1st Generation: Meeting You

Unstoppable Generation


Leeteuk run to the kitchen. It’s still 4 am and he can smell something burn from the kitchen! Panic panic panic!!!

“Mrs. Lee! Are you okay?!”

“…N-neh, Teukie? Are you hungry? It’s still 4 in the morning, dear,”

And all he can found is her new-mother cooking porridges and chickens. All burnt!

“Can I help you with…that?”

“Ah no, it’s fine…”

“But all of them are burnt!!”

“Your father likes it… I mean, these burned foods,”

Awkward silence. Leeteuk scratched his head in embarassment,

“O-oh… Sorry then…”


“Chullie~ Why you won’t let me live with you?”

“Yah! Are you kidding?! I don’t have such a money for both of us…”

“…You’re mean,”

“Yes I am!”

Leeteuk punched his best friend arm strongly,


Heechul could see his best friend crying. Only one thing in his mind: He don’t like his new family,

“They’re making you annoyed, aren’t they?”

“W-wha? Who?”

“Mr. and Mrs. Lee… Am I right?”

Leeteuk wiped his tears with his own hand,

“N-no! Of course not! I’m… I’m sad watching their old life everyday…”

“Yeah… Me too,”

“I hope I didn’t come to their life… I’m just, made their life harder than before,”

“No you’re not, silly! They want you! They want a son! You’re an angel given by god for them!”

“Am I?”

Heechul nod his head. Not want to make his friend sadder than before, he grab his friend hand and run to a shop,

“Yah! What are you doing?! Stop being so harsh!”

“Since you’re new here, in Seoul… Should you buy something cute?”


Leeteuk’s POV:

Aish! That Chullie… He made me spend money for such a thing like this! How could I get more money? I don’t even have a job! I’m a new here, helloooo?! And after that long-shopping day, he can’t walk me home… Saying that he’ll go to his college. Such a lucky guy he is.

I wonder how’s Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee doing at home without me? Of course they’re fine! I’m a new family member and they seems fine before I was there. Except for Mr. Lee… I wonder what’s wrong with him? What sickness does he have? Is he always like this? I’m sure he’s a good guy but from that bed, I still didn’t know him. Only gave him his breakfast, drink, lunch, and… DONE!

But I don’t know why I feel such a pressure for them. Yeah, this 2 weeks I’m being a…bad kid. I’m messing things up! I didn’t wash my clothes, forgot to bring medicines for Mr. Lee, made Mrs. Lee seems angry (from her look), etc etc. I’m sure I’ll be kick out from Lee Family house soon.

“I’m home!”

No answer. Where are they? The lights turned off. It’s still 8 pm! I found many papers in the living room. I think they forgot to trash it out or maybe…save it? I’m curious so I read it. Yeah, once again, I’m being a bad kid here…

Oh my god! This is… a Family Card! My name was written here! Lee Jungsoo?! Wait! How did they know my real name?! Did Heechul told them? I realized there’s tears streaming down my cheeks. I think this is tears of happiness. My old parent didn’t wrote my name in the Family Card! I only had my personal Hospital Card! Thank you god… I must tell Heechul!

I run as fast as I can down the road, to the bus stop. I take a bus that goes to Heechul’s college. After 10 minutes there, holding back my tears, I finally arrived. I run into the college, even the security guard didn’t realize I was running in front of him!

I stand in front of the college’s front door, still holding back my tears and calling Heechul,

‘The number you’re calling is busy right now. Please try to call again later,’

Shoot! I’ll just run to his class! I run randomly. I hope I’ll just meet him randomly. Right now, I’m standing in front of three large building. Sure this is a big college. Wew. Now, what’s his obsession again? Right, a model. Then it must be the left building, since all person from that building has nice bodies. I run to the left building. I enter every room there, searching for Heechul. But, wait… This building sure a weird building for Model-Obsession persons. Am I entering the wrong building? As I want to know the name of this building, I bump into someone, and fall beautifully. I open my eyes while touching my hurt-,


“I’m sorry! Are you okay?!”

“N-no no, I’m sorry I bumped into you,”

“No need to be sorry,”

He help me stand up. I look up so I can see his face,

“Can I help you with something?”

Oh shoot. Who’s this perfect creature?

“U-umm… I-I…”

God! Why am I trembling?

“Are you okay? You sure have red face,”

He touch my cheeks lightly, made my heart beat faster. His beautiful eyes are looking at me. At my eyes.

“N-no, I’m fine!!” I push him lightly

Suddenly, someone shouting at us,

“Wew, KangIn!!! Your new boyfriend?”

He just smiled as an answer. W-what?! Why? I poke his hand, trying to calm my heart and not looking into his eyes,

“O-oh, yes? I’m sorry… That person such a weirdo,” he laugh awkwardly. I just hide my face,

“S-so… Why are you poking my hand?”

“I-I wanna ask something… Can I?”

He nods,

“I’m searching for… Kim Heechul… Do you know him?”

He scratched his head slowly. From his face, I’m sure he’s trying to remember,

“Kim Heechul from Model Building? Senior class? That beautiful looking man? That have more pretty face than a girl?”

I nodded my head. After a long silence, suddenly he laugh. I look at him with a confused look,

“You’re going to the wrong building,”


“E-excuse me?”

Suddenly, he push his hand right in front of my chest,

“I’m KangIn… And you?”


“Great! Now, Leeteuk-ssi, follow me searching for your Heechul,” he grab my hand and shook it gently

“Y-YAH! He’s just like my brother!”

He laugh handsomely and pulled me. I walked side by side with him… With our hands intertwined. This is weird. He’s a stranger but we’re already doing such a thing.




I hug Heechul then squeezed his body. I really want to tell him everything about things happen at my ‘NEW’ home when suddenly, he push me and glare at KangIn,

“You’re Youngwoon from Sport Building, right?”


“You know Sport peeps aren’t allowed to enter Model Building, right?”

“Ya, sure… I just wanna take this beautiful angel to you,”

B-beautiful angel?! Suddenly, KangIn pats my head,

“Teuk-ssi… Could you give me your mobile phone for a while?”

“S-sure…” I nod then give my phone to him. I watch him typing something.

After a while borrowing my phone, he finally give it back to me,

“Call me…” Then he run to the Sport Building

I just look at my phone blankly. I don’t know if I was happy, shocked, embarrassed, or what,

“Wow~ Look at Lee Jungsoo… A person who finally got a lover~”

Is this… Is this love at first sight? If it’s true then… I’m falling in love with that stranger, Kim Youngwoon. 



Yeah! Finally an update after that tiring test -3- sorry for the long delay! *bows deeply*
I'll update the next chapter soon!! ^3^

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fishmonkey14 #1
Chapter 17: This story is daebak, its really rare seeing all the major otps in a story...update soon ^-^
HI I'm a new reader. ^^ I was just browsing tumblr and then I clicked something that redirected me here... not that I regretted it. XD Your story's really interesting! Update soon! ^^
yes marriage!! then off to honeymoon~..hahaha...

up date soon author-nim..^^
hebteuk #4
woooow!!!KangTeuk nd HanChul r gonna marry <3 :)...can't wait
yay now the kangteuk and hanchul couples are together yay
he's prone to accidents!!!!
Hangeng's like a freaking magnet to car accidents in these type of stories... Thanks for the update and I really do hope that Hangeng's ok. Can't wait for the next one! ^^
Min_Chan_lover6612 #9
awwwwwwwwwwwww. its soooo romantic and cute the way kangin did it! and i thought he would mess up! update soon! <3
thankyou for the up date author-nim...i kinda like sweet and cute stories ^^

up date again soon please^^...