The Haetae's Test

Mythos: Cries of the Kreo

Jungkook, Yuna and Seokmin marched down the halls of the Ministry building. All three of them were tense as they stood in front of the large doors to the conference hall They took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. Everyone knew that the Academy lost one of the Mythos, and everyone knew that Jungkook and Jieun were there when the enemy stole the precious gem. All eyes were on Jieun's team as people started to question their skills, especially since they were considered to be the best of the best.

"What are you doing?"

The three turned and gasped when they saw Jieun standing behind them. She was dressed in her Instructor's uniform, but her hand crossed her stomach to grip her wounded waist. Her skin was awfully bland and pale, clearly showing that she was in great pain and distress. Yet, she only grimaced and let out a shaky grunt while she pushed the three to the side. 

"I thought you were still resting," Jungkook said.

"Yeah, I thought so, too, until the stupid Head Master wanted me to show up," Jieun grumbled. 

"Jaejoong told you to come?" Jungkook asked her.

"Yeah and he's mad, so don't even look up once you bow your heads," Jieun said. She took an uneasy deep breath. "I'll do all the talking."

Before any of the three had the chance to protest, Jieun opened the door. The room was large and daunting. Four chairs were lined up on the opposite end of the long table. Only three out the four chairs were occupied. The three Ministry Members stared at the latecomers, who walked down the carpet.

There were two tables on each side of the room. P.O and Kihyun's team sat on the left side while Kyungsoo's team occupied one table on the right. Jieun and her team bowed before Jaejoong, Yesung and Gain before she led them to the available table next to Kyungsoo's team. 

The second they sat down, Jaejoong glanced over and stared at Jieun's team, who were all lowering their head. He gazed at them suspiciously before looking at Jieun.

"Why are you making your students look down? It's not their fault that the Mythos of the Sleef was stolen. Raise their heads," Jaejoong told her.

"Oh? Then are you trying to place the blame solely on me?" Jieun asked. "Does that mean I can leave the Academy? Is that my punishment for losing the Mythos of the Sleef? Am I being kicked out again?"

Jaejoong stared at her for a long time in silence. Then, he let out a smirk and a small chuckle.

"Why are you getting so defensive? You're being immature," Jaejoong remarked.

"Oh, I apologize," she replied sarcastically. "I don't mean to be rude. I'm just in a lot of ing pain."

"Is that your excuse as to why you let the enemy take the Mythos of the Sleef?" he asked.

"I told you that I'm not responsible for anything that happens to the Mythos after I retrieved them," she snapped.

"Because you're too occupied with having a romantic affair with one of your students?" 

Jieun scrunched up her eyebrows while Jungkook felt his heart skip a beat. He wasn't exactly sure why, but after hearing Jaejoong's comment, he suddenly felt nervous and exposed. He continued to lower his head while he listened to his own heart beating against his chest.

"What? Who came up with such an absurd rumor?" she inquired him.

"Well, people in the hospital have been saying how things look awfully chummy between you and your student," Jaejoong said.

"Me and with who, huh? Who could the nurses have possibly paired me up with?"

Jungkook felt his heart quicken its pace. He remained awfully tense as his eyes shifted around the ground, trying to focus on something else. Yuna glanced over and noticed how his arms and legs grew stiff. Another sick feeling crawled in her stomach before she continued to lower her head.

"With you," Jaejoong said, pointing, "and with Seokmin."

Seokmin looked up in pure shock while Jungkook stared at him with confusion. Yuna snorted quietly and Jieun stood up from her seat, furious.

"How absurd!" Jieun yelled.

"I agree—"

"Seokmin, lower your head and shut up!" she ordered.

Seokmin pressed his lips and made a small nod before looking back down on the ground.

"Let him raise his head and speak," Jaejoong said. "I already told you that these three aren't going to be punished."

"I'm punishing them," she said.

The three shifted their gaze to Jieun before looking back down.

"Why the hell are there rumors about me and Seokmin?" Jieun asked Jaejoong.

"People in the hospital have seen how Seokmin visits you nearly everyday to change your flowers. They never saw the other two members do anything like that for you." Jaejoong shrugged and smiled. "Why are you so worked up over this? Is there a chance that it's possible…true?"

Jieun glared at him. She glanced over at the room, noticing how people were staring at her. Then, she made a scoff and looked back at Jaejoong.

"…I will take my leave with my students," Jieun declared.

Jaejoong's smile faded. "But we haven't discussed—"

"Kyungsoo, report to me later," Jieun told him. "The rest of you, get up and don't look up from the ground."

Jungkook, Yuna and Seokmin hesitated, but eventually obeyed when they locked eyes with Jieun's glare. They quickly lowered their heads again and got up, walking out the door with their heads down. Jieun stormed out of the room with her students and slammed the door shut.

Once they were out of the room, the three quickly looked up and stared back at the conference hall, then looked back at Jieun.

"Wait! You didn't clarify the situation!" Seokmin cried out as he stopped Jieun's track. "Now they think that there's something between us!"

"So what? He was making fun of us," Jieun said. 

"Just to make it clear, I don't have feelings for you!" Seokmin exclaimed.

Jieun sighed. "I know—"

"Then why didn't you tell them that?" Seokmin complained. He looked over at Yuna, who seemed indifferent about the situation. "I don't have feelings for Jieun, okay? Okay?"

Yuna waved him away and looked at Jieun. "So why didn't you deny it? Do you have feelings for Seokmin?"

Jieun laughed, but stopped quickly when she felt a sharp pain jab her ribs. She winced and seethed her teeth before letting out a small smirk.

"No, it's not like that. I'm just not giving what Jaejoong wanted," she said. 

"What did he want?" Jungkook asked her.

Jieun smiled. "I wonder."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as Jieun started to walk away. 

"Well, then can I go back in there and clear things up?" Seokmin asked as the students caught up to her.

"Nah, you wouldn't want to go back in there," Jieun said.

She stopped walking, then reached out her hand to grab something. Jungkook immediately took place as her support and held onto her arm as her legs started to give in. She panted loudly as her body twitched.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked her.

Jieun grimaced. "Find an empty r-room."

"An empty room?" Seokmin repeated. "There aren't a lot—"

"Find one!" Jieun demanded. She let out a small growl, alerting the three that the Kreo was trying to be active.

The three traveled down the halls and started to open doors. They eventually found one empty room and guided their Instructor inside. The second she limped in, they closed the door and blocked it with a chair. Blood seeped out from the corner of as she leaned against the wall and sat down. 

"What's wrong? Do you have to go to the hospital?" Jungkook asked her.

"She is suppressing the Kreo so that the other creatures won't slip out," a familiar voice explained. The three froze and slowly turned around. Seungho stood behind them, his hands behind his back with a straight and dignified posture. He kept his eyes on Jieun, who was heavily breathing and gritting her teeth. "Yoo Seungho, the Haetae: Lion of Justice."

Immediately, the three wielded out their weapons and pointed at Seungho. His brown orbs shifted briefly before a smirk appeared on his face.

"Brandishing your weapons in front of an innocent bystander? Are you threatening me?" Seungho asked. An immense powerful aura surrounded him. "Must I judge you all on that?"

"How the hell did you slip out?" Jieun grunted. "I was trying to let Hanna or Junki slip out instead."

"You don't really know how to control the Kreo, do you? How pitiful."

"I think I've been doing a fairly good job," she insisted. She looked at her students. "Lower your weapons."

They hesitated, but obeyed.

Seungho looked down at her. "You don't have to put that much strength to suppress them. You're only wearing yourself out and it makes it easier for the other creatures to slip out. Fortunately for you, the three new ones are dumb and crazed so they don't know how to slip out like me and the earlier Kreo creatures."

"Are you calling Hanna, Junki and Minho dumb?" Seokmin asked.

"That is a polite way of saying it," Seungho said. "Only the intellectual ones are able to slip out and go back in however they please."

"Shut up and just go back in the Kreo before anyone sees you," Jieun demanded.

"I refuse." He took the bow from his back and pulled out an arrow from the quiver. He stretched the arrow and pointed at Jieun. The three quickly repositioned themselves, but Jieun remained calm.

Jieun let out a cold scoff. "Are you planning to kill me?"

"I am passing down judgement," Seungho said.

"Let go of your weapon," Jungkook commanded.

"You can hurt me, but you cannot kill me. Unlike you humans, Kreo creatures do not need to be scared of of death."

"Oh, that sounds great," Jieun replied sarcastically. 

Seungho's eyes darkened. "Maybe to you humans, but to some of Kreo creatures, we scorn our inability to die."

There was a moment of silence. Jieun cleared and calmly stared at Seungho's eyes.

"What will it take for you to lower that sword of yours," Jieun asked him, "and for you to return to the Kreo?"

Seungho stared straight into her eyes for a long time. She only stared back, and she didn't dare to blink. The three students stood in an awkward silence, unsure of how to react in this situation.

Then, Seungho gave her an amused nod as he lowered his weapon. Then, he took the arrow and extended it in front of him. An ancient spell escaped from his lips as the arrow glowed and revealed a scroll. Jieun frowned, then winced in pain as blood seeped from her chest. She quickly and protectively placed her hands over her chest as a few drops of her blood floated in the air. The blood sped towards the scroll, splashing and disappearing on the designated lines like a messy signature. The arrow glowed even brighter, then drifted towards Jieun and pointed at her chest. He snapped his fingers, causing the arrow to disappear.

"What did you just do?" Jieun asked him quickly.

"Starting from now, I will give you until the next full moon to prove to me that you are someone worthy of being the Keeper of the Kreo. For you to get my approval, you must show that you have a sense of justice," Seungho explained. "During this time, I will refuse to go back into the Kreo."

Jieun widened her eyes. "What? No, you can't do that! This is the Academy! People will literally freak out if they see you!"

"Nonsense. As long as I do not harm them, they should have no intentions to harm me," Seungho said proudly. 

"Are you insane? You—"

"Wait, what happened to the arrow that was just in front of her?" Seokmin asked.

"It's still there. It's only visible to our eyes," Seungho said, staring straight at Jieun. "That arrow will continue to point at you. Once the full moon rises and if I deem you to be unworthy of the Kreo, then the arrow will strike you and you will no longer be the Keeper of the Kreo."

"Or alive?" Jieun muttered.

"That, too."

"And if I show that I am full of justice?" she asked.

"Then the arrow will disappear and I will automatically form a contract with you," Seungho said.

"Great! So your goal is to kill me, isn't it?"

"My goal is to judge you and deem your worth to us. There's little reason for the rest of the Kreo creatures except for your own creation to kill you unless we don't like you or we don't think you deserve our power," he told her.

"So why can't you just keep this arrow on me and return to the Kreo? It's dangerous for people to see you!" Jieun cried out desperately.

"Nonsense. I am not a threat. There is no reason for me to find myself in danger," Seungho said proudly.

"Did I say that it's dangerous for you? No, I think I said that it's dangerous for people," she stressed again.

"But you do feel better since I managed to slip out, don't you? It's one less creature for you to suppress," Seungho said. Jieun didn't want to admit it, but he was completely right. The moment he came out and started talking, her body did feel a bit more light-weighted.

There was a sudden knock on the door. The four Academy members stared at the door intently.

"Jieun? It's Kyungsoo. Some people said that they saw you and your students come in here. May I come in?" Kyungsoo asked.

"U-Um, are you with your students?" Jieun stuttered, staring at Seungho with wide eyes.

"Yes. They are with me right now," he said. "I need to talk to you."

Jieun darted her eyes over to the students. She urged them to hide Seungho, who seemed clueless as to why he had to hide. Yuna rushed towards the door to deal with Kyungsoo. She waved her hand to Jungkook and Seokmin, ordering them to do something about the oddly dressed Kreo creature. Jungkook and Seokmin looked around for anywhere to hide him. A few seconds later, Seokmin managed to throw over a blanket and Jungkook dragged him to the cluttered corner of the room. Seungho tried to peak out, but the boys leaned themselves on top of his head, preventing him from getting up or from revealing himself.

Yuna rolled her eyes, but opened the door. Kyungsoo stood at the door with a questionable expression. Hyunbin, Jinsol and Eunwoo stood behind him with a solemn expression.

"Is everything okay?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Everything is great! Jieun was just feeling under the weather," Yuna explained.

Jieun grunted and mustered a smile. "Hey, Kyungsoo! Sorry, I'm resting in this room for a few minutes. I'll get out soon! Or even better, can we talk later?"

"I came because it's urgent," Kyungsoo said. "The meeting ended a couple of minutes ago. I'm being assigned a secret and important mission with my students."

"Is it really a secret or am I just the only one who doesn't know it?" Jieun asked him.

"It's really a secret. The mission was handed after the meeting ended," Kyungsoo said. "It's classified, soI can't tell you anything." He looked at his students, then at Jieun's students. "I do need to let you know on your next mission."

Seungho tried to get up, but Jungkook and Seokmin forced him down. Jinsol, who noticed something strange, frowned and looked at them.

"Is everything okay there?" she asked.

"Everything is fine!" Yuna exclaimed, stepping in front of her. She faked a smile. "Why? Are you doubting Jungkook and Seokmin for some reason?"

Jinsol glared. "I was just asking. Jungkook seemed oddly nervous."

"I'm not!" Jungkook said.

"What's the mission?" Jieun asked, trying to get everyone back on topic.

Kyungsoo pressed his lips and stared at her. "Jieun, how good are you with collaborative work?"

"I prefer solo," she said. "Even with my students, I do everything solo."

"Yeah, she never lets us do anything," Seokmin added.

"Okay. How do you feel about Kihyun?"

"Kihyun? The assassin Instructor?" Jieun pondered on the thought of him. "I would think he's good at working solo. Not a huge fan of him, but he's better than P.O."

"Well, you've been assigned a mission with him," Kyungsoo said. "There's rumors going around this one area that claims it holds the Luos."

"Aren't there always rumors?" Jieun asked. She quickly glanced at the boys before looking back at Kyungsoo. "And is it really necessary for us to talk right now? I mean, I was just about to leave."

She got up from the ground, but failed to stand properly. Kyungsoo quickly grabbed her with one hand, supporting her as she found her balance. 

"It's necessary for me because I won't be here anymore," Kyungsoo told her.

Jieun stiffened. "They're kicking you out?"

"No, I've been assigned a special mission to scout for THE ARC's hideout," he explained. "I'm given strict orders to not return until I find out where they're hiding, and that might take a while."

Jieun slowly shook her head. "B-But that… Then that means I'll be all alone again."

She looked down at the ground, disappointed in herself. Kyungsoo let out a sigh and pulled her into a hug. All six students raised their eyebrows at the sudden intimacy. 

"Sorry, but it's safer this way," he said. He patted her shoulders before pulling away. "Stay alive, Jieun."

"Goodbye, Kyungsoo," she said.

With a small nod, he turned and walked out of the room. His students followed him quietly and Yuna closed the door.

As soon as they were gone, Seungho popped out from the blanket, pushing Jungkook and Seokmin away to the side. He patted his robe and looked at Jieun, who glared at him.

"I don't think it was polite for you to keep me hidden," Seungho said. "I could've introduced myself."

"That's not the issue right now," Jieun said. She frowned. "If we're working with Kihyun, then that means he'll be able to see you." She walked over to him. "What's your animal form? Maybe we can hide you."

Seungho broke into a proud smile. He spun around in a circle, glowing and transforming into a lion with a horn on its head. Unlike a normal lion, he had thick muscular legs and his entire body was the size of a buffalo. A small tinkling sound echoed in the room as a bell formed around its neck. Rather than fur, his body was covered in golden red scales.

Jieun stared at Seungho's animal form in a dumbfounded manner, trying to come up with a plan.

"I was hoping that you'd be smaller," she muttered regretfully.


* * *


At night, Kihyun was having a glass of alcohol to himself to help with his insomnia. He looked outside on the balcony, observing the stillness of the destruction. It was hard to believe that there was so much damage all around the Academy. He knew that the enemy was strong, but it was almost as if the enemy was allowed to enter and destroy everything…

"Still having trouble sleeping?"

He turned around and saw Jaejoong smiling at him. Kihyun quickly placed his glass on the railing before kneeling down.

"Good evening, Head Master," Kihyun greeted him.

"You may stand." 

Kihyun got back up on his feet. Jaejoong smiled at him and stepped onto the balcony deck with him.

"What are you doing here late at night?" Kihyun asked him.

"Well, I just wanted to talk," Jaejoong said. "Have you talked to Instructor Jieun about the mission?"

"No, I have not," Kihyun said. "I've been meaning to do so, but I have not been able to meet her yet. Instructor Kyungsoo has informed me that he has relayed the information to her."

"Yes, it appears so," Jaejoong muttered. "Tell me. What's on your mind?"

"Nothing, sir."

"Really?" Jaejoong locked eyes with him. "Is there truly nothing going on in your mind?"

Kihyun kept quiet for a few seconds, looking a bit dazed. "Well, I was just thinking about the invasion."

"And what about it?"

"It seems a bit…odd. I'm wondering if we've done adequate training for our current generation of Mythos Hunters. It seems to me that none of them are fit to fight against the enemy," Kihyun said.

"Ah, yes. After all, the training done from your generation is completely different from ERA 97's training," Jaejoong replied, nodding his head. "However, we did assign your four as Instructors for a reason. We believe that you four will do great leading the Mythos Hunters. In fact, out of all the generations, this one has been the most productive. We have actually acquired two Mythos, and one of them was the Corolla." He smiled. "Rest assure, Kihyun. You are doing a fine job. You are truly the best Instructor out of the four."

"Then why was I given the worst group?" Kihyun asked, frowning. 

"Are they really that bad?"

"Indeed. They all hesitate and do not understand how to fight. They have no sense of survival and I cannot deal with their incompetence," Kihyun said. He glared. "Everyone knows that I should've been in charge of Jieun's group. Why is that she's the Instructor of the top three students?"

Jaejoong kept quiet. He only kept a smile on his face the entire time.

"Instructor Kihyun, if your students are truly useless as you propose them to be, then why don't you get rid of them?" Jaejoong suggested. He grabbed both of Kihyun's shoulder and looked at him straight in the eyes. "In fact, why don't you frame Instructor Jieun for killing them? You are a top assassin. This is something you can do, correct?"

Kihyun gaped at him, but he slowly sealed his lips as he started to make more sense of Jaejoong's words. He kept his eyes glued straight into Jaejoong's and made a nod.

"Yes. That seems to be a realistic method," Kihyun murmured. 

Jaejoong smirked. "So that's official. I wish you all the luck, Instructor Kihyun."

The Head Master turned and walked out of Kihyun's room. Little did the two know, Seungho was watching them from close by, hiding away from the eye. He looked at Kihyun's calculative eyes until Kihyun turned around and headed back inside his room. The Kreo creature slowly shook his head as he placed his hands behind his back.

Seconds later, he felt a cold wind touch his neck. Seungho didn't move from his spot at all.

"So the Keeper of the Kreo has finally released you—" Seungho glanced over his shoulder. "—Lee Junki the Chollima."

Junki didn't point his sword at him, nor did he take another step closer. He stood right where he flew by and only stared at Seungho's back.

"The Keeper of the Kreo is looking for you," Junki said. "She is afraid that you will expose yourself to the others and create a messy situation. Please return to her side right now."

"I only went for a walk," Seungho insisted.

"She prefers if you stick by her side the entire time until she figures out how to disguise you properly since you refuse to return to the Kreo," Junki explained.

"…You are different from the other two Kreo creatures," Seungho said. "I wonder who your Kreo creator is. I don't believe I have met your creator."

"My creator gave me strict orders to protect the next Keeper of the Kreo and that happened to be Jieun," Junki informed him.

"And do you truly believe that it just 'happened' to be her?" Seungho inquired. Junki remained silent. "You know, I applaud you. I do not know how I would feel about being an abandoned Kreo creature." Seungho finally turned and looked at him. "After all, how pathetic is it to be created and have absolutely no purpose for the one who brought you to life? It seems to be quite a horrible mistake, does it not?"

Angered by his harsh words, Junki finally took out his sword and jumped to attack him. Seungho quickly ducked and pulled out his bow and arrow, ready to release the arrow. Before any of their weapons could hit each other, a white blurry figure intercepted their attacks with her claw. Junki gritted his teeth and Seungho frowned in disapproval as Hanna pushed both Kreo creatures away from hitting each other.

"So the violent one is released," Seungho muttered.

"What are you two thinking?" Hanna hissed. Her eyes burned bright blue. "Do you know what will happen if you two start fighting? The Academy is already destroyed. You two do not need to destroy it any further."

Junki's eyes glowed purple. "I can kill him. Let me kill him."

Seungho's eyes glimmered like the orange sun. "If dying was that easy for a Kreo creature, then some of us would have done it a long time ago."

"Both of you stop!" Hanna demanded. "The more power you use, the more you're weakening the Keeper of the Kreo!" She looked at Junki. "You were ordered to protect her, so why are you not standing down?"

Junki gritted his teeth. He pulled himself away and hid his weapon back on his belt. Seungho did the same while Hanna withdrew her claws. The three all composed themselves.

"Well, it will not be long until all of us have to return to the Kreo," Seungho said. "It will be another long sleep for me."

"Are you saying that my Kreo creator will not pass your test?" Hanna asked. She gave him an icy look. "I will warn you right now: If you do anything that hurts Jieun, I will end you."

"I do not believe that she will succeed the test," Seungho said. He glanced at Hanna. "Especially since she is the embodiment of you." 

"You have a problem with me?"

"Kreo creatures were not meant to be created as destructive and violent beings. You and the Bulgasari are two Kreo creatures that should have never been created," Seungho stated boldly.

"I was created to protect Jieun!" Hanna argued.

"That is the issue. Kreo creatures should not be created to protect the Keeper of the Kreo, but to fix humanity and their evil ways," Seungho declared. "We were designed to keep order amongst the world, not to cater ourselves to one person."

"Oh? Then what about your Kreo creator? I'm sure that your creator was not selfless and righteous," Hanna mocked. 

"Indeed, in the end, he was not, which is why I killed him."

Hanna remained awfully quiet with Junki. Seungho stepped forward when both of them looked at him with skeptical eyes.

"That is correct," he continued. "I passed judgement on him and deemed him to be unfit to be the Keeper of the Kreo, thus I killed him. Do not think that I will not do the same for yours."

Hanna growled. Her nine tails started to perk up. 

"It is too late for you to do anything at this point. The arrow is already pointing at the Keeper of the Kreo." Seungho's eyes briefly glowed orange. "I will return to the Keeper of the Kreo's side. You two should return to the Kreo."

He started walking back, leaving Hanna and Junki alone for a few minutes before they turned to light and returned to the Kreo.

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"Mythos: Cries of the Kreo" is also getting translated into Russian by mishaHell, which you can access here (thank you so much for translating!): (2/2)


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I want to read this but im scared since its been so long it was updated. Ive been craving for kooku fics after jungkook attended IU concert.anyway i will still read this and let my imagination to whats going to happend next. 💜💜
ejeura_ #2
Chapter 22: I made an account just now to be able to thank you author-nim on updating this! I really love the story so far. I wish you well!
Chapter 21: Awww thanks for the update, Author-nim! I’ve missed you!
Chapter 21: Thank you for your update author nim
kookieu97 #5
Chapter 20: This is ligit
Chapter 20: Haaaa author nim please continue this story bcs this is hella good 😭😭🥺
Chapter 20: I read this chapter as soon as it got out but i never got a chance to comment in it so i’m doing it now! This storyline really interests you in a way where you want to know the pst and what will happen in the future. I really liked the addition of Haetae being a kreo that has his own will but does not act rashly as the bulgasari. I really am in love with this story author. We will support you all the way!
Chapter 20: I read this chapter as soon as it got out but i never got a chance to comment in it so i’m doing it now! This storyline really interests you in a way where you want to know the pst and what will happen in the future. I really liked the addition of Haetae being a kreo that has his own will but does not act rashly as the bulgasari. I really am in love with this story author. We will support you all the way!
Chapter 20: Jungkook is definitely have a feeling for jieun hahaha cute. I wonder if jieun knows about it. Btw thanks for the update
Chapter 19: I really really really love this!! I’ve been so busy and been starting to get depressed with whatever is happening in my life and reading this just makes me feel better. Thank you so much for this, this story is really good!!! I really like the kreo creatures you choose and their own personalities that you gave them. I am really interested on how jieun will handle the kreo creatures and tame them and what other creatures there are. Thank you again for this!!!