I Swear It Was Love


"Sun-woo... Deok Seon....did she like Taek???" I asked looking at the ground embarrassed, as we continued to walk to Jung Hwan's house.
"No...I mean...there is no way she does..." Sun-Woo turns to face me. We turn the corner of the block noticing Taek and Deok Seon.
I ignored his comment as I see Taek and Deok Seon laughing together and leaning against each other. 
"Right! There's no way.." I whispered sarcastically. 
"Tell Taek congratulation on winning the Baek tournament for me, "I told him walking upstairs to my house's gate. My watery eyes became heavy as I close my gate doors.


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E_unicorn16 #1
Chapter 1: Please update??
I like the story I'll wait until you update ?