Pikachu Couple

My Pikachu


 You: Solbie-unnie! Where are you?


You walked inside the house, holding Kwangmin’s hand. That’s the first thing that Jiho saw once you walked inside. Anger and Jealousy rose on him, but he tried to control it and told himself that you and Kwangmin are just bestfriends.


You: Yah! Jiho! Where’s Solbie unnie?

Jiho: Uhmm.. She said that she’s going to our uncle’s house then to a friend’s house.

You: Wait. What? OUR uncle??

Jiho: Nae. We’re cousins, you know? Hahaha. Why? Did you think that I’m here because me and Solbie, have a mutual understanding or something?? Hahahaha

You: Hmmmm….--




Jiho: It’s getting late now. Just let me walk you home..

You: I’m waiting for Yoona, she’s the one who’s suppose to take me home.

Jiho: C’mon. It has been 2 hours~


You thought and agreed with Jiho that it’s taking Yoona so long to get there.

So, You just agreed with him and let him walk you home.


You: Fine. Kaja!



You were sitting on the swings in the playground and eating your ice cream, when Jiho suddenly broke the silence.


Jiho: Yah. I’m having this feelings for a girl in your class.. can you help me get more close to her?

You: Who?

Jiho: It’s a secret. But you’re close to her :D

You: *Why am suddenly feeling weak? Is it because of what Jiho said? Am I jealous of that girl?? It feels like I’m having a crush on him* Sure.


[End of Flashback]


You: --No.

Jiho: * The sarcasm in her voice is a little fishy.*

You: Do you how to treat a strain?

Jiho: No, do I look like a doctor?? :PP

You: Aish. Whatever. -.-“


“to the kitchen!~” you turned to Kwangmin and lead him to the kitchen.


As soon as you left Jiho wondered why you have that tone of sarcasm in your voice.. then it hit him. *Oh God, she thought that Solbie was the one I’m talking about* He remembered that he told you that he was having feelings for a girl in her class.


You sitted Kwangmin by the counter. “Wait here” you told him and ran upstairs. You ran back down with your backpack, placed it on the counter and started digging in. You looked at Kwangmin’s thumb. “Omo! It’s bleeding too much..” you dug in your backpack faster.


When you found your bandaids. You told Kwangmin to wash his thumb with soap and water, after he did that you put the bandaid on his thumb. “Pororo?” He smirked. “Yah. He’s cute.” You told him.

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mynameisjojo #1
Love your stories. Reading Who's Next too! Update both of them soon! :D
milkymilk #2
Update soon :))
zerramin #3
zerramin #4
carpet much?
poor jiho...
zerramin #5
i'm new but i'm good at criticizing...
your grammar is kind of...ahh...wrong...
and wat does jugulae mean?
and no offense on my comment...
m0zarts0nata-- #6
Iamkatrina #7
Nice one! :D