Special Edition Chapter

The Dragon's Lair

This is the thirty day bonding period report of Kim Namjoon. I am writing this because Kim Heechul is a tyrant who threatened to make everything I eat taste like broccoli for an entire month if I missed even a single day. For my owner's privacy, since I don't know who all is going to see this, I won't use her real name. Her aura has always reminded me of one of my favorite jewels in my collection, a star blue sapphire, so for this report her name will be recorded as Star.

Day 1: Here we go, first entry. The house is incredible and I have my own room. It's a charming farmhouse with tons of space and a bunch of land. There's even a massive forest that apparently is part of her property as well. I'm looking forward to exploring it all later. I can't help but wonder if Star's been lonely out here by herself. There are tons of rooms in this house and everything sort of echos when it's quiet. The thought of her sitting in here by herself is heartwrenching. If she adopted me because's all alone, I hope I can make her happy. I should probably also report that my dumb biology has decided she's a part of my hoard. I can't sleep without her now. I normally would have wanted to wait until we were more comfortable, but she dealt with the situation with grace.

Day 2: Not too much to report today. We spent most of the day buying more things for my bedroom. Since Star is a part of my hoard now, she insisted on buying an even bigger bed and stashed the old one in one of the other rooms. This one is something called an Eastern King sized bed and is the biggest mattress I've ever seen. I could fit so much on here. Put that eyebrow away, hyung. There is a room that she keeps locked and when I asked her about it she said it was just storage. Seems strange to have a whole room just to stash stuff. And why keep it locked it she was the only one living here?

Day 3: I may have made a mistake today. I've been so happy here that I wanted to thank her. I can hear you saying, "You gave her a jewel, right?" Well, I'm afraid I didn't. I tried to make her breakfast. I KNOW, hyung. I learned that it's possible to melt a pan and leave the meat inside of it raw. Who knew? Lucky for me, Star was too busy laughing about the pan to really get too mad at me. She gave me a hug before telling me I'm banned from the kitchen.

Day 4: I spent the day scenting my territory. Every bit of this house (minus that locked room) and the land surrounding it are now marked. I even got away with subtly marking Star. This is feeling more like home every day.

Day 5: I don't want to hurt her feelings, so I've been eating everything she's been making me. You'd be proud of me, I haven't complained once! Even when she gave me three scoops of broccoli. Although for broccoli, it wasn't as bad as some I've had. She put garlic and stuff in it. Maybe soon I'll be brave enough to tell her what kind of food I like. I don't think she'd get mad, but you never know.

Day 6: The new Marvel movie came out today. Star was so excited and I couldn't help fall for her a bit more today. I admit I had a crush before, but she was just shining with happiness and every time she smiled at me my heart felt like it was going to burst. It doesn't feel like a crush anymore. The theater was packed and we were pressed together like sardines, but neither of us seemed to mind. She even let me hold her hand. Could she ever return the feelings of someone that is basically an animal, though? Hyung, what do I do?

Day 7: Soonyoung and Jihoon came to hang out today. It was the first time anyone has come by since I'd marked it as my territory, and I think I did pretty well. Only growled a little bit, I promise. That was mostly because of Jihoon hogging Star. He was totally egging me on though, I swear. Smirking whenever he saw me watching. He's known me too long and knows how to push my buttons. He made up for it by telling me everything he knew about Star. The way he talks it's like Soonyoung and Star are the best people on the planet...I think I'm starting to agree. 

Day 8: Star has to do some work tomorrow and won't be able to spend much time with me, so she decided to spoil me today. She took me downtown and we hung out there almost all day. Ate at a cafe, spent hours in the bookstore, even stopped by the art museum. Then we walked next to the river and we just talked about everything. Hopes for the future, friends, books we like. Hyung, it felt like a date. I want it so bad it's aching. Do dragons have mates? Like, soulmates? I think she might be mine. We need to research this.

Day 9: Nothing much to report today. Star has been in her office all day. I don't know if I'm allowed in there, but I've made her food (just sandwiches, don't worry) a couple times and knocked to let her know it was there. I've mostly been in my room reading. I'm going to need cuddles like crazy tomorrow though. Don't laugh, you like cuddles too.

Day 10: We just stayed home today and it was great. We cuddled on the couch and watched a few movies, then went outside to work on her Grandma's garden. She could remember when everything was planted and told me about them with a sad smile. It's obvious that she loved her Grandparents and they loved her. While I'm sad that she lost them, I'm happy that it led her to me. I want to be the family she needs. I know I already need her. It's so soon for that too. I've only known her a couple weeks, but it feels like a lifetime. I can only hope that she feels the same.

Day 11: Star has been smelling a little different lately. Not a bad different, but...I don't know. Maybe she's getting sick. I spent most of today trailing after her like a trying to figure out what the smell was. My dragon was fighting me hard to surface like it wanted to protect. All I wanted to do was take her to my room and not let her leave the nest. (See? I'm calling it a nest. Isn't that weird? Where did that come from). I'm trying to stay calm so I don't scare her. I might call you later and have you send some medication she can take.

Day 12: That smell is still there, but it's even stronger today. I feel like I should know what it means, but I just can't remember. She doesn't look sick. In fact, she's been eating more than usual. She went through three bags of chips today alone. I don't know if I should be worried or not. I guess the best thing is just to wait for her to say something.

Day 13: TODAY HAS BEEN HELL! HYUNG! She wasn't sick, she was starting her cycle. As soon as we woke up I could smell it and my dragon nearly came through the surface. I had to make up some story about dragon digestive problems so I could lock her out of my room and try to get away from her. I was under so much stress my horns and talons were out for hours. All I wanted to do was run after her and CLAIM her. Pull her into our bed and protect her. Hyung, I think we have a pretty good answer to my mates question. There is no doubt in my mind that she is meant for me.

Day 14: She slept in her room for the first time in forever last night because I kept telling her through the door I was having issues. I couldn't sleep at all. My entire body was itching because she wasn't in our nest. I didn't want to scare her though, so I fought through it. I was scared to come out this morning, but I didn't think I'd be able to pull off any more time without worrying her. Thankfully her scent was back to a level I could handle. She was asking about my stomach and babying me. I used the opportunity to blame the broccoli and she's promised to never make me eat any again. At least something good came out of this ordeal.

Day 15: We went ice skating today to celebrate the halfway point of our bonding period. Technically halfway was yesterday, but I was "recovering" so she saved it for today. She was so adorably bad and probably has a bruised behind from how often she fell. I'm always so clumsy everywhere else, but I was proud to be able to show her how good I am on the ice. She was impressed and my dragon was PREENING! I was actually purring like a damn cat. I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something to make her think of me as a mate, but I don't know what. We need to find out if dragons have mating rituals. Hyung, time to hit the books again! Or at least wave your hands around. Honestly, what good is a Wizard if they can't just tell you what you need to know?

Day 16: Nothing to report today. Star worked in her office, although she kept the door open. She warned me that once she gets in art mode, she doesn't' pay attention to anything around her and she didn't want to hurt my feelings. I was fine though, I just like being near her. She has a recliner in there that's really comfy and I read and watched her work. She's so talented and when she's deep in her work she gets extremely focused. The house could have gone up in flames and she wouldn't have noticed. I don't know why that's so attractive, but she had me hooked.

Day 17: I made her cry today, hyung. I'm worried it might be my last day here. I was just trying to do something nice and I made her some tea, but when I tried to carry the tea set to the living room I slipped on the rug and spilled the tray. The entire set broke. I just stood there paralyzed because I couldn't believe what I'd done and she came running from another room. When she saw what broke, she started sobbing. Not just crying, hyung. Wailing. I tried to help her pick the pieces up, but she just asked me to go to my room. I'm sitting here waiting for her to tell me to pack my things. I'm sorry, hyung. I tried.

Day 18: I had gone to bed by myself last night, but Star ended up joining me. She didn't say anything until this morning, but at least we both slept well. It turns out the tea set was one that she'd picked out piece by piece with her Grandma. As soon as I heard that I felt even worse for what I'd done, but she calmed me down when I tried to apologize. She said she knew it was a mistake and she was sorry if she scared me. She was sad but she wasn't angry. I asked her if she wanted me to go back to the shelter, but that just made her cry again and hug me. She told me she couldn't imagine life without me anymore. We spent the rest of the day quietly cuddling on the couch. I think we're going to be okay.

Day 19: I needed to let my scales through while I was showering today because I felt so itchy. I don't know why it's happening in the middle of winter, but I shed a whole handful of scales today. I was just going to give them to you for your supplies like usual, but the thought made chest burn. I felt like I needed to give them to Star. How odd is that? Why would Star need my scales? Maybe it's a dragon thing? Back to the books with us. I wish I had a manual like the other hybrids. Life would be so much easier.

Day 20: Star decided the 20th day we've been together is another milestone worthy of celebration. The zoo was is having some Christmas event for the month of December and the weather was decent enough that I wasn't worried about her being in the cold that long, so that's where we went. Soonyoung and Jihoon came along too. But get this hyung, she called it a double date! I don't think she meant it in the way I want her to but...maybe? Maybe I'm growing on her at least. Either way, we had fun. I liked the petting zoo the most. There was a little goat there that wouldn't stop following me around and Star was laughing so hard. She said when it gets warmer we are definitely getting some goats for the farm. I tried to explain that dragons most likely used goats as their main source of food. She just laughed and made jokes for the rest of the day about me having a "kid." If it makes her this happy, I'll accept my future as a tamed dragon turned goat dad.

Day 21: It's been a long time since I've had one hyung, but I think I had a prophetic dream last night. I was here at home with Star, but the house was full of people. I think they were all men, but I couldn't see their faces well. Everyone was happy and giggling cuddled in the living room and two little kids were running around playing. Even more amazing, Star was sitting next to me with a huge pregnant belly. In the dream, I felt proud and protective so I was sure it was mine. And she was wearing a necklace made of my scales, hyung! That's how I knew it had to be prophetic. I've had no idea what to do with them, but seeing them around her neck felt right. I'm going to send them to you so we can make the necklace. I really hope that was a peek into my future. I've never felt such love and contentment in one room like that before.

Day 22: Nothing to report today. We just did chores and hung out. I wandered around in the forest for a while and wrote for the first time since I've been here. You'd cringe if you saw how sappy some of them were.

Day 23: I've never thought about keeping a journal before since I usually am content with using my music to let things out, but this report has kinda gotten me used to writing every day. I think the next time we're in town I'll buy a journal and keep this up. It's nice to go back and remember. 

Day 24: Some days I have hope that I'm not the only one feeling more than owner and hybrid. There are times when I swear I catch a glint in her eye or scent her arousal and I wonder if she might have feelings for me too. Of course, the scent could be for any reason, but a dragon can hope. Still, I think I'm doing a good job at making Star happy and she cuddles with me all the time. She tells me she adores me, but she's usually squeezing my cheeks like I'm a kid when she does, so I don't think she means it that way. I just wish I could get my act together and let her know I am so in love with her. She is everything to me, the very air I breathe. She's it for me, hyung. Even if this doesn't work out and she sends me back like my last family, she's it. My dragon has chosen its mate and so have I.

Day 25: I gave her a hickey in my sleep. I apologized and asked if I did anything else but she laughed it off. I think I might do it often and she just keeps it to herself to spare my feelings. I am so screwed. I just wanted to give her more.

Day 26: I'm realizing now that you're going to be reading this and it's going to sound like some angsty teenage drama. I know you're going to bust my balls but you know what? I don't even care. Make fun of me for being whipped. She's worth it.

Day 27: Star says she's going to take me to the beach in the summer. I told her I've never been to the ocean and she threw a fit. I'm excited to see it, but I'm more happy that she's making plans that far ahead. It means she's expecting me to still be here then. She wants me to stay!

Day 28: I have a confession. I haven't been feeling the urge for more Ryan dolls in a long time. Instead, I've been basically snatching things. I've been keeping my secret hoard in a box under my bed because I'm a little embarrassed. So much of it could be considered trash or too sappy, but it makes me happy and it fulfills my urges. There are things like tickets from the zoo, a shiny rock that I picked up during our walk along the river, any little accessories she leaves laying around, notes she's written me (one of them is just a damn shopping list). And for some reason, I can't stop taking her hair ties. I don't know. They carry her scent I guess? I wish I was a normal dragon that wanted mostly jewels and coins, but even then I'd probably find some way to make it about her. Oh wait, I kinda already did, didn't I? I nearly forgot about where her name came from. God, I'm hopeless.

Day 29: The bonding period is nearly over. While I'm anxious to get back to my classes and I miss my friends, I'll miss being home with her all the time. I'm curious how I'll feel when I have to be at the shelter when Star is home alone. Not good, I imagine. The urge to protect her and the den is already high enough. Oh well, something to work on. I bet you're going to be excited to have me back to pawn all your paperwork on. I dread how high that pile has gotten.

Day 30: Here it is, my final entry for the report. I'm going to be keeping a journal after this because I really liked going back to read how I felt. It put a lot into perspective. Although, those will be a bit more personal than this. There was a lot that I didn't share with you, hyung, as I'm sure you know. Mostly just more feelings and personal memories I'd like to keep to myself. Things she's said and done that make me feel like the most important person in the world. I couldn't possibly explain in just a few journal entries the depth of emotion I feel and how complete she makes me. I've always felt like the odd one out; the dragon that no one understood or would want. She's never made me feel that way and accepts me for the way I am. I am honored that she wants me, even if it's just as her hybrid. I'm going to try though, hyung. I have the necklace we made all wrapped up and I'm going to confess on Christmas day. If she rejects me, I just hope she'll let me stay with her anyway. Maybe you could make me a good luck charm. See you tomorrow! 

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Will be accepting little prompts and ideas for this story! Don't get too detailed, just general ideas and cute things for Joonie to do.


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AngelFish8386 #1
Chapter 7: Seokjin is perfect as the sphinx with his dad jokes ? lol Love this!!! ❤️
Chapter 7: So grateful for an update! I was so happy to see all the newly introduced characters too, how sweet!!
Macire #3
Chapter 7: You are back!! I love this story so much and can't wait to see how Mark acts when he gets to move in
AngelFish8386 #4
Chapter 6: I hope you update this again, it's an amazing story and would love to see more! I have fallen in love with everything about it <3 This may be my favorite hybrid story ever and would love to see it continued <3 <3
M_Draco #5
Chapter 5: Oh yay! Finally an update! This was a great chapter! I know you don't like readers goading you to write .. and this not really a push .. but I'm waiting eagerly for another one ! Thanks!
psiphidragon #6
Chapter 4: I love this story so very much
Macire #7
Chapter 3: This is so cute! I found this on tumblr first buy I am so happy that you posted this on here too since it's easier for me to find it on here :)
Chapter 1: Great story. :). I' m a huge fan of hybrid story in general and I like the " exotic hybrid"idea.
Chapter 3: *chokes on cuteness and fuzzy feelings * this is soooooooo cute I'm dying! It's okay for multi fandom appearance, I prefer it to making up a bunch of random characters that are just there.
Chapter 3: *SPOILERS*

The whole exotic dragon hybrid thing is just awesome. Add cutie Namjoon and Universal Star Kim Heechul and I am SOLD. The scales thing is also a win!

Merry Christmas!