The first night

Will the real Mrs. Kang please stand up? (Redo)
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A/N: Thanks so much those of you who reviewed the last chapter. This is the actual final chapter I have fixed before I need to start writing new content, which won’t be a huge priority since I have other fics going on as usual, but please enjoy chapter 5.



Joy is completely stunned by what she's witnessing. Seulgi is on the floor with Yeri essentially straddling her with an arm around her neck.


"What in the hell is this?"


"'s not what it looks like."


Irene and Joohyun are horrified when they see the two in what looks like a way too compromising position. It’s a position that no one should be in with Seulgi except for maybe one of them.


"You, get off of my wife!" Irene is livid as she quickly snatches the blonde off her.


"What were you trying to do?" Joohyun questions Yeri.


"Nothing, calm down." the youngest complains.


"That didn't look like nothing to me."


Seulgi uses this time to sit up. "It's not. All of you are overreacting. We ended up wrestling and she was trying to put me in a chokehold."


Irene and Joohyun both look as if they don't believe a single word that Seulgi says, because that looked too compromising of a situation.


"Were you trying to feel her up or kill her, either way you will pay for it."


"Joy, help me." Yeri hides behind her taller girlfriend. Joy shakes her head.


"You were cheating on me with Seulgi. Why should I protect you?"


Yeri is in shock. Joy can't be serious. Why on earth would she cheat on her cutie-y Joy. Not after 4 years of dating, living together, matching cars, and unlimited amounts of quality time being savage together.


"Joy do you hear yourself? Why would I cheat with Seulgi when she’s old.”


"Hey, Yeri! I'm not even attracted to you." The monolid woman says with a slight shudder. Joohyun laughs at that loudly. She hugs the taller brunette while leaning on her shoulder some.


"That's right, you little brat. She doesn't even want you, ha!"


"Well she probably doesn't want you either, Joohyun.”




"Anyway, babe."  Yeri cups Joy's cheeks. "You know that I love only you, my cutie-y Joy." She says causing the redhead to grin widely and wrap her arms around her girl.


"Aw, my Yerimie. I love you too. Ha, in your face Seulgi-unnie."


The brunette looks on stunned. "This is ridiculous. I don't want your squirtle, Joy."


"Hey, Squirtle?" Yeri says mock offended. "You, Teddiursa!"


"ing Charmander!"


"You giant Ursaring."


"Enough." Irene speaks. "This is stupid. You two are calling each other pokemon of all things. Yeri my Seulgi doesn't want you. Because she obviously has me her Goddess Irene."


"Goddess Irene ?" Yeri and Joy mouth together.



Irene turns to Seulgi because she has to understand that she is an adult and shouldn’t be fighting with children.


"Seulgi, let the kids be kids. You're a big boss CEO, you know."


Seulgi pouts. "But, she started it." further disproving the argument that she's a boss.


"Oh my god. You're actually such a cute kid aren't you." Irene cups her cheeks and peppers her face with kisses. One too many kisses and Joohyun pulls them away, as she has had enough.


"That is really enough. Come on Seul, you must be exhausted. Let me help you to bed." She grabs one of her arms.


"No one's getting Seulgi into bed but me." The raven makes it known. "Where do you sleep anyway, honey?"


Seulgi quickly moves away from both Irene and Joohyun . "I sleep in the garage with my kids. They're named Mercedes, Maserati, Range Rover, Hummers 2 and 3, porsche...." she counts on her fingers. "And all their motorcycle cousins. Now I have to go clean up the crazy mess in my kitchen."


She walks off fast. "How many cars was that?"


"That was just the cars here. She has a garage of cars at work, mostly all gifts from our older friends." Yeri tells them.


"Unbelievable, I only have one car for the past 4 years. Seulgi-yah, wait let me help you with the cleaning." Joohyun goes after the brunette. Irene is honestly so damn exhausted. She needs to rest. This has been a crazy as hell day.


"I'm tired. Yeri, will you please keep an eye on them for me?"


"Why, what's in it for me? I was seriously going to watch movies downstairs."


"Um." the raven thinks, knowing that she probably has nothing the young blonde wants. "Ah, do you need someone to cook for you. I’m really good at cooking, and I’ll even cook that disgusting chicken you love.


Yeri looks surprised then grins. "You actually like to cook? You’re like the perfect wife, I’d marry you!”


Irene laughs and Joy frowns. "Hey, Kim Yerim. First you want Seulgi, now her wife."


"Joy, please. You know I joke. I only love you, you big baby."


"Yea, I mean you're cute Yeri, but I'm not really a Squirtle fan. I'm all about Teddiursa." Irene looks at both the younger women's faces and it sets her off into a fit of laughter. Right before she goes into her bedroom. Yeri is just standing there blinking.


"Joy, I think I just got played."


"Yep, that’s what you get for trying to cheat on me."


"Oh my god Joy. I didn't, get over it please or it will very awkward when we get home later."


"Fine. But you have to declare on our beloved chicken that I'll never catch you in a compromising situation with Seulgi again."


Yeri shrugs. "Got any chicken for me to pray on?"




Down in the kitchen Joohyun finds herself standing side by side with the taller brunette. She's washing the dishes and Seulgi is drying them.


"Thanks again for helping me, Joohyun."


"Of course, I don't mind being wet." She winks and Seulgi's ears go red. Between Irene and Joohyun, Seulgi knows she can't possibly survive. Maybe Joy was right that she needed a guard dog, or sleep in her garage for real. They finish cleaning and putting away all the leftover food.


"I'm surprised that we have any food left. We had both Sooyoung and Yoona here. There shouldn't have even been a crumb."


"Your older friends seem to really love you alot."


"Yea, I love them too, even if they drive me crazy most of the time. They're my family, even Joy and Yeri although I want to ship them abroad 90 percent of the time." After she speaks the warm smile on her face makes Joohyun smile too.


"You're really great with them. Do you maybe want children one day?"


Seulgi thinks about this question. She hasn't given a whole lot of thought to the family question, as work takes up so much of her free time. Yeri and Joy are also very much like her wayward children.


"I don't know, honestly. I'm always working and Joy and Yeri are like my demon children."


"Boss, how could you? We're not children."


"But you are both demons?"


"How very rude. Just for that Yeri and I are leaving. You're on your own tonight, Seul. If we don't see you tomorrow at work we'll assume the worse."


Seulgi gets hugged by both Joy and Yeri. They whisper some prayers and then hug Joohyun too. "Bye, Joohyun, good luck and all."


"Bye Joy, Yeri." she waves.


"So, Joy says there's a movie theater?"


"Hm, oh yea. I designed my house with help of another designer. Would you like to watch a movie. I have a snack bar and everything."


“Yes, I'd like that."


"Okay, I'll ask Irene if she'd like to watch a movie too."


Joohyun can't hide the disappointment, naturally as nice as Seulgi is of course she'd ask Irene if she wanted to join them.


"Um, Seulgi you know I'd really like it if it could just be us for awhile. You know some one on one time." The shorter woman hints.


Seulgi remembers that part in the contract. She is supposed to be spending one on one time with both of them. How else would she get to know them if she doesn't. Seulgi decides now as good as time as any to start the process and the brunette smiles for the shorter woman.


"Okay, Joohyun. Let’s go." Almost right away the shorter brunette takes her arm, then together they walk off in the direction of the movie theater. It's a decently sized 8 seat theater with a joint snack bar attached.


"I have everything, popcorn, candy, candy, and more candy. I've got pringles." Seulgi miles about that and her smile makes Joohyun smile too.


"You really like pringles, huh?"


"Yes."  Seulgi nods seriously. "Now, go pick the seats. I'll bring the snacks."


Joohyun nods then leans up to kiss her cheek. She is very disappointed that she can't kiss her on the lips for now, so cheeks will have to do. She chooses seats in the second row, noticing how spacious and comfortable the seats are.


"Oh, this seat goes back." Joohyun laughs while pressing the button a few times. Seulgi comes in with snacks then takes the seat besides her.


"Hope you don't mind if we watch one of my companies animations first? It's actually pretty good."


"No, not at all. Did you draw any of the animations?"


"I didn't. I sit in on some of the creative meetings. I have to approve everything, but no I didn't draw for this particular movie."


Joohyun notes how sad Seulgi sounds regarding that. "Seulgi, if you really want to draw again. I think you should. Especially if it makes you happy."


"I don't really have the time, though."


The shorter brunette simply squeezes her hand. "There's always time for something you love."


Seulgi nods, knowing that Joohyun is right. The movie comes on and she finds herself entranced by the beautiful graphics and storyline. It's about a single father trying to reunite with the daughter that had been separated from him.


"Seulgi this is really beautiful."


"Yeah, I helped the artist with the story."


Their hands touch briefly as they reach for popcorn at the same time. "Oh, sorry."


"No, I'm sorry." Both turn away with slightly red cheeks.


Joohyun thinks the next time she touches the monolid woman’s hand it won’t be by accident. She imagines getting to walk around holding hands or linking arms with Seulgi, and hopefully it will be soon.


“I’m glad we’re here together right now.” Joohyun speaks.


Seulgi smiles softly then turns her attention back to the movie. Joohyun just feels excited. They needed this time alone so badly. Only she knows one raven named Irene is still around. She is no doubt ready for her own time with Seulgi. Joohyun knew that she needed to enjoy this for the time being.




Irene wakes up after her power nap feeling refreshed from the crazy events of earlier.


"That Taeyeon woman really called me her daughter." she shakes her head still in slight shock over that encounter. Taeyeon wasn't wrong though as they all definitely look alike. She hoped it wouldn't be weird if they ever meet again. Right now her more pressing concern was Tiffany. She had to win over who was essentially her mother-in-law. It would make things way easier if her spouse's "mother" liked her. She honestly didn't think that the dark-haired lawyer would have gotten that upset. But now that she saw what she was up against. Irene knew that she could smooth things over.


She got downstairs to see no one and nothing. "Where the hell is my Seulgi and that Joohyun woman?" She couldn't bare to think of the possibilities. She remembers Joy and Yeri mentioning there's a movie theater in the house. Maybe they were there. She doesn't have to go looking for them because she sees both Seulgi and Joohyun. There are walking hand in hand and laughing about something. The raven tries her best to hold in her jealousy. But she is very easily jealous, this is no exception.


"Irene, hi." Seulgi smiles. "You okay?"


"Not really. You should be holding my hand only." She thinks. "Yes, I'm fine. Where’d you go?"


"Movies. We watched a movie. It was a really beautiful movie that one of the Seulgi's animation studios produced. I'm still mad at you by the way for making me cry." Joohyun playfully hits Seulgi in the arm, who only laughs.


"I'm sorry, I forgot that it was a sad ending."


"Anyway. It's getting late I'm going to go get ready for bed. Goodnight, Seulgi." She hugs the CEO in what definitely looked like too long for Irene's liking. After the hug Joohyun heads up the stairs.


"I would have wanted to see the movie too, Seulgi."


"Hm. Yea, I thought so. But Joohyun and I needed one on one time."


"Oh." Irene can't mask her hurt and Seulgi immediately picks up on it.


"Not that we don't too, um come with me." Seulgi offers Irene her arm. The raven gladly accepts, resting her head on the taller woman’s shoulder. This is what she wanted for Seulgi to actually show some initiative.


"Where are we going?"


"To one of my favorite rooms in the house."


"Not that hideous orange room?"


"Hey, it’s not hideous, and no not there."


"Baby, we're going to have to do something about that orange room. I know, how about we change it to purple."


Seulgi can't help her laugh. "You're a purple monster aren't you?"


"True." The raven agrees. She allows herself to enjoy this moment with Seulgi. The brunette leads them to a door that says DO NOT ENTER.

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
update please author nim 🥺🥺
Chapter 5: Wow this is so funny 😂 I hope to wait for the next chapter
Chapter 5: My vote's definitely for joohyun cuz all her scenes together with seulgi is purely genuine and soft unlike with irene that keep like seducing(?) her. I just feel like irene's a bit sus I guess. So yeah im def rooting for joohyun here
Chapter 5: Idk why but I’m rooting so hard for Joohyun. Probably because she had a simple life which can be beneficial for Seulgi and she also seems like she is more than meets the eye.
Chapter 4: Omggg the chaos in this chapter when SNSD girls appeared djdksk
Chapter 3: Tiffany the lifesaver. It seems like Seulgi was more into Irene in this chapter. I wonder if it will change.
Chapter 2: Kang Seulgi, how come you didn’t remember them lol.
Chapter 1: Lol that was so chaotic.
i was in the mood to re-read seulrene fics and i remembered about this (forgot the title for a sec) so happy i was able to find it. can't wait to see this unfold more and more
Rereading this work of art again!