Woo Jiho

My Pikachu


[The Next Day. At dismissal time]


Shiel was cleaning the classroom because she got detention for sleeping in math time and the teacher caught her eating while he is discussing on History. She was fixing the teacher’s table, when suddenly a paper flew away from the stack of book’s of the teacher.Shiel followed it outside but was surprised when someone caught it.


Boy: What is this? This is a copy of a coming exam. Are you planning on cheating?? Hmm?

Shiel: Aniya!! It just flew away from the stack of books. I didn’t even saw it!!

Boy: Yeah, Yeah. Sure.. but I’m still telling on you!! :PP

Shiel: Yah! You’re such a bully!~ I-HATE-YOU!! >.<

Boy: Mwo?? Hahaha You hate me?? How can you hate someone as handsome as me? And what did I ever do to you??

Shiel: Well, um, let’s see. You bumped me without even saying sorry .which pissed me a lot and I just realized you are so BIG-HEADED!!

Boy: I am not!~ I’m just telling the truth. I’m really handsome –and also Cool :DD

Shiel: WOO-JI-HO! I really really hate you!!~ >:(


She snatched the paper from the boy’s hand and walked away. She fixed the teacher’s table again, arranged her bag and left. When she stepped outside the room and saw Jiho waiting outside. He spotted Shiel and followed her.


Jiho: Yah! How did you know my name?? Have you been stalking me?

Shiel: It’s on your uniform Pabo.

Jiho: I knew that I was just teasing you :D

Shiel: Yeah Sure…


Jiho kept teasing Shiel all the way from the 7th floor to the 5th floor. He was so into teasing Shiel that he didn’t notice that they were infront of the elevator. Shiel pressed the button without Jiho noticing, when the elevator was already on the 5th floor she asked Jiho to turn around, and silently walked inside the elevator. She pressed the close button and said: “Goodbye, Pabo~”




Shiel, Yoojin and Yoona was walking to their room. She saw Jiho infront of their room with his friends. She was trying to not get noticed because it may lead to him teasing her again. But sadly she failed, Jiho spotted her.


Jiho greeted: Heyy!~ Shieltokki!! Wassup?


But she replied coldly: Don’t Shieltokki me Babo! We’re not close.


With that she walked inside. Kwangmin was listening to songs from his Iphone. She sneakily approached him and pulled off his earphones.


Shiel: You’re so busy listening to music, that you didn’t even notice me come in .Aww

Kwangmin: I was waiting for you so long. That I got bored .Hahaha

Shiel: Is that so?? Keke


Shiel sat beside him and they started teasing each other. Seeing them so close made Jiho a little envious at Kwangmin. He was at the door looking at Shiel and Kwangmin. Then he realize that he was starting to like Shiel.




“Why is Shiel absent?” Kwangmin asked Yoona, Yoojin and Solbie at breaktime


Yoona: She sprained her foot.

Kwangmin: Waeyo?

Yoojin: Because she slipped at the spilled water on their kitchen.

Kwangmin: Is she okay??

Solbie: We’re going to her house later. Wanna come?

Yoojin: Unnie, He only lives next door to Shiel he can come there anytime. Keke

Kwangmin: Sure ,I’ll go after my basketball practice. See you later!

Yoojinbie: Byee~


*later than afternoon*


They were at Shiel’s house. She was really glad that they came over to keep her company. Kwangmin followed them after 20 minutes.

Jiho was also there only he was outside. He overheard Kwangmin and the girls’ conversation and decided to follow them. He was leaning on a wall outside Shiel’s house. Yoona came out talking to her mom on the phone she saw Jiho but he didn’t saw her. He was looking at a text message P.O sent him.



On monday, Shiel and Kwangmin went to school together, riding Kwangmin’s bike. She was hugging Kwangmin tight because she was worried the she might fall.

They were walking to the stairs going to the main campus and Kwangmin was helping Shiel climb up the stairs, She was holding Kwangmin’s hand for support. Jiho saw all this and he felt really jealous.



Annyeong!!~~ What do you think? Too fast? or Too boring?? Commet please~ I wanna know your thoughts :))

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mynameisjojo #1
Love your stories. Reading Who's Next too! Update both of them soon! :D
milkymilk #2
Update soon :))
zerramin #3
zerramin #4
carpet much?
poor jiho...
zerramin #5
i'm new but i'm good at criticizing...
your grammar is kind of...ahh...wrong...
and wat does jugulae mean?
and no offense on my comment...
m0zarts0nata-- #6
Iamkatrina #7
Nice one! :D