The proposition

Will the real Mrs. Kang please stand up? (Redo)
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A/N: Thank you so much readers for the reviews and continued interest in my fic. Here’s chapter three, and please enjoy






"Seulgi, sweetie?"


"Oh my god, oh my god. Seulgi is dead. Our freaking boss is dead and these two crazy women killed her."  Joy shouts while pacing back and forth panic-stricken. Joohyun reacts first as she is closer, and gets down on the ground to check for a pulse.


"Babe, wake up?" She lightly smacks the brunette's cheek. Upon seeing this Irene too begins to attempt to wake up the CEO.


"Honey, I'll kiss you awake."


"Oh no, you don't. Your lips aren't going anywhere near my bear."


"I will kiss her anywhere I want to."


Yeri realizes at this point she is the only sane one here. She doesn't know either Irene or Joohyun enough to say she could trust them. She knows Joy but the redhead is too busy losing her mind. Yeri knows she needs to take control of the situation, like a true boss would. She internally smiles knowing Seulgi would be proud of her for this.


"Everyone calm down. Seulgi isn’t dead. We just need to wake her up."


"I will get a bucket of ice cold water." Joy states.


"Oh, no you will not! You will not throw cold water on my Seulgi." Irene begins. "Have you no sense?"


"What she said, only she's mine, you giant." Joohyun lets Joy know.


"Well, then how else do you expect to wake her?"


Yeri gets an idea. She walks over to what looks like an emergency fire extinguisher box. Everyone is looking at her with questioning glances.


"Um, what are you doing?"


"This is an emergency." The blonde cracks open the box only to pull out a can of pringles.


"Pringles?" Irene whispers in bewilderment.


"Oh, of course." The redhead nods. "The emergency pringles. Our boss loves pringles more than anything."


Joohyun and Irene are simply stunned. Yeri tells them both to step back. The young blonde opens the can of original flavored pringles and holds it over the brunette's nose. Almost immediately monolids open.


"W-Where am I?"


"Ha, take a look at that, you crazy women. You're looking at true love at its realest." Joy taunts them both.


"Seulgi, are you okay?"


"Y-Yeri, oh thank god. I had this crazy dream that these two women kept saying they were my wives."




"Ha, pretty funny huh. Oh, pringles." The brown-haired CEO reaches for the can.


"Babe, you're not dreaming." Joohyun gently tells her first.


"Yea, sweetie. I'm no dream. Although, I'm pretty sure I'm definitely the woman of your dreams." Irene smiles.


Simultaneously Joy, Yeri, and Joohyun are making exaggerated gagging faces and gestures. Seulgi slowly looks up to see both Joohyun and Irene standing there. It wasn’t a dream. It was her real life and there really is two identical women claiming to be married to her.


"Oh, so it's not a dream."


"No, it’s no dream. Now put on your ring." The raven takes her hand, only Joohyun pushes her out of the way.


"No, put on your ring from me."


"This is getting way out of hand. Seulgi honestly just pick one of them. It doesn't matter which, and we'll drop the loser off anywhere.” Joy tells her what she thinks is an excellent plan. Joohyun is the first one to disagree with that idea.


"How about I just drop kick you, red giant."


"Um, how about no."


With Irene's help Seulgi is standing. The raven checks her for any injuries. Her touch is soothing and gentle against her head.


"Did you hurt your head, honey?" Irene asks with affection and her voice is just  so appealing to listen to. It’s all y with that deep husk to it, and Seulgi swears it’s not getting to her at all.


"No, I'm fine."


"You should really sit down, babe. Do you need anything, maybe some water?" Joohyun takes her hand and leads her back over to her office chair. She just really wants to get Seulgi away from this Irene woman as soon as possible.


"This girl has absolutely no idea who she's messing with." Irene thinks to herself. If Joohyun thinks she is actually going to take Seulgi away from her for real, then the other woman has another thing coming.


"Alright, so....I kind of think I know how this happened." Seulgi admits.


"How did this happen?” Both Yeri and Joy want to know.


"Well it's true that I spent time in Japan and then California. But to be really honest I was kind of blackout drunk for most of the time, and I accidently got high in America."


Joy and Yeri are shocked by this news. They can’t believe that their Seulgi, who is a responsible and drama-free boss, was not only drunk but high as well. This tells them so much about Seulgi they never thought could be possible.


"What, you, our silly bear? How'd you get high?"


"There was some really good brownies at this bakery. In my defense I didn't know they were full of weed. They just tasted so good."


Joy facepalms. "Only you, Seul." The redhead shakes her head. "You're not allowed to go on a vacation anywhere alone again."


"To be perfectly honest I wasn't exactly sober myself." Irene admits. "But I still remember getting married and your very gorgeous face and body." The raven looks intensely at the brunette's now covered body. But the raven has not forgotten those abs, biceps or toned .


"Will you please stop gawking at her like she's meat." Joohyun says, only her gaze drifts too. "Those abs though...." She trails off absentmindedly. Joohyun hasn’t forgotten about those abs at all. The images are burned safely into her memories where they will stay, of course until she can get to see Seulgi’s abs again. Hopefully she will see them sooner rather than later. After they get rid of this Irene woman, whoever the hell she is.


"Ooh, Seul. They know about your holy abs." Yeri teases. "They've definitely seen them."


"Hey, those abs are mine." Irene tells the brunette. "I saw them first."


"Please, all of this." Joohyun sensually runs her fingers over Seulgi's defined abs. "Is all mine."


"J-Joohyun..." Seulgi's eyes go wide at how soft Joohyun’s hands feel against her skin. It doesn’t last very long because Irene isn’t about to let it continue.


"No one told you to touch her. She's mine." The raven pulls the CEO close to her, and ends that brief contact Joohyun had with Seulgi.


Joohyun frowns.. "Okay, I'll admit that I was pretty drunk as well. I also had some of those brownies. They were really good too."


"I know right." Seulgi agrees with the shorter brunette, only to get smacked upside the head by Irene.


"Don't reminisce with her!"


"Ow...." Seulgi rubs her head with a cute frown on her face. It has both Irene and Joohyun swooning like crazy fangirls. Seulgi is just the absolute cutest thing to them both.


"Oh, you’re so cute." Irene shouts first.


"Truly like a baby bear." Joohyun says next.


Yeri and Joy are of course worried about Seulgi because these two women are probably insane. How is their boss and friend supposed to handle not only one crazy woman, but two crazy women?


"These are some seriously messed up women, Yeri. One is super bipolar and violent. The other....well I don't know yet but I'm sure she's got to be crazy too." Joy tells her girlfriend who nods in agreement. Seulgi is screwed because of both Irene and Joohyun.


"I still didn't forget meeting you Seulgi or getting married. Or our amazing wedding night." Joohyun lets the brown-haired boss know.


Seulgi flushes red from the tips of her round ears. Joohyun's voice right now sounds too y, but if they really had a wedding night the brunette was sure she'd remember it. She should have remembered at least that if nothing else. Irene isn’t about to let Seulgi not hear about their own experiences.


"Seulgi our wedding night was incredible, more like wedding nights. Hell, we got banned from the pool at the hotel with how loud we were." Irene proudly states.


"Ew, boss. I don't want to know about your life." The younger blonde groans and looks like she will vomit after hearing what was just said.


“Definitely too much information." Joy agrees. "I'm not surprised though, Seulgi looks like a freak in the sheets."


"What are you even saying, Joy!" Seulgi's entire face is beyond red. This is not the sort of talk she wants to have with her younger employees. It’s really not anyone’s business in the first place.


"Anyway let's get back to what's important here. We're married." The raven reminds her.


"And, we're married." Joohyun tells her.


"I'm really sorry for what happened. I'll talk to one of my lawyers, and we'll figure something out."


"The answer is already obvious. You need to annul that marriage and stay with me." Irene says with arms crossed over her chest. Even if for some reason Seulgi married this Joohyun woman. They have a marriage license from earlier and it is the first one, so that means that second marriage to Joohyun has to be invalid at the least.


"I definitely think that's a terrible suggestion." Joohyun disagrees. "Bear, stay married to me. Let me remind you how amazing the was."


"Trust me, I'll be the only one giving Seulgi all the love and she could ever need. Absolutely anytime you need, Seulgi." Irene's voice is laced with desire and lust. Seulgi looks like she is about to pass out again at all the implications behind Irene's words. Yeri quickly waves the can of pringles over her nose. They can’t have the bear-like woman passing out again.


"That's it, boss. Come on back to us." Yeri nods as she sees Seulgi coming back from the brink of passing out again.


"O-Okay..." Seulgi breathes and inhales the pringles scent. "Joy call Yuri. She’ll be able to help."


"You sure that you want Yuri? She is just like Yoona and will laugh her off about this."


"Yeah, that is true."  Honestly the last thing Seulgi wants is for more people than necessary to know about this. Soon a light bulb went off in her head. She knows just the person to call. "Ah, I know." Seulgi takes out her cell phone and hits one of her contacts. This is a person that would always help her no matter what.


"Hey, thank god you answered. I need your help it's an emergency. Yes, come to my office. You will come, thank you so much. I love you."


Both Irene and Joohyun’s eyes visibly twitch at Seulgi telling some woman on the phone she loves them. As if they aren't even sitting there at all. Has she no respect for either of them. They are her wives after all.


"Who is this woman you love so much?" Irene demands to know. She needs to know if there are any other women besides Joohyun. If there is there will be hell to pay for sure.


"Yea, bear what gives. How many women do you actually love out there?" Joohyun gets a pen and paper ready in case she needs to make some sort of list to keep track. Seulgi sighs. When she said love she hadn't meant it in the romantic sense. She meant it in the more platonic form.


"Oh, didn't you know our boss was a major heartbreaker in her prime?" The redhead lets them know, because leave it to Joy to make anything worse.


"Oh, really?" Irene questions not looking amused. "Well that will stop now that you’re mine."


Ignoring the raven's comment Seulgi only focuses on what Joy basically implied. "My prime? How old do you think I am. I'm a very young 26."


Joohyun’s eyes light up at that revelation. They are the same age and already had that in common. The brunette can't help but to wonder what else they could have in common. "Me too, baby." Joohyun  hugs her arm. "How old are you, imposter?" She questions Irene who isn't fazed by the insult.


"I'm 29."


"You're way too old for my Seulgi." Joohyun teases.


"Hey, I'm not old."


"Maybe, but you're still older than our boss." Yeri says.


"You'll be all gray..." Joy begins only doesn't finish because Irene flicks her hard upside the head. "Ow, grandma can surely hit."


"Anyway," Irene speaks. "I'm really not that much older than you, Seulgi. Plus, there are plenty of things only I can teach you." The suggestivity is through the roof and is not missed by anyone in the room.


"Oh...uh." Seulgi pulls at her collar nervously. "Okay, I'm going to need you both to separate before my friend gets here. Irene over there on this side. Joohyun over here, no fighting please."


"Of course, honey. I wouldn't want grandma to break any bones."


"Don't worry about me, child." Irene places emphasis on the word child. "Seulgi you will find that I am actually very flexible." The raven winks all too ily. "I don't break."


Seulgi just sits in her chair covering her face, so no one can see just how red she is. It earns an amused laugh from Irene. Honestly Seulgi is just too cute how can anyone resist. Eventually Seulgi sends Joy and Yeri to get some refreshments. It leaves her alone with the two women. Seulgi is swearing mentally that she will never ever get that drunk again.


"Oh, I swear on all my love for the almighty pringles. I will never drink so much again."


"Seulgi, what is that you do exactly?" Irene asks sounding very interested.


"I own some record labels and some animation studios. We make mostly cartoons but sometimes live action films."


"Oh, how cool, baby."


Joohyun gags then looks serious. "Are you an artist, Seulgi?"


Seulgi looks thoughtful. "I was." The monolid woman admits. "It's been awhile since I had time to draw."


"Well, I bet you're still good at it, Seulgi." Irene tells the brunette. Seulgi looks over to her in surprise. She actually sounds comforting and sincere. It still pains Seulgi that as her business success rose it gave her little time to enjoy many of her personal interests.


"Oh, uh thank you, Irene."


"I want to hear you sing." Joohyun says suddenly. The shorter brunette is staring at her intensely as if analyzing a well hidden secret.


"What, why?"


"You own record labels. I doubt you just own them without having some sort of real passion for singing."


The way Joohyun is speaking to her it feels like she knows her. It's scary but a good kind of scary the CEO finds. "Knowing that makes you think I can sing?"


Joohyun shrugs. "I have a good feeling about that."


They all say no more as Joy and Yeri return with a dining cart and arms full of food and drinks. Fruits, chips, sodas and juices, candy, cakes and a variety of sandwiches. Seulgi's mouth drops.


"I didn't say empty out the whole lounge."


"Oh please, boss. You know we come prepared at all times."


"Seul, who did you call anyway?" Yeri wonders.


Before Seulgi answers the office door bursts open and in walks a dark-haired woman. She has a briefcase in her hand, wearing a pink blazer, black dress with pink stilettos. Her face is not pleased in the least. Yeri and Joy are momentarily shocked that Seulgi called her, their boss must be terrified if she called this particular person. Irene and Joohyun just look at the new comer curiously. Who is she supposed to be?


"Okay, who the hell dare messes with my baby bear!" The woman screams and both Joohyun and Irene have to cover their ears at the volume.


"Fany, you made it." Seulgi is smiling with eyes forming crescents. The woman's face relaxes and she breaks into an identical smile with her own eyes forming crescents.


"Seulgi, my baby, come here." The woman hugs her tightly. "Now, who the hell is stupid enough to mess with you. I will sue them for every single last cent they have."


Yeri gulps scared as she is scared less like she was the one about to be sued. "Hi, Tiffany."


Hwang Tiffany is another lawyer under Seulgi's employ. She also treats the brunette as a little sister or as if she’s Seulgi’s adopted mother in a weird combination. More importantly Joy and Yeri are terrified of her. She is the kind of cut throat lawyer that everyone wants on their team. But when it comes to Seulgi she is super protective and it can actually be a good thing.


"Hi, Yeri. I'm not suing you for everything you own am I?" Tiffany jokes.


", Tiffany. But I do own Joy. You're welcome to have her."


"Hey! I am not up for negotiations."


Tiffany just laughs at the two youngest, then turns back to Seulgi. "Okay, then. Seulgi, sweetie please tell me why I'm here."


"Well, Tiffany. I have a situation um, I sort of...definitely got married."


"You did what! To whom, when did this happen? Why didn't you tell me first? How come I wasn't invited? Who does this woman think she is taking you away without my permission." Her questions are coming faster and faster then finally. "Who's the lucky woman?"


"Me!" Irene says proudly.


"No, it's me." Joohyun interrupts.


That's when the dark-haired lawyer turns her attention to the two unidentified women. Tiffany raises an eyebrow to them. They look completely identical and now Tiffany is very worried, but first she has to address the first thing.


"Wait a damn minute. Are you both trying to tell me you're both Mrs. Kang?"


"Yep." Joy unhelpfully smiles.


"No, I'm the true wife." Irene nods.


"In your freaking dreams, grandma." Joohyun sighs, as she is of course the true wife to Kang Seulgi.


Tiffany just stares and stares for awhile, then turns to Seulgi. "Seulgi, what the hell kind of stupid joke is this? This is not f

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
update please author nim 🥺🥺
Chapter 5: Wow this is so funny 😂 I hope to wait for the next chapter
Chapter 5: My vote's definitely for joohyun cuz all her scenes together with seulgi is purely genuine and soft unlike with irene that keep like seducing(?) her. I just feel like irene's a bit sus I guess. So yeah im def rooting for joohyun here
Chapter 5: Idk why but I’m rooting so hard for Joohyun. Probably because she had a simple life which can be beneficial for Seulgi and she also seems like she is more than meets the eye.
Chapter 4: Omggg the chaos in this chapter when SNSD girls appeared djdksk
Chapter 3: Tiffany the lifesaver. It seems like Seulgi was more into Irene in this chapter. I wonder if it will change.
Chapter 2: Kang Seulgi, how come you didn’t remember them lol.
Chapter 1: Lol that was so chaotic.
i was in the mood to re-read seulrene fics and i remembered about this (forgot the title for a sec) so happy i was able to find it. can't wait to see this unfold more and more
Rereading this work of art again!