Moving Day

Will the real Mrs. Kang please stand up? (Redo)
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A/N: Hello, readers. I saw someone complain to me that there is no difference in Joohyun/Irene’s personality, and maybe to an extent that’s true but remember this is a comedic story that is meant to be funny. With that being said I only wrote 5 chapters there is still time to show “differences” or whatever, but really if you can’t find the legit humor in this then don’t read it, that’s all I’m going to say about the fic. But if I get more complaints like this I will consider deleting this fic for good, but in the meantime this is a fun fic to write even more so this time around, and thank you those of you who have been reviewing as I appreciate it very much. Here’s chapter 4




Seulgi canceled all of her meetings for the day as she waited outside of the office building for both Irene and Joohyun. Yesterday upon reading and reviewing the rules and guidelines thoroughly. The contract had been accepted. Seulgi spent all of yesterday getting things ready for the move. She doesn't stay at that particular house often, and it's not in any type of disarray. She just wanted to be sure everything was ready regardless. The brunette is feeling super nervous. The CEO had no idea how much either of them packed, so hopefully everything would fit in the back of her SUV.


She looks up when she notices a familiar raven heading her way. Joohyun is dressed in a comfortable looking white sweater and red dark shorts. She's carrying a duffle bag and rolling one medium sized suitcase.


"Is that all you have?"


"Yep." Joohyun smiles. "I intended to stay long enough to see you again, and maybe convince you to come back home with me."


As Joohyun tries to lift up her suitcase Seulgi quickly takes it from her. Their hands make immediate contact and the shorter brunette turns away with slightly red cheeks.


"I'll get it."


"Thank you, Seulgi."


As the CEO loads her luggage into the back of her car. She wonders if Joohyun has had anything to eat at all. It's not quite early but not late enough for lunch yet.


"Are you hungry at all?"


"I had a muffin and some tea at a shop. Hey, I should be asking you if you're hungry, Ms. CEO?" although today Seulgi is very casually dressed in a black shirt and grey sweats, appearing like a college student rather than a CEO of a company. Joohyun notes how very good looking she looks even in simple clothes like this.


"No, I'm fine, thank you. Um, we can go sit down in the lobby if you'd like."


"Sure,”  Joohyun nods. Seulgi decides as they are alone for the moment. She might as well ask Joohyun some personal questions.


"Where are you actually living, Joohyun?"


"Oh, Daegu. I've been there for many years."


"Wow, you came from Daegu for me?"


"Of course." She says like it's only obvious. "I wasn't expecting that you'd have another wife, though."


"Y-Yea, I can't apologize enough. I let loose a little too much on those vacations."


"Don't worry, I'm sure that we'll end up together in the end." Joohyun smiles softly, then takes a hold of her hand. Seulgi blinks at the contact but doesn't pull away. There is something about Joohyun that does make Seulgi feel comfortable.


"You sound so sure."


"Hm, it’s just a feeling that I have. I can't wait to see your house. Tiffany said it's gorgeous."


"Yea, I don't actually stay there much, only when I need to get away from the busy city."


"I can relate. Seoul is so busy. I think it will take some getting used to."


They soon notice a familiar raven standing outside with her own luggage. She's wearing a very pretty purple dress and white sandals, and also has two identical sets of purple luggage by her side.


"She looks lost. I'm going to go and help her with her luggage. Will you be okay here for a minute?"


"Yea, sure go ahead."


Irene looks around and wonders where Seulgi is. She could hardly sleep all night as she was honestly so excited to see the brunette again. Irene was excited about spending some much needed one on time with her.


"Irene, hi." Seulgi waves as she makes her way over. The raven immediately breaks out into a huge smile and quickly runs to hug the taller woman.


"Hi, Seulgi!"


"You're really into skinship, huh?"


"Yes, I love it. You're also really hugeable."


"I've been told." Seulgi smiles. "Is this everything?"


"Yea, there was no need to pack up my entire apartment. Not until it's just the two of us anyway." Irene is really confident. Seulgi notices it the more they interact with one another. The brunette places her luggages into the car as well.


"Are you hungry?"


"Oh, no I'm fine, thank you. I can't wait for us to be able to spend some time together. Maybe you'll remember Japan."




Joohyun joins them and now it's a matter of who will ride in the passenger's seat, besides Seulgi. There is only one passenger's seat and two bodies.


"I want to ride in the passenger's seat." Irene speaks.


"So, I want to as well." Joohyun tells her with narrowed eyes. She arrived first, so shouldn’t she get to ride in the passenger's seat beside her wife?


"I'm the oldest. Naturally I should be up front with my wife."


Seulgi could see this would be a fight. If she picked Irene then Joohyun would be pissed. If she chose Joohyun then Irene certainly would not be thrilled. It's ironic how something as simple as this car ride relates to so much more. Like more life changing decisions that the brunette can't think about right this second.


"Alright, we're not going to fight about this." She calls Yeri knowing that Joy has got to be with her. Those two are always together.


"Yeri, Joy,  meet me downstairs. I'm going to need you to drive Irene and Joohyun up to the house. No, you cannot use any of my cars. If Jongin tells me that either of you went anywhere near my babies. I will call Fany." There is silence on the other end, and Seulgi is relieved that the threat works.


Once the call ends she explains to them this is the best solution. This way no one can fight over not getting to ride with Seulgi.


Irene just pouts in disappointment. "I wanted to ride with you."


"Honestly there will be time for that. I just want us to get home in one piece." Seulgi speaks not realizing exactly how that came out sounding at first. Irene's face flushes red. Being home with Seulgi sounded wonderful minus the other wife of course. This Joohyun chick who just happens to have her face, which is an entirely different problem in itself. The raven knows that she will win Seulgi's heart at the end of this. When she first laid eyes on the gorgeous monolid woman in the hotel lobby in Japan. Something told her that they'd meet again. Seulgi drew her in right away and the raven knew she never felt anything so quick that fast before.


Joohyun is also really disappointed about not being able to ride in the passenger's seat next to her bear. It would have been a great chance to spend some much needed one on one time with her. But Joohyun is glad that if she can’t right now then at least Irene won’t either. What is up with this Irene woman anyway? It’s bad enough that they have some freaky resemblance going on, which is only going to complicate things. Joohyun isn’t scared of a little healthy competition, because she knows Seulgi will be hers at the end anyway. When Joy pulls up first in her red custom porsche, and Yeri in her own matching pink custom porsche. At Joy's insistence they got couple cars, because according to her unlike weak couples they go big. Yerim didn’t really care about that at first, all she really needed was a car. But she gave in because Joy looked so cute and adorable when suggesting that they get matching couple cars.


"We're here, Seul. Who's riding with me?" Yeri questions.


"I will." Irene decides. She's taken a bit of a liking to the young blonde, even if she's not entirely sure why that is. But before leaving she turns and hugs Seulgi. She peppers her cheeks with multiple kisses. "I'll see you soon, honey."


"Y-yea...okay." Seulgi tries her hardest not to blush in any way. But the CEO is pretty sure that she has to be blushing anyway.


"Guess you're with me, Joohyun." The redhead says.


"Yep, looks like it." Joohyun then also hugs Seulgi. "Bye, baby. I hope we'll get some more time alone later." She then follows Joy to her car. Seulgi just sighs. This will be a very, very long day she's damn sure of it.




Before either Joy or Yeri can pull off. The blonde decides she has an idea for her girlfriend.  "Joy, how about we race?"


"What!" Irene's eyes are wide. This little demon. She can't be seriously suggesting a drag race with her girlfriend. Now Irene is starting to seriously question why she likes this girl. Especially, if she’s serious about a race.


"Why, what's in it for me?" Joy genuinely wants to know.


"I'll do that thing you like in bed every night for a week."


"Are you two even old enough to be having ?" Joohyun questions with raised eyebrow because they look awfully young to her.


"We're not kids!" Joy screams at her from the front seat. "Anyway, after months and months of begging you. I can finally get my one request. Hm." She thinks about it for a second. It doesn't sound really worth it. "No."


"Fine, you're just scared to lose. Alright, Irene. Are you ready?"


"S-Sure...." With that the young blonde sped off so fast leaving Joy in the wake of her dust.


"Oh, no she didn't! Kim Yerim!"


Yeri is just laughing to herself as she imagines how pissed of Joy is. Her plan really was to just get on the redhead's nerves. Meanwhile Irene really looks like she's going to pass out.


"Are you trying to kill us?"


"No, Irene. Of course not. This is how I always drive. I know let's listen to music, it will relax you." She cranks up some Ariana Grande really loudly. The music does not calm the raven's nerves in fact it worsens so much more.


"I'm going to die. I'm going to die without kissing my Seulgi's beautiful lips again."




Meanwhile Joy is fuming behind the wheel of her car. But she doesn't make this a race, as she is fairly certain Yeri wasn't even serious about it. She's not worried though as Joy knows exactly how to hit Yeri where it hurts the most.


"So, I couldn't help but notice you and Yeri have matching cars."


"Yea. For our third anniversary I made her get couple cars. Hey, if you're lucky maybe Seulgi will buy couple cars with you."


"It just seems so extravagant." Joohyun thinks as she is really a simple woman from Daegu and Seulgi’s lifestyle is one that she could never dream about.


"Well, I hate to break it to you, Joohyun. But you're with a multi-millionaire. Seulgi is freaking stinking rich and always getting richer. A couple of cars are nothing, not if you seen her garage at work."


Joohyun had googled Seulgi only to find out where she was located, so she had indeed found out how wealthy Seulgi was, but that was not her motivation for sticking with this whole crazy ordeal. Their time in LA was short but the raven honestly never felt more alive than in those few days. Doing and experiencing things with a person she had never thought she'd do. Seulgi was also indeed obviously attractive, but so much more than that. She was kind, sweet, and there was something about the brunette that pulled her in. She wanted the chance to fully explore what they could have together.


"You know if you were smart. You'd use this time to get information out of me." Joy insults her.


"Hey, I'm very smart. Well, what can you tell me that I couldn't just find out with time?"


Although time was of the essence, and Joohyun knew that Irene wasn't going to sit by waiting for her chances.


"How about some basics like favorite color? Ex-girlfriends or the first artist she signed to one of her labels?"


"Okay."  The brunette nods. "Well, if you're sharing."


"She likes orange. She only had two serious girlfriends in her life, and she first signed this amazing singer named Luna."


"What about her parents?"


"Her parents." The redhead repeats. "Well, it's not really my place to talk about them. She'll probably tell you when she's ready though."


Now Joohyun found herself really curious. Because even online there was no mention of parents or any other relatives whatsoever. She didn't want to just bring the topic up, especially if it was a really sore topic. Joohyun hoped she'd be able to have Seulgi feel comfortable enough to tell her on her own.




When Yeri finally stops the car. Irene practically falls out due to shock. Seulgi who had already arrived hurried over at what she's seeing.


"What happened?"


"What?" Yeri shrugs. "I just drive like how I normally drive."


"You did what? Oh my god, my little speed devil."


"I fail to see the problem, Seul."


Irene looked like she was about to pass out or die. " was terrible. I saw my life flash before my eyes. I thought I might seriously die." She hugs the brunette tight who does return the hug. She understands all too well. Yeri drives like a maniac on a good day. The amount of speed tickets the younger blonde has racked up alone is truly a shame.


"You'll be fine, Irene. You might to take some tylenol and lay down for awhile. But you're safe."


Irene literally already felt so much safer in the bear's warm arms. "Yes, I'm honestly feeling so much better already.



Joy is pulling up now. Joohyun gets out of the car first, seeing Seulgi and Irene in such an embrace wasn't ideal. But she knew Irene wouldn't wait to make moves, so why should she.


"We made it." Joohyun smiles.


"Hey, Joohyun. Are you okay? Joy usually drives fine but..."


"I am an excellent driver!" The tall redhead sounds super offended by the implications that she can't drive.


"I'm fine. Joy's great." She compliments and that makes the redhead smile. Joohyun then looks up at the house behind them and literally drops. It's a huge two story mansion, with gorgeous outdoor pool, great balcony view from what was probably the master bedroom. A trail behind the house that lead down to a small private beach.




"I know right. It would make a really great party house."


"No, leave my house alone." Seulgi tells the youngest. "Now let's go inside. I'll grab the luggages later."


"Yes, let's go baby." Joohyun takes her hand and walks away with her. It leaves behind a glaring Irene. The older woman wasn’t expecting for Joohyun to simply sit there and not try. She would be a fool to not put in all of her efforts for someone like Kang Seulgi, but that doesn’t mean she’s happy seeing them so close either.


"Well, let's get going, Irene."


"Yea, sure." Irene says with eyes trained on the two walking ahead of them. The minute Seulgi opens the door both Irene and Joohyun are in awe. There is a fireplace in the living room area, expensive classy couches in various dark shades. A huge kitchen with granite table tops and tiles.


"Damn, the things I could cook in that kitchen."  Joohyun imagines.


"Wait until you see the rooms."


"Yea, so you two can pick out any room you want." Seulgi tells them.


"Where do you sleep?" The raven asks right away.




"Hey, why do you care. You're not sleeping with her." Joohyun tells her.


"No one's sleeping with Seulgi or you're both dealing with Fany." At that everyone shuts up. No one is trying to mess with the dark-haired lawyer. Seulgi then tells them they basically have free range of her house. Irene and Joohyun exchange glances before both running for the stairs.


"Out of my way, real wife coming through." Irene shouts first with Joohyun hot on her heels.


"No, you get out of my way, grandma."


Seulgi lets out a sigh and sits down on one of the couches. "This will probably kill me. Oh, well I lived a pretty full life. Better make some changes in my will first. Yeri, Joy please remember I wanted a pringles themed funeral party."


"Seulgi, enough with the dramatics. We're staying." The redhead declares.


"What, why?"


"Seul, you should be grateful we're staying. We can protect you for awhile. Come night, though." Yeri says with eyebrow raised in suggestivity.


"Oh, yea. You're doomed at night Seulgi. Especially with how they both look at you. I suggest you sleep with one eye open or invest in a really good guard dog." Joy right away agrees with her girlfriend.


"Hey, why is this room so damn orange?"


"What, no!" Seulgi gets up and runs for the stairs. She sees Irene standing outside of the door in shock. Irene has never seen so much orange in one room in her entire life, and can hardly believe it.


"Not this room." Seulgi slams it shut.


"Why, what's wrong?"


"This is where I have me time. When I'm stressed out about life."


Irene raises a suggestive brow. "Me time or "Me" time. Baby, you don't need to worry about me time anymore. Not while I'm here. I'll be your me time."


"What!" monolids go wide. That was so not what she meant at all.


"Seulgi. Hey could you come here for a second?" Joohyun waves from down the hall.


"Oh. Okay, um I'll be back, Irene. Please don't go in there."


"Wait, why is it all so orange?" The shorter woman shudders slightly at the thoughts.


"It's my favorite color."


"Ah, well I'm just going to pick my room then." Irene was also trying to figure out which of these bedrooms belong to Seulgi. The raven wanted to be as close to Seulgi as possible. "We'll see who's sleeping with Seulgi."




"What's going on, Joohyun?"


The brunette is honestly so surprised by the beauty of this house. And the room she picked is spacious, with a huge king size bed, 50 inch flat screen tv, breathtaking view where she had a good see the pool and surrounding area. The soft wall to wall carpeting. Even the leather couch inside looked comfortable enough to sleep on. The house is giving a very artsy vibe with some of the handcrafted furniture and designs.


"This room is even bigger than my hotel room." Her excitement is contagious. It makes Seulgi smile back too.


"I'm glad that you like it. There's a personal bathroom too." The monolid woman points to a door that no doubt leads to the bathroom where she can see a luxury tub that looked as if it had definitely been designed by an artist, granite floors and neutral paint tones.


"It's a very artistic house. But you sing and draw, so I’m not surprised.


Seulgi can't help her laugh. "You're still on that?"


"Well it's true." Joohyun says seriously and stares into Seulgi's gorgeous monolid eyes. Under her gaze the brunette turns away. Because she suddenly feels all sigh and nervous like a teenage girl.


"I'll go get your luggage. Be right back."


"Oh, um okay."


"Oh, you blew it." Joohyun turns when she hears Joy from behind her.


"What, how did you get here?" The shorter woman jumps some from being startled by the redhead.


"There's a back staircase right around from here. It's pretty cool, all spiraling and what not. Leads down to the indoor pool too. Anyway, what did you do to make Seulgi hurry out of here."


"I just looked at her."

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
update please author nim 🥺🥺
Chapter 5: Wow this is so funny 😂 I hope to wait for the next chapter
Chapter 5: My vote's definitely for joohyun cuz all her scenes together with seulgi is purely genuine and soft unlike with irene that keep like seducing(?) her. I just feel like irene's a bit sus I guess. So yeah im def rooting for joohyun here
Chapter 5: Idk why but I’m rooting so hard for Joohyun. Probably because she had a simple life which can be beneficial for Seulgi and she also seems like she is more than meets the eye.
Chapter 4: Omggg the chaos in this chapter when SNSD girls appeared djdksk
Chapter 3: Tiffany the lifesaver. It seems like Seulgi was more into Irene in this chapter. I wonder if it will change.
Chapter 2: Kang Seulgi, how come you didn’t remember them lol.
Chapter 1: Lol that was so chaotic.
i was in the mood to re-read seulrene fics and i remembered about this (forgot the title for a sec) so happy i was able to find it. can't wait to see this unfold more and more
Rereading this work of art again!