His Love Child

Seo Ae sat in her room without a word, she was thinking about what Joon had said and how the young boy had been looking when he walked out of the school. It was obvious that the kid was unhappy, and lonely, no one can deny that. Laying down on her bed she recalled the scene, Leo's small frame hugging his daddy tightly and Joon holding onto his son protectively. She couldn't do that to his family, especially when it was Leo's future at risk. Shaking her head, she tried to put on her reporter mentality, but failed when she thought of the kid's happy smile. Tossing and turning in her bed she decided to go visit the two again, before she made a decision as to whether it was right to do this or not. 

Joon opened the front door of his mother's home to see Seo Ae standing there with a grin on her face, she had a bags in her hands and seemed like she wanted to come in. He stood there as he looked at her questionably, "W-why are you here..?" 
She grinned at him, "I want to see how your lives are, then decide whether I should ruin it or not." 
He looked at her with confusion, then fury flashed on his face, "Is this some kind of joke to you?"
"No it isn't," she said calmly, "But, as an reporter I'm being pretty nice aren't I?" He didn't say anything as he allowed her to continue, "If I didn't care about the situation that the two of you were in, and about your futures. I would've published the article last night. Like any hungry reporter would, but I didn't. I want to see how you two live and what you two are going through before I decide whether I am going to write one or not."
"You don't make sense."
"I want to see why I shouldn't write the article, why I shouldn't sell you out."
Joon smirked, "Either way Leo and I lose right. If I don't allow you in then you're going to write the article, if I allow you in, you get more information about the two of us." He sigh in defeat. Seo Ae stared at him with a smile, "Yes, either way you lose." There was silence for a while, and slowly Joon moved away from the door to allow her to come in. Seo Ae smiled and ease her self through the entrance door, "Sorry for intruding," she said with happiness. As the two walked towards through the house, Seo Ae couldn't help but drool over the decor, everything looked so expensive and nice, but there was something missing. A child running around happily... 
"Where is Leo?" 
"He's napping," Joon said as he grabbed her a glass of juice, she sat down and thanked him, "What are those?"
She looked at her hand still holding the bags, "Food, I bought some meat." He raised his eyebrows, "Even if I'm just a reporter, I'm pretty well off." He took the bags and put them at the kitchen, returning he sat down and the television, "You're just here to observe how we live right?" Seo Ae nodded, "Okay, then start observing, becuase it's pretty normal."
For the first hour, Seo Ae watched television but when Leo woke up, she was all eyes on the child. He was smiling happily when he saw Joon watching television, he ran at Joon with all his little might and jumped on his dad. Seo Ae felt her insides melt, the child was so cute! When he finished snuggling, he turned too look at her. She was smiling but all she could see from the child was a stink eye, shocked she looked at Joon who was just smiling down at his child. Maybe he's just like to people he just got to know, she thought as she smiled again at the boy. Hoping for a cute smile she was disappointed when he ignored her and started to play with his father. 
A call suddenly came at around 3:03 PM, Joon took the call outside and came back ten minutes later annoucing that there was an emergency meeting at the company and that Seo Ae needed to stay with Leo; until his grandmother or Joon himself came back. Quickly walking out of the house and into his car and drove off. The atmosphere was awkward, Seo Ae did not know what to say to the boy nor did he know what to say to her. All he did was stand there and glare at her. Feeling like she should break the ice, Seo Ae took a step towards the kid, but before she could reach him. He walked away into his room; shutting the door close. Shaking her head she went to the kitchen and began to get dinner ready.
When she finished cooking she decided to go to get Leo from his room, standing in front of his room she knocked on the door. There was no answer, opening the door she looked in, Leo was sitting on his bed holding onto a dirty looking teddy bear. Seo Ae walked quietly into the bed and sat down besides Leo, Leo did not looked at her and continued to focus on the bear. "Hey sweetie, time for dinner," she said softly at him as she touched his head. He moved away from her and got off the bed, moving towards this desk he sat down. She sighed, "Do you not like me Leo?" He looked at her and nodded, "Why?" The boy did not say anything. Getting up from the bed she went to him and bent down to his level, "You don't know me to judge whether you like me or not Leo."
"I don't like you!" Leo screamed as he threw his bear onto the ground, "You're going to take daddy away from me!" 
"What do you mean?" Seo Ae said in confusion. 
"You're daddy's girlfriend right? He's going to want to spend more time with you then with me, just like how it is on television."
Seo Ae raised her eyebrows, "I'm not your dad's girlfriend, I'm just a friend." 
"You're lying." 
"It's the truth."
"I don't like you," Leo said harshly, "Not one bit!" 
"Come on Leo, don't be like that." 
Leo's eyes began to water and he started to cry, not knowing what to do Seo Ae try to console the boy, but when she got close he ran off. Going after Leo, Seo Ae try to calm him down, but no matter what she tried he would not come to her. "I want daddy!" he screamed as he cried. She stood there hopelessly as she watch Leo run to the corner. She waited for a couple of minutes and waited for him to calm down, when he did she walked towards him. Bending down she wiped the boy's tears, he looked at her and hiccuped. Smiling, she searched her pockets and took out a piece of candy, he took it and popped the candy in his mouth. Patting his head she directed him towards the kitchen table, "Leo, I swear I am not your dad's girlfriend, I'm just his friend." Leo looked at her, still suspicious, "I'm not going to take him away from you, nor am I going to replace you, if you're scared about that. I'm here to just take care of you temporarily, until he comes back. Why don't we become friends, okay?" Leo didn't say anything as he started to sniffle, and wipe his nose. "I'm your friend Leo."
Leo nodded his head, "I'll give you a chance auntie."
Seo Ae smiled, ruffling his hair she brought out the food that had  cooled down, "I'll take this chance, small fry." When they ate, Seo Ae asked questions regarding what Leo liked and what he didn't like, he answered her diligently and cutely. Leo was a cute and charming kid, but there was always something off about him, Leo seemed so insecure. 
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KissMeFanny #1
Chapter 11: V I agree with the comment below
Chapter 11: Adopted Leo and get his father as bonus.

Sounds good if thats really happened
satrina7 #3
waaaah this is good, are you going to finish it?
Great story, leo is cute :) thank you for this story
Chapter 10: Nice story... can't wait for new update.. ^^
Chapter 9: holy update!!!!
its too cute when leo call her mommy ><
exclusivee #7
Chapter 10: It seems weird how he's leave Leo with her and they just met. You could've at least dragged it out a couple months!
Chapter 10: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAH! I HAVE TO SAY, YEON HEE, I LIKE U FOR NOW. Because though you're wrong and clueless, I LOVE U. LOL

SEO AE AND LEO ARE SO CUTE. Him calling Seo Ae mommy. :3 :3 :3 MY BBY BOY!!! Joon being all missy missy, and calling to check up on Leo is TOO CUTE. And then Thunder's all like, "FOO, SLOW YOUR ROLE. HE'S FINE WITH SEO AE!" lmfao

Chapter 10: hoorah for an update.
joon leaving leo is sad
but im more worried for whats
to come to sooae D:
anyways, update soon dear!
Chapter 10: yes!!! an update!! I love this story!! and it was sad when i seen joon part with his son. But anyways! thanks for the update and please update soon!!!