This is no prank

Will the real Mrs. Kang please stand up? (Redo)
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A/N: Hi readers, thank you all who left comments on chapter 1. Here’s the newly fixed chapter 2. Enjoy, and this will most certainly be better than the original because Irene/Joohyun that's all that matters, lol. Okay, thanks for real for giving this fic a chance either for the second time or for the first time reading it. ^^





Seulgi is sure that she has never run so fast in her life. Her initial plan was to head up to the roof where her private helicopter waited. However, it wasn't likely that they would be cleared to fly right away, so she needed a plan B, and that meant heading down to the garage where her personal driver Jongin waited. The brunette hears a thud and turns to see that Yeri tripped.


"There's no time. Yeri's lost to us now!" Joy says while running ahead.


"No, I can't leave her." Seulgi quickly runs back and grabs Yeri's hand. She quickly checks to see if the blonde girl was hurt in anyway. "Are you okay, Yeri?"


"I'm fine, Seulgi." Yeri then frowns at Joy. "You were going to just leave me!"


"Uh, yes. Every woman for themselves."


Further down the hall they see it's one of the women from earlier. Judging from where they are standing it looks like Irene. But none of them are about to wait and find out. Also how can they be sure anyway when they look just alike. It’s best to keep running away until they’re all safe.


"Oh , run. Let’s go this way." Joy points around the corridor. Seulgi and Yeri follow after her. They run around to an empty boardroom.Yeri locks the door once they are all inside. When she turns around she sees both her boss and Joy down on the floor and they look damn near passed out.


"What is wrong with you two!”


"We were running forever, Yeri!" The tall redhead exclaims in exaggeration.


"Oh my god, shut up. Those two crazy women are out there somewhere."


Seulgi catches her breath before pulling Yeri down to the ground with them. They need to stay low and be as quiet as possible.


"Both of you be quiet. We need to find a way to get down to the garage. I can't trust the copter to get us out fast enough."


Joy nods, then smacks the brunette across the chest. She just now realizes that they are all running for their lives because of Seulgi.


"Hey!" Seulgi complains.


"Seulgi, how can you be such an ace in business but so stupid in your personal life? How can you go from no girlfriend to two wives?"


"I don't have two wives. I don't even have one wife."


Yeri shushes them when she hears incoming footsteps.


"Seulgi-yah," Someone speaks cheerfully. "Don't hide from me. I'll find you no matter where you are."


The CEO swallows nervously. "Which one was that?"


"It sounded like Irene, I guess. They sound similar too, honestly." Yeri answers. "Seulgi, maybe you should go. They both really want to talk to you."


"That's a good idea, Yeri. They want Seulgi and not us."


The blonde turns away from the redhead. "I'm not talking to you. You were going to leave me there. I can't believe you."


"Oh, come on. It was in the heat of the moment." Joy tries to get the blonde to look at her, but she refuses. Seulgi just sighs.


"You two are seriously the weirdest couple I ever met. Anyway, there's one way to clear this whole mess up. Im calling Yoona. This has to be a prank."


The CEO dials Yoona who answers. She is a very in demand actress who is often busy with her own career. But right now this is a life or death situation. Yoona answers very sleepily.


"Gomdori, what's up?"


"Yoona, did you hire two women to come to my work just to say they're both married to me! Because, I swear...."


Then they all hear Yoona cackle like mad. She is laughing loud and so hard that Seulgi has to turn the speaker volume down. They all can invision her sitting there mouth wide open in her famous alligator laugh.


"Hey, stop laughing."


"You think I paid two women to say they're married to you? Now, I'll admit there is some brilliance there. But I have much better things to spend my huge pile of money on. Like my Seohyunnie." She points out making both Joy and Yeri make gagging like gestures. "Anyway, I'm not even in Seoul right now."


"You're not?"


"No, I'm in France. Seohyun's book signing tour is happening, and I came to support her."


"You're so whipped for Seohyun." The redhead snickers.


"Of course I am." Yoona sounds proud. "Have you seen her legs? Anyway, Seulgi-yah, I promise that I didn't do this. Oh, but Yeri, Joy please take photos or record this because it will make my day."


"Hey, Yoona!" Seulgi pouts.


"You got it, Yoona." The evil maknaes promise. Seulgi only looks betrayed, not only by Yoona but by her two employees as well.


"I will fire you both!" The boss tells them only it doesn't sound threatening at all, so they just laugh. "Thanks for nothing, Yoona, bye."


"Wait a minute, Seul. If this isn't a prank then...Oh, holy . You’re like a bigamist."


"Bye, Yoona." She ends the call then sinks back down to the ground. "Okay, so maybe she didn't prank me. Someone had to..."


"Seulgi, what if they're not kidding? What will you do?"


"I can't even think about that right now. We just need to get out of here."


"What do you propose we do, boss? They're both out there walking around." Joy reminds her.


"Well, ." Seulgi mutters.


They need a plan first before anything else.




Joohyun is busy looking around on one side of the floor. She had seen Irene turn another corner and decided to go the opposite way. She will find Seulgi first if she has anything to say about it. It took her literally 2 months to track down the correct Kang Seulgi, and plan the trip to Seoul. She doesn't know who Irene is and she also doesn't care.


"I'm Mrs. Kang Seulgi." The brunette looks down to her own wedding ring.


She turns a corner only to bump into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry.... oh never mind. It's just you." She notices the raven-haired female.


"Just me?" Irene repeats. "You really don't need to be here. I can find my wife on my own."


Joohyun laughs. "Your wife! I told you already that she's my wife."


"In your delusional brain maybe. I have a marriage license." Irene gestures to her purse.


"So what, I also have a marriage license." Joohyun points to her own bag. "For all I know you paid someone to document yours."


"You little brat!" Irene shouts. "You don't even look old enough to be anyone's wife. Now if you'll excuse me I have to find Seulgi. We have a future to plan."


"I'm not a child." Joohyun screams. “The only future you're planning with my bear is at a court hearing, so a restraining order can be filed. Because you're not Mrs. Kang, I am!"


Irene is already long gone though. The petite brunette only groans in frustration. "This is definitely not my idea of a honeymoon."




Meanwhile, Joy, Yeri, and Seulgi are discussing what they need to do. The plan becomes that they will split up and each make their own way to the garage level. They will wait for no more than 20 minutes. Anything beyond that they will consider each other lost to one of those alleged wives.


"Okay, I'll go first." Yeri tells them. "Then you." She points to Joy. "Then you, Seulgi."


"Be careful, Yeri. We don't know what those crazy women will do, especially that one in the purple. Don't let her height fool you. She's really crafty." Joy warns.


The blonde rolls her eyes. "Anyone can outsmart you, Joy."


"Hey! That's not nice."


"I swear you two are the weirdest. You might never see her again Joy, so be nice."


Joy raises her eyebrow to her boss. Because Seulgi is being super dramatic right now. "Come on, it's not that serious."


"Just be nice." The brunette pushes Joy to Yeri. The redhead stands there for a few moments simply staring. Then she smiles her usual breathtaking smile that never fails on anyone.


"Yeri-ah." She says cutely. "You know I love you right?" Joy then hugs the smaller girl. Yeri isn't impressed at all by this display.


"Be careful, okay. Remember to scream for help like I taught you. They don't have balls to kick, but still..."


"Oh my god. Let go of me, Sooyoung

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
update please author nim 🥺🥺
Chapter 5: Wow this is so funny 😂 I hope to wait for the next chapter
Chapter 5: My vote's definitely for joohyun cuz all her scenes together with seulgi is purely genuine and soft unlike with irene that keep like seducing(?) her. I just feel like irene's a bit sus I guess. So yeah im def rooting for joohyun here
Chapter 5: Idk why but I’m rooting so hard for Joohyun. Probably because she had a simple life which can be beneficial for Seulgi and she also seems like she is more than meets the eye.
Chapter 4: Omggg the chaos in this chapter when SNSD girls appeared djdksk
Chapter 3: Tiffany the lifesaver. It seems like Seulgi was more into Irene in this chapter. I wonder if it will change.
Chapter 2: Kang Seulgi, how come you didn’t remember them lol.
Chapter 1: Lol that was so chaotic.
i was in the mood to re-read seulrene fics and i remembered about this (forgot the title for a sec) so happy i was able to find it. can't wait to see this unfold more and more
Rereading this work of art again!