Sequel Drabble

promise me

Being left or being the one that's leaving.
Which is more bearable?



I am not sorry that I loved you.
I am sorry for making you suffer.

I am sorry but I love you.


Stupid, don't say sorry.

I love you










The path is vacant; it is just me and you.
Just like the old times when we would walk hand in hand,
side by side along this same pathway.
I am here, walking next to you,
but I still feel lonely despite being able to see you.
 I am unable to reach you.
I want to talk to you, touch you
but no matter how hard I try,
I can’t.

You, who cannot see me, how hard must it be for you?
I’ve already told you to move on,
but why do you remain locked up in your, no, our memories.

Again you cry and again I feel sorry.
Seeing this again, reminds me that I am a selfish person.


I’m so sorry for your sufferings...

I’m sorry that I still love you
and I’m sorry for hoping that you still love me too.




You have been gone for a whole year now.
I am unable to visualise your face in my mind now.
I rely on photos of you to remind me of what you look like,
but the times we spent together will never be replaced by time.

The days we spent together on dates,
when you would complain about the heat while I complained about the cold.
The days that you would treat me just like a sister and a friend.

The days before our relationship began
where we would just hang out like the buddies we were.
The times when you provided me a shoulder to lean on,
when something had gone wrong.
The times when you would announce to the world that you would kill the guy
who dumped me and the times where I had to stop you from actually doing it.
I miss them all.


I told you that I would never forget you;
I promised to myself that I wouldn’t leave you alone.
You told me to forget,
 to move on.

But, how could I?


How could I forget all those precious memories?










What you meant to me…

No, what you mean to me… I hope you realise that.

I told you to forget me, because...
I’m sure it hurts to be left, as much as it hurts to leave.

Does it hurt to forget as well?


I am not sorry that I loved you,
I am sorry for making you suffer.


I am sorry but I love you.





It hurts to remember, yet it hurts to forget.

Then why would I choose to forget?
Our time together was short, but it was also precious.

Even though my tears drop for today,
and maybe tomorrow..

I will never forget loving you

You, who makes the sun shine brighter everyday..


Stupid, don’t say sorry,
I love you.






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