Beauty & The Beast

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Wendy and Irene were barely friends - until somebody bends, unexpectedly. (No, there's no in the story. It's the song reference)


Hello! Wenderpul (Rawe) here.

The prompt was given to me by fellow Hearther, MoonWhite (Fynn). I take heavy inspirations from the song rather than the original storyline, so you might see a Beauty and The Beast story with a (hopefully interesting) twist.

As Fynn has mentioned in her own story, this is the first Winter Hearths project, with the theme being Disney songs. We will definitely work on more projects soon so if you have any ideas/themes you are interested to see, head to Fynn's blog post to leave a comment!

For the first WH project, only three of us (Fynn, Jamie aka Chasethesun and myself) are participating but hopefully in the next one, you can see more writers being involved :)

As usual, #TrustInWenrene


Other Hearthers' works:

MoonWhite: A Whole New World

ChaseTheSun: Let It Go

Hi! Thank you for reading the story. I love reading your comments, they honestly make me smile and brighten up my day. Unfortunately, I'm not good at replying back to each comment as I'm socially crippled D: But I really love them, so thank you for all the comments and upvotes! <3


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16 streak #1
chchcn #2
Chapter 2: Well i forgot how many times i came back to read it all over again hehehe
Jamess #3
congrats on the features
Chapter 2: Nice story with cute ending.... ^^
1239 streak #5
congrats on the featured otornim!
801 streak #6
Chapter 2: Nice job author-nim. I enjoyed it👍
Chapter 1: Ohhooo 😏
RAWIEEEEE congratz for being featured!!!
Jamess #9
wenrene ☺️
Always fun to read