Decision time

And, they say three's a crowd
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A/N: Hi, thank you for the reviews last chapter. Joohyun and Seulgi need to go on that date, yes? Yes they do, and Joohyun has to make a decision about what she’ll do as far as Irene’s offer, yes? Please enjoy


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Irene was helping to fix Seulgi’s tie, just before her girlfriend was to leave to meet Joohyun. She could tell that Seulgi was nervous, because she spent more than a half hour going in and out of the closet trying to figure out what to wear, and two of those times she came out with two many clothes when all she needed was a nice dress shirt, tie, and slacks of some kind. Irene thought her poor baby was going to fall apart to be honest.


“Hey, calm down, baby.” The brunette whispers and kisses her lips. “You’re going to start sweating and no one likes armpit stains, you know?” Irene teases and pinches the monolid woman’s cheek. Seulgi frowns at her girlfriend’s teasing and lets out a sigh, she can’t help that she does feel a little nervous about this. She has been with Irene since HS, and in no way has she gone out on a date with another woman, hanging out with Joohyun before was fine, since it was always in a friendly manner, but this isn’t technically all that friendly, this is going to be a date. At the same time, the blonde has permission from Irene to do this, because it’s Irene’s idea in the first place. 


“I’m sorry.” Seulgi apologizes and thanks Irene for fixing her tie.


“No problem, you look y, baby.” And y is an understatement. The blonde looks like an entire meal presented on a platter with her white suit jacket, black pants, and nice white dress shirt with black tie. Seulgi has always been y but Irene even wants to eat her up literally, she looks so good right now. Maybe later, when Seulgi comes home from her date she’ll have her way with her girlfriend. 


“Okay, how do I look?” The slightly taller woman asks her to check her over again, to make sure everything is fine. She looked in the mirror herself, and thinks she looks quite good. But, Irene is her girlfriend and she will always tell her the truth. Irene places her hand to her face and pretends to think about it.


“Hm, I’d say you look decent, I guess, maybe.”


“Oh, I only look decent, do I?” Seulgi smiles and wraps her arms around the brunette’s waist before leaning over to kiss her fully on the lips. Joohyun nods into her kiss and places her arms around the slightly taller woman’s shoulders. They deepen their kiss with the same amount of passion, Seulgi gently grabs her , and the brunette has to break the kiss to moan. 


“, baby…” Irene moans out and kisses the side of her face. “Okay, enough of that because if we keep this up, then you won’t be able to get out of here for your date.”


Seulgi’s mind goes back to the entire reason why she’s about to be on this date in the first place, because her girlfriend made this suggestion, and Irene is still not talking about why she did make the offer in the first place. 


“She might not say yes to your random idea, Rene.”


“She’ll say yes, trust me. Okay, now go and have fun, but not too much fun. You’re not her girlfriend yet.”


Irene is basically saying to her that she shouldn’t cross a line, and Seulgi agrees. There’s one thing to hold hands or something cute and safe. But there’s no need for any crossing of any lines since Joohyun isn’t her girlfriend yet. Besides, Seulgi wants Joohyun to be comfortable with time. They have been friends for a long time, yet friends are different from being someone’s girlfriend. 


“Hey, I love you, Rene.”


The brunette looks at her and smiles. She knows Seulgi loves her. They’ve only been together since HS and Kang Seulgi is very much the love of her life. She can still remember back when she confessed to the monolid woman who would become her future.




Today was the day. Irene was finally going to pull Seulgi aside and tell the girl she had feelings for her. And she needed to do so now while not only having the nerve but before someone else tried to take Seulgi away from her. Dance class was coming to an end, and Irene could see the other students looking at Seulgi with thirst. Oh no, not today ladies, because Irene was a woman on a mission. She set her eyes on the slightly taller girl and Seulgi will be hers. The moment Irene had a chance to grab Seulgi, she did. She takes Seulgi by the arm and leads her outside so that they can talk in private.


“What’s wrong?” The monolid girl wonders, because of how serious Irene looked when dragging her out of the class. She still looks kind of serious now, and Seulgi is worried that there might be something wrong.


“Nothing,” Irene admits. “I need to talk to you now while I still have the nerve for this.”


Seulgi has never known Irene to be shy or nervous about anything. The other girl is just too self-confident and sure of herself, and her actions, which is one of the things that Seulgi first really noticed about her friend. Irene is fierce, bold, and a hell of a dancer. Seulgi has never met someone who enjoyed dance as much as she does, and feels such a spark whenever she and Irene do dance together for class. Sometimes, she has to remind herself to not get too when she feels Irene dancing closer than she needs to.


“What’s the matter, Rene? You’re worrying me.”


Seulgi looks at her with such concern that it gives Irene the strength she needs to speak her mind. The shorter girl looks at Seulgi with one of her sincere smiles and grabs her hands. Well, here goes nothing, Irene doesn’t have much to lose. She knows without a doubt she and Seulgi will remain friends even if the monolid girl has no romantic feelings. 


“I like you, Kang Seulgi. I like you so much, and I’ve always really liked you. I just had to finally say something or I think I might go crazy. I just…”


The monolid girl is looking at her with this soft smile that is different but similar. Irene feels her face flush red when Seulgi gives her hands a squeeze. 


“I can’t believe you like me, Irene.”


“What’s not to like, I like everything about you, Kang Seulgi.”


Seulgi has a bit of a blush on her face, and looks shy to the shorter girl in a way that makes Irene feel butterflies. She’s always felt them but now they’re stronger than ever, especially when Seulgi leans forward to kiss her cheek. Irene’s cheeks flush so red that Seulgi smiles.


“I like you too, Irene.”


“You do, Seul?”


“I like you very much, Irene. Um, would you want to be my girlfriend?”


Irene jumps up into the taller girl’s arms and kisses her hard on the lips. She has always wanted to be Seulgi’s girlfriend. This is the best thing that could have happened to her.


“I’ll be your girlfriend, of course.”




And they’ve been together ever since HS, all through college, and now living together in their apartment. Seulgi is the absolute love of her life, and Joohyun who is her best friend, the two people who mean the most to her. It’s why she even suggested they would do this poly relationship. 


“Rene?” Seulgi whispers and tries to get her girlfriend’s attention.




“Are you okay, babe?” 


The brunette nods and smiles before kissing the blonde on the lips. “I’m fine, honey. Now you need to get going, don’t keep Hyun waiting.”


Seulgi gives her a look and is about to say something, only Irene simply smiles and guides her toward the door.


“Go, and have a good time, Seul.”


They share one more kiss and then Seulgi is on her way to meet Joohyun. She hopes that Joohyun isn’t feeling too nervous about this date. They have been in each other’s lives for a long time, there’s not anything to be nervous about, only there is everything to be nervous about. Especially for one Bae Joohyun, who felt more and more like a nervous wreck by the moments. The raven-haired woman kept pacing back and forth in her living room, and then in her nervousness she ironed her clothes for work, or tried to rather since they were all ironed already. Poor Joohyun was going to fall apart, she really was. She looked at her phone wondering if at any moment Seulgi would call her to cancel their date, like this whole thing was too crazy, because in truth the whole thing was kind of crazy.


“Okay…” Joohyun takes a deep breath. She has to calm down somehow, or she will be a complete mess before her date with Seulgi.


“A date with Seulgi, that still seems so odd to say.”


It really does feel odd to say or think about. Joohyun gave up on her thoughts of dating Seulgi so long ago, and was truly happy to be the monolid woman’s friend. Now she has another chance, so to speak. Joohyun’s phone rings and she sees it’s Irene calling her.


“Hey, Rene.”


“Hi, twin.” She speaks with a cheerful tone. “I’m calling to remind you to not be nervous, alright? You and Seul have been out together without me before.”

“Yes, but not as a date. You know those were only friendly outings.”


“I know.” Irene agrees. She always knew that whenever Seulgi and Joohyun would hang out, it was always friendly, and nothing ever happened to cross any lines. She knows that the two of them share interests that she doesn’t, and so Irene never minded when Seulgi would go with Joohyun to the art museums or the other places the two of them like going. 


“Rene…” Joohyun sighs. “I still don’t know why you’re suggesting this. I mean, you sort of explained, but not really. You’re telling me it’s okay to date your girlfriend, here, I don’t know what to make of it.”


Irene does understand why both Seulgi and Joohyun are concerned, she’s not dismissing their concerns. She also just wants them to trust her here, and the process. Irene wouldn’t have ever offered such a thing if she didn’t believe in the fact that it could work.


“Hyun, try not to overthink this, alright? I don’t know what else to tell you, oh, and don’t my girlfriend on the first night!” She says it in such a serious tone of voice that startles the bespectacled woman. 




“Haha, well, I’m just saying she’s not your girlfriend yet, so don’t get any ideas because she looks all hot and y, take your time.”


“Wow, thanks, mom.” Joohyun rolls her eyes, and laughs too. She never considered going straight to bed with the woman or anything. She doesn’t care how good Seulgi looks, or so that’s what she told herself, because she soon ends the call with Irene as from the buzzer from the front door that has to be Seulgi, it was now or never. Joohyun grabbed her purse and started to head to the door to greet Seulgi.


“H-hi...oh…” Joohyun is so stunned by the silver-blonde hair and how incredibly y Seulgi looks in her suit jacket, shirt, and slacks that she doe

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Yoonchoding07 #1
Chapter 3: Irene being the supportive girlfriend and best friend. how does their relationships unfold? please update authornim...
Yoonchoding07 #2
Chapter 1: hmn... really curious why Irene ended up with that decision to offer her girlfriend and best friend to be in a poly relationship with each other... I can't help but think she's terminally ill and is just preparing both of them for her demise. hopefully that's not the case.
Chapter 3: author nim ples update
172 streak #4
Chapter 3: Would be nice to see what happens next
Heart23 #5
Chapter 3: I'm wondering what will happen next, this really interest me. Hoping, author-nim will continue this fic.
Chapter 3: Impressive
The idea of Irene and Joohyun being different people is very interesting. Hope you continue this!
DragonKingYeba #8
Chapter 3: This is a very interesting seulrene fic! Love the idea of a poly relationship and how this particular group is finding their way through it.
Rabidrabbit #9
Chapter 3: To be honest I just wanted to know more about poly amorous relationships. I'm not against it, I mean love is love, but its a pretty mind-boggling topic for me and hopefully I get to see the good of it here
Chapter 3: I thought a nick name for Seulgi but it's bot. IT'S NOT! It's a nick name for her !! Lmao XD