Chapter Two

Better Half of Me

Chapter Two


Kyuhyun sat in the dressing room and sulked, waiting for the director to call him to the stage. He was upset about the way things had gone down earlier that morning. He had been in a perfectly good mood until Leeteuk had walked into his room. And the way that he had just left without saying anything nice to Kimi left him feeling awkward and a little guilty. It wasn’t her fault that he brother was being a jackass. He sighed again and leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. He could already tell that this was going to be a long day.

“Yah, Kyuhyun-ah, it’s time for the interview.” His manager said, walking into the room. Kyuhyun sat back up again and smiled,

“Yes hyung.” He said politely, standing up from the sofa and bowing his head slightly in his direction

“Remember to watch what you say, as always. And don’t be nervous. Whenever you get nervous you get stiff and people notice. It’s just an interview. And of course don’t say anything about Kimika. We don’t need that getting out there.” Kyuhyun frowned at the way he had said it, but kept silent. He didn’t like picking fights with his manager. “Alright, get going.” His manager finally said, ending his speech. Kyuhyun smiled and pated him on the shoulder before walking completely out of the room.


Back at the dorm, Kimi finished getting ready for school, wearing her school’s uniform and her long brown hair down, reaching the middle of her back. She had put on just a little bit of makeup and even she had to admit, she looked pretty good. She smiled at herself at the mirror and grabbed her backpack, skipping out the bedroom door. She smiled and waved at the members as she passed them, chuckling to herself silently when she saw one or two face down on their bed, procrastination at it’s finest. Once at the front door she slipped on her shoes and was about to walk out the door when Leeteuk came out and called her name. Kimi turned around and gave him a questioning look.

“At least come home by 6 okay?” he asked, looking at her sternly. Kimi tolled her eyes, but she nodded. She figured she could at least listen to him for this one thing.  Leeteuk smiled finally, “I’ll see you when you get home. Have fun at school.”

Walking up to the school gates, Kimi smiled a little bit. As much as she hated coming here for school itself, she could wait until she got to see her best friends, so she eventually stopped minding the fact that she even had to come here at all. She spotted Taemin and smiled at him. He had just started to come to school here. Kimi hadn’t really talked to him outside of SM so she had been steering clear. He waved at her and then went back to paying attention to the seven other students that were crowded around him. Five bucks says four of them are only there for the chance to meet the other members. It was when she saw things like this that made her happy they never decided to put her status out in the open. She liked making friends that were interested in her and not her brother…or her boyfriend.

“Kimi!” She turned around and smiled as she saw her best friend Sano walk up to her.

“Well hello there.” She said glancing at her watch. “You’re here a little later than usual.” She sais, falling into step with him.

“Well you see, there’s this thing called a home cooked meal, and that is what my mother made. How could I pass that up.” He answered, nudging her with his hip.

“Ah, I remember those. I had one just this morning.” She said. “Ryeowook made the best eggs. I wish I could just sit there and eat them all day.”

“Then you would get fat and no one would like that. Kyuhyun might loose interest.” He joked. Kimi put her finger to her lips,

“Shh. Keep your voice down.” She whispered.

“Sorry. I forgot that he’s your secret.” Kimi laughed. As they walked to class she glanced at her phone. She was hoping that Kyuhyun would text her. After his abrupt leave earlier in the morning, she was feeling a little down. Sano looked down at her and smiled sadly. “Lover boy not talking to you today?” he asked. Kimi shook her head.

“Everything was fine this morning, but then my brother came in. I think he said something to him because he left in a bad mood afterwards.” Sano nodded,

“I’m sure he’s just busy. He is an idol. He’s go plenty of things to do in a day. I wouldn’t worry about it.” He said. Kimi smiled and linked arms with him.

“You see, this is why I keep you around.” Sano rolled his eyes.

“Go to class. You don’t want to be late again.” Kimi let go of his arm and skipped away from him,

“It’s not like it’ll matter! I ace the tests anyway!” she shouted over her shoulder. Sano shook his head as he turned in the direction his class was in.


Finally his schedule was over for the day. As he glanced at his phone, he took note that the time was 8:27. He’d been out all day. He also noticed that he had a text message from Kimi. He smiled and opened it.

‘Hey, are you okay? You left so quickly this morning. You seemed mad.’

Kyuhyun felt the instant guilt. He hadn’t meant to blow her off this morning and not send her a text, but he had been so mad he had just kind of blown everything off.

‘I’m sorry if I made you worry. Your brother said some things and I just needed to cool off.’

‘Was it bad. Do I need to talk to him?’ Kyuhyun smiled, he could just hear the tone of voice she was using.

‘Nah. Just make me feel better when I get home?’ he asked.

‘Of course. What kind of girlfriend would I be if didn’t?’

‘One that wouldn’t have a boyfriend.’

‘I’ll see you when I get home!’

‘See you soon.’ Kyuhyun sighed. At least she didn’t seem to be angry. That would have been a horrible thing to deal with. He’s learned the hard way that when you get in a fight with the girl that spends that most time at the dorm, the rest of the members usually take her side.

“Kyuhyun, are you ready to go?” his manager asked. Kyuhyun nodded.

“Yeah, lets get going. Can we stop and grab some food? I’m starving.” He said. Kyuhyun’s manager laughed,

“When are you not hungry?” he asked. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and followed him to the car.


Kimi left her friends at the café after she talked to Kyuhyun. She knew that her brother would be mad that she was coming home later than he had told her, but she hadn’t gotten a text or a call from him so that could only mean good things. As she got closer and closer to the dorms though, she started to feel nervous. She knew she wouldn’t get into too much trouble, but there was sure to be a lecture waiting for her when got back.

Finally reaching the dorm, she sighed. She knew Kyuhyun wasn’t back yet, so she knew she would have to take the talk by herself. Taking a deep breath she opened the door, and there he was, sitting in the living room reading a magazine. Leeteuk looked up and gave her a glare that could kill. Kimi looked at the floor.

“Well it’s nice of you to finally show up.”

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This is really interesting, I like your plot. ^•^