1st Generation: Random Stuffs 1

Unstoppable Generation

"Hey, do you like fairytales?"

"Sure! Which one?"

"Let's read the Sleeping Beauty,"

"Sure! I'll be her!"


Sleeping Beauty (1st Generation version.) [WITH MANY AD-LIBS]


Once upon time there lived a King named Kangin and his 'wife' named Leeteuk. They've been married for 4 years and finally, Leeteuk's giving birth to his very first son. They named him, Heechul. Kangin and Leeteuk's very happy and they made a party. They invited many fairies in their place to come to the party.

A weeks later, the party finally started. All the fairies that were invited came. And to show their happiness for the King and the Queen, they give the Prince many wishes,

"He'll have a skin as white as the snow,"

"He'll have pretty eyes,"

"He'll have beautiful figure,"

And many others wishes they gave. Suddenly, a fairy come to the party angrily and asked the queen,

"Why didn't you invite me?"

The queen feel guilty for the fairy and answered, "I forgot to send the invitation,"

The fairy was very angry then she cursed the prince,

"When he's turning to 17, he'll be sleeping for a loooong time...EVEN DIE because of a sewing machine!"

The other fairies was very scared, so did the King and the Queen. The bad fairy dissappeared, leaving the queen crying loudly for his son's curse.


For 17 years, the Kingdom always protect the prince from any nails and sewing machine. They're so protective towards him, sometimes made the prince annoyed,

"YAH! What's wrong with sewing my OWN clothes?!" 

He's turning into a diva-like prince with such a beautiful figure. Even sometimes he's annoying, the Kingdom always loved him.

The prince just celebrate his 17th birthday, and make the Kingdom more prtective towards him. The curse will happen when he's 17, right? So they locked the prince in a tower [A/N: Wait! Isn't it Rapunzel?!

"Yah! How dare you locked me in this ugly tower?!" he shouted and knock the tower's door many times. Begging for his parents to let him out from there.

"We're not locking you! We'll visit you everyday! Don't worry, this is just for 1 year," Leeteuk shouted from outside

'ONLY 1 YEAR?! WHAT THE ?!' Heechul thought

".." Heechul mumbled quietly then walking to his new room.

He feels bored so he's going upstairs, to the top of the tower. He stands in front of big wood door. Because of his curiousity, he opened the door and find an old lady sitting near the tower top window, sewing a dress,

"Err--- who are you?"

"Oh, hello my prince.. Come, sit here," she told Heechul to sit beside her. Heechul did what she told,

"Is this your dress, ma'am?"

"Oh no... This is yours, my prince.. I'm the one who always make those clothes for you," she pointed to the cupboard full of dresses

"Oh, hi! Thanks for the clothes!!" Heechul sang happily. The old lady just smiled then continue sewing

"Would you like to try sewing? Sewing your own dress?"

"N-no, thanks! Appa told me not to play with sewing machine..."

"Oh, come on... Just this time?"

Heechul slowly nodded and pick a nail. Suddenly, the nail stab his finger,

"OUCH!!! WHAT THE HELL?!" then he continued sewing with the old lady [A/N: WHAT?! Shouldn't he sleeping because of the nail?!]

After a minute sewing, he fainted and the old lady dissappear. The curse have started. The rumour spread to all the kingdom and made the King and the Queen sad.They closed the tower area, so no one could get any further to Heechul.


A few years passed by. A prince named Hankyung visited Kangin and Leeteuk's Kingdom. As he walked by himself, he went to the forest that actually led him to Heechul's tower. He's so curious so he went inside the tower. He's going upstairs and stand in front of the large wood door. He knocked once and got no answer so he opened the door.

He gasped slowly at what he found. A beautiful girl guy sleep on a white bed. He has a white skin and long black hair (for man it's long). Hankyung go near to the bed and look at the sleeping prince more intensely,

"So pretty..." he the other cheeks softly and peck his lips slowly




"Uh... Where am I? W-who are you?"

Hankyung froze. The pretty guy has awoke!

"My name is Hankyung. The prince of the next kingdom. I've found you here, sleeping peacefully on this bed,"

Heechul blinked his eyes confusedly,


Hankyung could only cover his ears with his hands, "E-excuse me?"

"SHE STAB ME! WITH A NAIL! A NAIL!!!!!" somewhat, Heechul's loud screaming could heard through all the Kingdom. Kangin and Leeteuk hurriedly run into the tower and shocked when they saw their son's awake,

"H-how could you?"

"I'm sorry, your highness... I kissed him," Hankyung answered softly

Leeteuk hugs Hankyung and Heechul tightly,

"Thank you so much, Prince Hankyung! You could marry Heechul as our gratitude!!!"

Hankyung blinked then his face turned red,

"B-but, your highness..."

"YEAH I WANNA MARRY HIM, UMMA! HE'S SO ING HANDSOME!!!" Heechul shouted loudly until his voice heard through all the Kingdom so Kangin and Leeteuk don't need to make the Wedding Invitation.

And so, Prince Hankyung married Prince Kim Heechul as King Kangin and Queen Leeteuk's Gratitude. And they live happily ever after

**THE END!!!


"What do you think, Chullie?! It's a great story, right?!"

"Yeah I'm the most awesome Sleeping Beauty ever,"


And Leeteuk closed the book slowly.



HURRAY FOR AN UPDATE! Finally the Exam is over! By the way, here's 2nd Generation speaking,

Kyuhyun: We're almost there!

Yesung: Where?

Ryeowook: In this story, hyung...

Sungmin: *nods*


Yesung: But we ARE alive, Kyu...

Sungmin: .........Whatever-__-

Ryeowook: Can't wait for the 2nd Generation Chapters *squeals*

S: yeah, sure. Oh! Sorry for the typos & BAD GRAMMARS-- Thanks for reading, ALL! ^^/

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fishmonkey14 #1
Chapter 17: This story is daebak, its really rare seeing all the major otps in a story...update soon ^-^
HI I'm a new reader. ^^ I was just browsing tumblr and then I clicked something that redirected me here... not that I regretted it. XD Your story's really interesting! Update soon! ^^
yes marriage!! then off to honeymoon~..hahaha...

up date soon author-nim..^^
hebteuk #4
woooow!!!KangTeuk nd HanChul r gonna marry <3 :)...can't wait
yay now the kangteuk and hanchul couples are together yay
he's prone to accidents!!!!
Hangeng's like a freaking magnet to car accidents in these type of stories... Thanks for the update and I really do hope that Hangeng's ok. Can't wait for the next one! ^^
Min_Chan_lover6612 #9
awwwwwwwwwwwww. its soooo romantic and cute the way kangin did it! and i thought he would mess up! update soon! <3
thankyou for the up date author-nim...i kinda like sweet and cute stories ^^

up date again soon please^^...