Moving On


Haeun and Hyungwon goes through rough patches, will they be able to patch things up and move on?





"That's it, I seriously can't handle this anymore. I am done with this bull!", he yelled. 

"Oh yeah, that's great! Just leave your problems and find something else, like you always do!", I responded back.

He stares at me, which feels like for a while. His eyes filled with anger with a tinge of sorrow.

"At least I didn't give up on us, like you did."

I stare back with no response. Frozen. Astonished at the fact that he would even say that.

"You were the one who cheated on me. Cut the bull Hyungwon. You gave me a reason to give up!



My first fanfic ever? LOL I hope you guys enjoyed what I wrote so far. Planning to do maybe 3-5 chapters? Not sure yet, but if you guys have any ideas and suggestions please comment them down. Thank you!!


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