Chapter 1



The day I nearly talked to Taehyung was the hottest day of my life, even in the bookstore, which was air-conditioned. Behind the counter, I slouched on my stool, book in hand.

The afternoon sunlight made the books on the selves look like they're going to tear open and bring the people in the book to life; I'd be really terrified and happy at the same time.

I was reading when the door opened with a little ding,  a rush of hot air and a group of boys come laughing too loudly to need my help, so I kept reading and let them jostle along the walls and talk about everything except books.

I jerked my book up toward my face and glanced in the three boys direction. The other two were still talking and gesturing at a paper bird I'd hung from the ceiling above the children's book section. One boy wasn't talking, though; he hung back, his eyes on the books all around him: eyes flicked over the shelves, seeking possibilities for escape.

I had imagined a lot of situations in my head but now that the moment had come, I didn't know what to do.


He was so real here. It was different when he was in the cafeteria, so bored and careless, laughing along with the boys around the table he sat at. The distance and difference between us made me stay away. But here in the bookstore, with me, he seemed so different and calm.

His gaze headed in my direction, and I looked quickly down at my book.

One of the boys called, "Taehyung-ah come over here and look at this-"


I jerked back as a face appeared in front of me. On the other side of the counter.  One of the other boys, dyed blonde hair and tanned. He had striped black and white shirt underneath a red hawaiian button up shirt: sunglasses hanging out of the pocket. I look up to meet his eyes, Kim Namjoon, Senior staring right back at me. 

We both didn't say anything. 

"Hey, you're Jungkook right?" He asked breaking the awkward tension hanging in the air.

"Yeah." I said quietly, hoping he didn't hear me.

I've done what I could to be pleasant and quiet, making myself as small and unseen as possible. It's surprising he knows who I am. 

But before any of us can say something else, the second boy pushed up against Namjoon: different shades of light brown hair and radiating so much energy that everyone can see. "Flirting, Namjoon-ah? We don't have time for that. Here, youngie we'll take this one."

I took the book from him, not daring to glance around the room to see if taehyung could see me.

"Nineteen dollars and ninety-nine cents," I said.

My heart was pounding.

"For a paperback?" remarked the boy, but handed me a twenty. "Keep the penny." He said smugly. I left the penny in the cash register and bagged the book and receipt quickly.

After hearing the footsteps fade away, I feel his gaze piercing through me like a bullet. But I keep my eyes glued to my book.

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