It‘s Okay

She’s Exactly All I Need

I was panicking on the inside but trying my best to look calm on the outside. 


Guess i just said something that i shouldn’t say. At least not yet. 


We’re in the middle of our v live comeback for RBB. One day before the official released of our new mini album along with the title track RBB’s music video. 


I didn’t know that it’s not okay to be disclosed. I just get too excited because i want our fans to know this little secret of ours. 


I just want to brag too, to the whole world that the high pitched dolphin-like sound in our RBB song that lip-synced by Wendy in our MV is actually our Irene unnie’s voice. 


We all tried it but she came out as the best. I’m so proud of her so i naturally said it without thinking much. 


Now that the ambience became suddenly chilly and awkward.. all because of me. 


“Should i not say this?” I worriedly asked my members and subconsciously turn my head to my right, looking at my unnie. 


Just as fast as the doubtful question left my mouth, just as fast Irene unnie’s open , looking at me with her so calming doe eyes and confidently says to me, “It’s okay.” with a comforting smile. 


She sounds so convincing. 


So i believe her. Effortlessly. Easily. Like always. 


And her answer calming me in instant. Her small smile helps too. 


As always, she’s exactly what i need. 


After the camera switched to our maknae who’s already reading another question rather hastily, (she did that either because she wants to help me, saving me from making any possible further chaos, or simply because she’s Yeri. Who always has a hasty heart.) i feel a soft pat on my lower back. 


Her gentle touch calm me even more. 


Now even without any word uttered from , i swear i still can hear her voice saying to me, “It’s okay, Seulgi. You’re okay.”


So i nodded my head and throw my best eyesmile at her. Also silently saying back, “Thank you.. I love you.”


And she smiles back oh so sweetly at me. And that’s when i know she catch my message. Because she quietly grab my hand and when she makes sure no camera is directed at us, she quickly draw a small heart on my palm using her finger before she let go and pretend to attentively listen to what Yeri says, as her way to say back, “I love you too.” to me. 


I bend my head low for a second there. Trying to hide my big -stupid bear-like grin, before i fake a small cough and put back my ‘normal’ face on. 


I got the best unnie, the best girlfriend that anyone in this world could ask for. 


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seulrene_daze #1
Chapter 1: okay that drawing heart on palm is damn cute
Chapter 2: LMFAO
Chapter 2: Seulgi and her jealousy is so damn cute hahahaha
Chapter 1: Aww so cute
Chapter 2: Jajajaja.
Muy lindo todo, con el seulrene vamos por buen camino por lo que veo.
Chapter 2: Jealous Seulgi is so cuuuute! And now she's trying to make Irene jealous because of JiSeul lol XD
Chapter 2: Omg this is so cuteeeee. Hahahahaha
Chapter 1: This is so cute
chocoxxpie #9
Chapter 2: omg this fanfic is totally what i needed for my seulrene shipper heart. as much as i like blackpink and red velvet, i can’t help feeling upset about jenrene interactions since i would rather it be seulrene. i also hated/was jealous of how much attention it was getting just because irene and jennie are both so popular. i was so conflicted because i liked them both, but i guess my love for seulrene transcends everything else. thank god i wasn’t the only seulrene shipper that felt this way. even though this was just a fanfic, it reminded me of seulrene’s real life bond and it rid me of any insecurities i had about my favorite ship :)