Epilogue: Blue Light

Blue Light

Blue Light


If you had taken a walk on a particularly remote strip of beach in the Gangneung region of South Korea on an early winter’s night, you might have walked past two men standing in the wet sand, just beyond the reach of the waves.


You might have stared – might even have stopped, for a while – because they’re both beautiful and not in an ordinary way. You might even have wondered whether they were brothers, because they are alike in their gaze and the way they hold themselves, before your eyes inevitably fell to their linked fingers and you think ah! with a shade of embarrassment. It’s clearly a private moment that you’ve intruded upon.


You’d have walked past, slower than your usual gait, because there’s something magnetic about these strange men. At some point, you would have been unable to resist the temptation to take another look, and so you would have turned, to see them walking in the opposite direction. You would have seen the guy with the blonde hair, who’s slightly shorter, try to link arms with the other, who shakes him off impatiently. In the distance, you would have heard him complaining “Yah, it’s hard enough to walk in this sand, are you trying to make me trip?” You would have heard a responding laugh, and, if you listened very, very carefully, you would have heard a soft, airy voice say “I won’t let you fall, hyung.”


Smiling, you would have looked up to see the full, brilliant moon shining down on you – and them too.

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Chapter 3: Wow, Taemin's point of view really hit home for me, I can relate way too much. This fic made my heart ache a lot, but like in a good way haha. You write beautifully I literally stop to read some lines over and over. "Where the waves are loud and restless, the moon is a quiet but steady presence. The moon bathes Kibum in silver light as he holds himself up over Taemin. His shoulders look like living marble, soft and strong at the same time, and if Taemin lets his eyes slip out of focus just the littlest bit, he can almost see the light tumbling off those shoulders like a waterfall." I really love the atmosphere you created in this whole passage with the sound of the waves, the light of the moon and Taemin merging those elements on Kibum, wow. The epilogue was really sweet too! Thank you for writing!
Chapter 3: Thank you for the sweet epilogue!^^
Chapter 3: This is perfect. The perfect ending to a beautiful, poignant story. I loved that the POVs went from Kibum to Taemin and then the epilogue is from an outsider looking in. Readers will catch on the intimacy (I felt like it was actually me who chanced upon them). Thanks for this, queen Sherleigh. Happy Christmas to you! ❤️
keyhyungpls #4
Chapter 2: I loved it! I liked seeing both sides to each of the little flashbacks and how they both ended up reflecting on the same things. The part where he cant figure out kibums feelings or emotions is so relatable. I'm glad it ended on a hopeful note and you're right it does feel complete but I would always love to read more if possible ♡
Chapter 2: Their respective point of views regarding that herbal medicine pack broke my heart.
Chapter 2: Your stories are always great, and of course I want an epilogue for this
Chapter 2: Wow. The tension & how the interior monologues illuminate the silences are amazing. This really hit me. I’m able to relate to Taemin on a personal level. Yes, it is beautiful & could close right here. But if you decide to write an epilogue, i’d happily drown in the fluffness if there will be any. <3
Chapter 2: Thank you very much for the entire story and yes, we really want the epilogue chapter too!
Chapter 2: I love it, your works are always alive, full of honest emotions. Thank you! Never stop writing. Xxx
Chapter 1: I have missed quality TaeKey content. Thank you for saving me! T_T