard to believe that his lovely, sweet girlfriend told him those harsh words, and even harder to accept the truth that she was gone and he was left with a broken heart. This took him five long years to get over. Five lonely years until he found JungMin, the lively boy who was now having fun with the very same girl. They met in Mr. Park’s business party, JungMin’s father. After all the pain he had gone through, he knew he could never trust a girl again, but to fall in love with a man was beyond his imagination. But he couldn’t help the way his heart started pounding in his chest whenever he met the younger man, nor he could stop blushing whenever they were alone together.

       This tall, handsome and attractive man with his alluring eyes and very lovely smile made him fall in love again. When KyuJong confessed to this crazy, cheerful man, to his surprise JungMin kissed him as he accepted his love. And since then, it’s been two years now, they’ve been madly in love. Or so he thought. Because if JungMin still loved him why would he go out with another girl? Was it all a lie? Their relationship? Their love story? Could it be a lie?

       He was angry; so angry that he did not notice he was holding the wine glass too tight that it finally shattered into pieces and hurt his hand. He winced at the pain but took the broken pieces out. “Are you ok sir?” it was a waiter looking at him with worry.

He just smiled and nodded, “I’m fine. Sorry about the glass.” Then he stood up to leave but his gaze met with JungMin’s, the younger man staring at him in shock.

       The girl waved her hand in front of her companion when she noticed he was not listening to her anymore; “JungMinnie….” And when he snapped out of it and murmured; “Kyu!” she turned around and saw the man she hurt seven years ago.

“What are you doing here Kyu?” the younger man asked, surprised to see him.

“Sorry, did I disturb anything?” KyuJong replied bitterly, looking from his boyfriend to his ex; “Did I, Suzy?” this time he asked the girl.

JungMin was really confused now, ‘What the hell? Do they know each other?’ he thought. “You know her?” he asked.

“Yes, I do.” The older man replied; “What? Are you pissed that I know your… your girl?” even saying it was hard. His boyfriend had a girl now and it was killing him to see JungMin with someone other than himself.

For a second JungMin did not understand what the other just had said but when he finally realized; he froze; ‘JungMin! You screwed up!’ he thought.

“No… no Kyu! This is not what you think it is…” he said and stood up to go to him; “She’s my-…”

“I don’t give a , Min! You don’t need to explain anything to me!” KyuJong spat; “I know! It’s just so boring to be with someone like me!” he then looked at Suzy who was now crying silently; “Right? A boring man but a good toy boy!” he said. He looked at the ground, trembling. Everyone in the restaurant was now staring at these three.

“Tell me JungMin,” KyuJong asked him, still looking at the ground; “Was I a good toy? Did you have fun?” the pain was clear in his shaking voice.

“What?” the younger asked in shock, “What are you talking about? You are not a toy…” he was now standing in front of his angry boyfriend; “You’re the man I love so much…” he whispered so that only KyuJong could hear.

“Liar!” KyuJong whispered back. He couldn’t take it anymore so he walked away. Without looking at him; “We’re over!”

“KyuJong wait! Let me explain… Kyu!” but it was too late, he was gone, leaving JungMin behind.

He had never seen him like this and if KyuJong was so angry and the pain in his eyes was the same he saw two years ago, it could only mean one thing; “He thinks I betrayed him!” betrayal, the only thing KyuJong could never forgive.

He wanted to go after him, to explain everything and even beg him if he needed to, because a life without him means nothing; but before, his sister needed to explain many things.


       KyuJong was sitting in the kitchen. The first aid-kit box resting on the counter in front of him to take care of his bleeding hand. But he was not doing anything to his injured hand since comparing to the pain in his heart, that was nothing. Resting his head on the counter he let the tears out, wishing that it was all a dream, that when he wakes up, JungMin would still be by his side and only looking at him, no one else. He wished JungMin was there because he is the only one who can calm him down at times like this; when he’s angry, upset or hurt and hell, he is angry, upset and hurt right now. He needed him, so much.

       Still crying, he didn’t notice the sound of footsteps getting closer to him, nor did he notice the man sitting beside him and taking care of his hand. Just when he felt a stinging pain in his hand he looked up to see his lover by his side. A moment passed in silence, then JungMin started; “She told me everything! I’m sorry KyuJong for what we both did to you!” he continued to wrap up the injured hand; “She said she’s sorry…”

The older man yanked his hand away; “I don’t want to listen…”

Holding the hand again, the younger insisted; “But you have to.” The serious look on his face and the way his watery eyes pleaded for a chance, melted KyuJong’s heart and he closed his eyes, letting the other take care of his wound and continue.

       “She said that she’s sorry she hurt you but she had to do it!”The younger man left a pause, “Our father asked her to marry some old guy when she was young and the good and obedient girl she was, she accepted the order of great Mr. Park. I was not there that time, studying abroad and when I heard what was about to happen to my sister I just went crazy, I even threatened that I would never come back to Korea if she marries that old fart but she did and I stayed there for a long time even after I finished my education.” He looked at KyuJong’s tearstained and shocked face; “Yes, she is my sister Kyu… not my girl. I’m sorry Kyu, I know I should have told you sooner but you know… it was busy like crazy the past few weeks for us and then last night you were angry and so I just didn’t have the right time to tell you…” he smiled softly and rubbed the tears from his eyes slowly; “I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt you like this…” he stood up, kissed KyuJong’s lips; “I love you!” he whispered and then walked out of the room, leaving his keys on the counter; “Goodbye, love!”

       “Sister?” KyuJong murmured; “She’s JungMin’s sister… and I got jealous just like that? Over nothing? I ruined everything for nothing?... he loves me… he never betrayed me… he… JungMin…” he looked around and just saw the keys on the counter. He jumped out of his seat and ran out.

JungMin was opening the mansion’s main door when a hand grabbed his and a pair of soft lips crashed down on his, the body pressing against him and they both leaned on the door. Those familiar lips locked on his in desperation, in need…

       JungMin kissed him back, moving his lips against those of his lover. Soon the kiss got heated by KyuJong the younger’s lower lip, which JungMin responded to quickly by opening his mouth for him, his name; “Kyu~~” he rounded his hands around his neck and pulled him closer if that was even possible.

KyuJong put his hands on the other’s hips and moaned into his mouth. When finally they had to part for air, KyuJong leaned his forehead against JungMin’s, eyes still closed; “Where do you think you’re going, idiot?” he panted.

       Feeling the other’s warm breath against his lips, JungMin purred and said; “Thought you said we’re over!”

KyuJong pecked him on the lips, then kissed his ear shell and whispered; “We can never be over, love!” he slowly bit the younger’s earlobe which coaxed a very loud moan from JungMin. He smiled; “I love you Min… I’m sorry I didn’t trust you in this…”

“It’s ok… I understand!” was the sweet reply on KyuJung’s lips.


       And hours later when they were sprawled out on their bed, breathless and tired, JungMin laid his head on KyuJong’s chest, tracing shapes on his belly with his long fingers and enjoying the man’s heartbeat. Holding him in his arms, KyuJong started playing with soft strands of black hair.

“So…” KyuJong said with a smile, kissing his lover head and smelling his hair; “I should be grateful that you’re a rebellious son, right?”

The younger looked up at his lover and gave him a “What-are-you-talking-about” look. Chuckling, KyuJong kissed his forehead and said; “You wouldn’t leave me if your father asks you to marry some girl!” his expression was serious.

       JungMin laughed, his laughter like a soothing melody for the older man and then he bent down and kissed his lover’s chest right over his heart, then he made his way up to KyuJong’s Adam’s apple and kissed it which caused the other to purr and then he claimed his lips in a sweet and lingering kiss; “I would never leave you!” he smiled in the kiss, “You’re my everything!”

The older man smiled and then remembered something, kissing JungMin one more time he bent over and searched the drawer of the nightstand, found what he was looking for; “Close your eyes Min!”

“Why? What are you going to do?” he replied suspiciously.

“Yah! Just close them…” the other demanded.

“OK…” the younger obeyed his boyfriend and closed his eyes pouting. The feeling of a cold metal wrapping around his middle finger made him open his eyes. “Happy birthday, love!” KyuJong said then kissed him; “Love you!”

It was a couple ring, so JungMin broke the kiss; “give me the other one” he ordered.

Slipping the other ring onto KyuJong’s finger, he smiled; “This is the best gift I have ever received Kyu…. Thank you!” he touched their noses together; “You’re the best boyfriend ever! And trust me, I’ll never ever leave you alone cause where else can I find someone like you?” he smiled and pecked the young man on the lips.

“Sappy!” KyuJong wrinkled his nose but laughed and deepened the kiss.

“Still, you love it when I’m mushy!” the younger replied and responded to the heated kiss.


And he kept his promise to his love by always staying by his side, through happiness and sadness… but that’s another story for another time….


The End.

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