데뷔  x  A Story Of Survival x APPLY OPEN



Debut, /ˈdeɪbjuː,ˈdɛbjuː/ - A person's first appearance or performance in a particular capacity or role.

Daeun let his body go, his limbs supporting him into the floor before his back falls onto the hard floor. He sighed in relief, his breathes after were getting lighter than the last, his feet felt like they were being pricked by pins. His sweat clutterd his vision and sure made his nose have field day from the stench he was producing.

His eyes darted to the clock, it was 4am now.  Another all nighter he supposed; they weren't as rare as you'd think. He didn't want to leave the comfort of the floor, the serenity he was in, he was alone. He could breathe alone for once in his life, maybe for the last time tonight. 

One more time, just one more.

He couldn't move, almost like he was paralyzed. He was glued to the floor, he didn't want to leave, yet he needed to practice. He didn't want to be let go.


He didn't want to be let go today.

Tensions are high, a handful of male trainees have been selected by Popcorn Entertainment's CEO. Now they all fight for survival to earn a spot in the final group. Chances are limited, friendships will turn, secrets will unfold and somber goodbyes have to be made all in the sake of acheiving their dream of debuting.


백다은 Baek Daeun / 091600 / Dance / 2 
이름 Name / MMDDYY / Specialty / # yrs
이름 Name / MMDDYY/ Specialty / # yrs

My name is Lily and I am an aspiring author~! So this is my first applyfic that is more focused on trainee life rather than idol life. I wanted to write a story that had characters created by you guys so here you go! I'm still relatively new to the applyfic community, sticking to just reading. But I hope that you all enjoy this story of DEBUT. 
This layout was coded by myself, as will some of the other pages in the story, image not mine.

DEBUT // Traineeau, Idollife, Debut, Apply, Drama, Friendship, Romance (?), 

Daeun has been released :)


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Chapter 5: Oooooooooh, this looks interesting.
Chapter 4: Hi, sorry for the mistakes, I edited my app!
i've been needing more boy group applyfics :-(
we've been having such a lack, so i'll definitely be excited for what's to come!
you’ve got my interest!!