sadness in the studio pt 2

I'm not supposed to be here

"Wait why would i tell you about my past?!" Mina asked shaking her head.

"Because we are friends?" Nayeon said hopefully.

"mmm no" Mina said turning her back to nayeon

| Three hours passed |

"Okay you know what the only thing interesting to talk about right now is why you wont be my friend." Nayeon chimed in sounding a little aggrivated.

" Fine if want to know about my past so bad i'll tell you." mina says turning to face nayeon "but you cant go telling everyone about me, promise." mina looked at her with a worried look in her eyes.

"I promise." Nayeon looked at her and gave a small comforting smile

" Okay well it all started when i was a little younger. I had just moved here from japan and thought it was going to be a fun experience, just like when i moved from the U.S to japan. But oh was i wrong. I went to my first school and got bullied for not being able to speak korean. people laughed at me and made fun of me. i endured that for three years. Then i got here. People were nicer mostly because i could speak korean now. I ended up making friends but none of them were really my friends. they all just saw me as a boost in social statis. They wanted to get were you are now. They wanted to be the most popular in this academy.But the worst of them all was Lisa. Not only did she use me for my looks but she also constantly put me down and helped me realize that i have no use. There is no point... be in this world." Mina started to tear up.

She didn't know why she was so easily sharing her past with this girl but she felt okay with it.

Nayeon grabbed her hands and said " Mina I want you to look at me right now okay." 

Mina looked up at nayeon

"I would never do anything to hurt another human being. I'm not like anybody else you have known. I would never use you for your looks or talent." Nayeon smiled as mina jumped to hug her

MIna didnt uasally believe people when they said that. she's heard that line so many times before. But for some reason, this time, she believed every word nayeon said.

it was now two in the morning and mina was fast asleep. the thing is she fell asleep on nayeon so nayeon couldnt move. she watched minasleeping peacfully and thought 

"You're really pretty when you sleep." 

Nayeon felt her heart skip a beat when mina pulled her down so she could cuddle her. She didn't know why she felt like this.

" I haven't felt this way about anybody in a long time. whats happening to me" nayeon thought as she dozed off to sleep.

|7:30 a.m.| 

mina and nayeon woke up to the sound  of a door handle jiggling. they paid noattention to the fact that they were snuggling. Mina noticed and the got really red. she jumped up and almost fell again.

"Wait what the." mina said confused

"you fell asleep after crying on me last night. you then pulled me down in your sleep and i didnt want to wake you up so i didnt do anything." Nayeon says still sitting on the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Mina said looking down


The door finally opened and in rushed jihyo, sana, and momo.

"OMG nayeon are you okay." Jihyo said running to her side.

"Yeah im okay, I'm more worried about mina here then myself." Nayeon said pointing to mina.

"Hi Mina im sana!" Sana said exitedly finally getting the chance to talk to the cute girl.

Mina scurried behind nayeon in fear. she hugged nayeon like a little kid clinging to their parent."It's okay mina these are my friends jihyo, sana, and momo"

"Wait... you mean the momo. like the best dancer at this academy momo!!!" mina said with her eyes lighting up.

"yep thats me" Momo said with a welcoming smile.

"Oh wow you're even prettier than rumors say" mina says excitedly

"why thank you" momo says hiding her blush

"We should all go out!" Jihyo chimes in.

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i'm sorry i haven't been active for a while i have been very stressed out with all my schoolwork. i have been missing lots o f school because of hockey and going to tournaments, but i will try to upload soon.


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Chapter 15: But too short ?
Chapter 15: I was Waiting for you
Chapter 15: Samo! ^-^
Chapter 6: author-nim you might want to put a trigger warning next time :)
Chapter 12: Yes of course I'll read it :)
Wivern #6
Chapter 12: You had me at 'Minayeon'. :D
aglaonema #7
Chapter 10: Yeeey
Chapter 10: you're back!!! ^-^
aglaonema #9
Chapter 9: It’s okaaaaay
Wivern #10
Chapter 9: I am sorry is not always a good chapter title.
It's okay. No pressure here.
Update when you can. :)