1st Generation: Last Proposal

Unstoppable Generation

Heechul burried his head to Leeteuk's shoulder while hugging him tightly, succesfully make his best friend's shirt wet by his tears. Kangin patted Heechul's head, giving him a reassuring smile, hoping his beautiful best friend will stop crying. It broke his heart too see him like that. Not only his heart, his 'wife''s heart too. Even Jaejoong starts crying and hugging his husband tightly,

"Ssshh... Chullie, it's okay," Leeteuk said, Heechul's soft hair,

"He's gonna be okay..." Kangin added, supporting his 'wife',

Heechul shook his head, "I'm scared..." he mumbled, crying harder than before.

Suddenly, the doctor come out from one of the Hospital Room. Everybody run off to him, waiting for good news,

"How's Hankyung?" Yunho asked while hugging Jaejoong,

"Are you... related to Mr. Hankyung Tan?" the doctor asked.

Heechul took a step forward then try to hold his tears from coming out. Leeteuk still encircling his arm around Heechul's shoulder, "I'm... I'm his...lover," the doctor eyes widened and his expression turned out to be shocked. But then, his expression changed into a soft smile,

"He's okay, don't worry... Only a small bump on his head and a few scars. He's still unconscious, but he'll wake up in no time," the doctor said softly, making Heechul sighed in relief,

"C-can... Can I go see him...now?" Heechul asked

"Sure," the doctor answered then leave. Heechul hurriedly entered the room.

There he saw Hankyung, on the hospital bed with his eyes closed. A rubber tube connected his nose to the oxygen tube, while the other rubber tube connected his arm to the infusion. Heechul took a chair then put it besides the bed then sit on it. He hold Hankyung's arm, rubbing it softly,

"Yeobo..." he muttered while Hankyung's head, "Wake up soon,"

"He will," Yunho suddenly said. He smiled towards Heechul while holding Jaejoong's hand, "We must go... Is it okay with you, Chullie?"

Heechul nodded his head then give them a small smile. Jaejoong hug his best friend, "Keep praying... He'll be okay,"

He chuckled while ruffling Jaejoong's hair, "To who?" "God," "There's no God," he said, "Just go... Be careful on your way home,"

Yunho opened the door while encircling his arm around Jaejoong's slender waist, "We will... Say 'Hello' to Hankyung when he's awake, 'kay?"

"Sure!" Heechul shouted before the YunJae couple closed the door, leaving him with his two other 'married' couple,

"He's so stupid... How could he got into a stupid car accident?!" he chuckled, making Leeteuk smiling,

"Should we stay here with you?" Heechul rolled his head and stare at his best friend's caring eyes, "It's up to you,"

"Then we'll stay..." Kangin said before he took a seat on the sofa,


"You can go home tomorrow! Isn't that a good news?!" Heechul cried happily while hugging his boyfriend, making him chuckled,

"Yes, that's a very good news..." he pushed Heechul and make him sit besides him on the hospital bed, "Chullie,"

"Hmm?" "What do you think about marriage...?" Heechul's eyes widened after hearing the question, "G-good? Exciting?"

"Is 'Marriage' a good thing for you?" Hankyung asked again, "Of course it is!!"

Hankyung chuckled and pick a box from his bag, then give it to Heechul, "Open it..."

Heechul nodded his head then opened the box quickly, curious by it. He pick another box inside of it then opened the box again. He found a box again, then he open it again. Many boxes he'd opened... Not finding any good thing inside all of those boxes,

"WHAT THE ?! ARE YOU PLAYING WITH ME?!" Hankyung laughed, "No... That's the last box, I promise,"

Heechul opened the box quickly with such a badmood. But then, he widened his eyes when he find a ring inside of the box with a small note besides it,


'Will you Marry Me, Kim Heechul?'


"Yes... Yes I do, Hankyung Tan!" then he hug his now-husband tightly,


"I wanna held the wedding ceremony and party together with you!"

"You think so too? Me too! Let's held our wedding ceremony and wedding party together!"

"So we must discuss about the invitation card design together too!"

"Of course! Imagine it... KangTeuk and HanChul,"

"That'll be awesome!!!"





HUFF-- A SHORT AND BORING UPDATE TT^TT sorry for the bad grammar again -3- keep subscribe and comment!
And, oh! Is Hankyung really often got an accident in fanfictions? ;;a

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fishmonkey14 #1
Chapter 17: This story is daebak, its really rare seeing all the major otps in a story...update soon ^-^
HI I'm a new reader. ^^ I was just browsing tumblr and then I clicked something that redirected me here... not that I regretted it. XD Your story's really interesting! Update soon! ^^
yes marriage!! then off to honeymoon~..hahaha...

up date soon author-nim..^^
hebteuk #4
woooow!!!KangTeuk nd HanChul r gonna marry <3 :)...can't wait
yay now the kangteuk and hanchul couples are together yay
he's prone to accidents!!!!
Hangeng's like a freaking magnet to car accidents in these type of stories... Thanks for the update and I really do hope that Hangeng's ok. Can't wait for the next one! ^^
Min_Chan_lover6612 #9
awwwwwwwwwwwww. its soooo romantic and cute the way kangin did it! and i thought he would mess up! update soon! <3
thankyou for the up date author-nim...i kinda like sweet and cute stories ^^

up date again soon please^^...