Chapter 3

The Choreographer

“Okay so it’s been fifteen minutes, you can call the next candidate.” Bang PD said to Manager Yang.

Yang nodded and directly went in the waiting room to find Jung Ha Joon. He returned with him and they started the interview.

“Hello, I’m Jung Ha Joon, I’m so happy to meet you, I’m almost a fan of you all. Thank you Namjoon for being a great leader and Suga you’re just so so so good at rapping. Also Kida I’ve seen you danced before, and you are breathtaking.” he said rapidly with an enormous smile.

“Yeah, thank you. So you auditioned to be part of the vocalist team, right?” Namjoon was a little bit embarrassed but he tried to keep it professional.  

“Yes, I’ve always dreamed to be a professional singer.” Ha Joon looked really happy.

“And what do you think you could give to the team? What are your qualities to be chosen?” nobody was talking so Namjoon decided to continue.

“I’m really joyful and I think I can help people when they’re feeling down to avoid that all the other members feel bad themselves. I sing pretty well, and I feel like I could give the group an other great voice.” Ha Joon said proudly.

“Okay and could you…”

Someone knocked loudly, and everyone turned their head to see who it was, but nobody opened the door. Kida decided to go to the door to see who knocked. When she opened it, she was surprised to be face to face with Nam Il, who was breathing heavily. He seemed also shocked to see her because he had stepped back a little. But he immediately smiled at her while he said “sorry” and she asked him what he was doing here.

“I’m back with Ki Moon and I know we said fifteen minutes, but it’s only been eighteen minutes maybe you could accept him.”

“Where is he?” Kida asked because he was not with Nam Il.

“He’ll be here soon but I run faster than him.” he said with a little smile.

“Sorry but you two came for nothing.” Kida startled when she realized Bang PD was behind her. Ki Moon had also arrived by now.

“Please mister, I know he wasn’t supposed to leave but he was obliged to go and help his grandmother. We tried our best to come here in only fifteen minutes, but they were too many people blocking the way. I know if you listen to him you won’t be disappointed.” Nam Il was trying his best to convince Bang PD.

“I know you just want to help him, but he didn’t respect the rules so he’s no longer a candidate. You have to understand that, or you’ll be fired too. Now please leave we’re with another candidate.” he said firmly.

Nam Il looked at Kida with a sad look on and she wished she was important enough to make Bang PD changed his opinion. Ki Moon seemed just angry at this decision and he left without saying a word.

“As your turn already passed you can go. We will call you to talk about what would happen next. Goodbye.” Kida didn’t know what to say.

“Thank you.” he smiled at her and he left.

Kida went back to her sit after she had closed the door.

“Sorry for the disruption, anyways maybe you could show us how you sing once again?” Manager Yang suggested.

“Of course I can do that.” he said more calmly than before.

He then began to sing, and his voice was amazing, he had a perfect control of his breathing. His voice wasn’t shaking and yet he was singing really loudly. He had a different kind of voice because she wasn’t too low neither too shrill, but she wasn’t just monotone. They felt every word that he sang as if he was just making them live what he was saying. He finished singing, they talked some more about his performance and they told him he could leave. One of the five went to find the next future member and they started to ask him some questions.

“Could you please introduce yourself?”

“Hi, I’m Alex Kang, I’m from New-Zealand and I auditioned to be part of the vocal and dance line.”

“You are officially the first foreign trainee of BigHit.” everyone smiled, “Which team do you think you belong to?”

“I’ve always danced on hip hop musics, but I can sing diverse types of songs, so I think vocal line suits me better.” he said honestly.  

“Would you mind showing us some dance moves?” Kida was beginning to get bored.

It had been four hours since they were here looking for new talents. They all wanted to finish the interviews as soon as possible.

“That’s what I’m here for.” he said while he was laughing.

He started to dance on some hip-hop song and he had a totally distinctive style from Hyun Jun. He was really good, but he was not as mesmerizing as the other dancer. Also their type of dances was just two different world. One was more classical, and Alex had a kind of street style. The music was very rapid, and it didn’t seem to disturb him I any way, so this was a good point. The music suddenly disappeared, and Alex stopped dancing, his breathing was heavy, and Kida was thinking that he was really interesting when someone called her.

“Kida?” Namjoon was looking at her, “What do you think about him?”

“Huh yes, so Alex, your dancing skills are on point, it’s clear to see that and as you and Hyun Jun have distinctive styles, I think we can work together to make something really great.” She said with a big smile.

She was always searching for diverse styles that will be interesting put together.

“So the dancing is good but what about the singing?” Yoongi asked.

Alex said something like “let me show you” and he immediately started to sing. His voice was very shrill but in a pleasant way. The song was really calm until Alex suddenly stopped singing. Everybody was looking at him trying to understand why he had stopped singing.

“Sorry but can I play with the piano there?” he said while showing the piano in the corner of the room.

“Yeah of course do as you want.” Bang PD agreed.

Alex sit on the stool in front of the piano before he rolled up his sleeves. His hands overflew the keys for a few seconds while he took his breath silently. Then, he pressed his fingers on the keys and the only sound echoing in the room was the music of the piano. After a few seconds his lips started moving and his voice was floating in the room. His voice was going so well with the music. Kida knew this song, but she couldn’t remember the title, it was when the chorus arrived that she knew that it was Breath by Lee Hi. She was amazed by Alex’s talent, he was singing as good as Lee Hi. Also, they could feel every emotions he felt while singing.

“Thank you, Alex, it was really good.” Yoongi smiled when Alex finished singing.

“Well, you’re now a part of this project, you’ll have a few days without any news from us but don’t worry we will call you when we’ll be ready to welcome you all.” Manager Yang said.

“Thank you so much, I won’t disappoint you. Goodbye.” he exclaimed just before he closed the door.

Two minutes later another boy entered the room, he wasn’t tall but neither small. He was smiling brightly at all of them and Kida felt a little less tired seeing this boy smiling so much.

“Hello! My name is Jo Joog Soo and I auditioned to be part of the dancing line.” the candidate explained.

“Hi Joog Soo, I’m sorry but it’s getting late so can you show us a dance please?” Manager Yang said quickly.

“Hum yeah of course!” he said still smiling.

He went to the speaker and chose a song, before the lyrics begun, he went back to the middle of the room. He started dancing right after he had taken a deep breath. He moved to the music’s rhythm and the moves combination was pretty good even though Kida thought he could have chosen better movements. When the music stopped, he also stopped, and he took his breath quietly.

“It was great thank you!” Kida said quickly.

They continued to discuss about the group and Joog Soo before they told him they’ll contact him to talk about the precisions. He left the room and a small boy entered a few seconds later. His head was down, and he was playing with his fingers. Kida saw that something wasn’t normal with him as if he was uncomfortable. He didn’t say anything, so Manager Yang was the one that talked first.

“Hello, you are Ji Ho, right?” he asked slowly.

“Yes.” he whispered.

“Okay and you auditioned to be part of the rap line?” manager Yang continued to ask questions.

Kida didn’t talk a lot, she was just looking at the shy boy, at least she thought he was shy as he didn’t look at anyone un the eyes. It felt like he was scared of them, so she decided to talk to him before he was obliged to rap.

“Can I talk to him a little bit in the corridor please?” she whispered into Bang PD’s ear.

“Yes if you think you have to of course.”

“Hey, Ji Ho? Would you mind come with me two minutes outside?” she asked Ji Ho.

“No.” he said quietly.

She got up and started to walk to the door and he followed her. When they were out, she closed the door and smiled to him.

“Are you okay?” she sounded concerned about him, so he looked at her directly for once.

“Yes, I’m fine why?”

“I don’t know you seem uncomfortable or something. You know we’re not here too force you to do anything, if you don’t want to do this interview it’s okay but you can’t be a good candidate if we don’t know what you’re capable of. And we can only see all your qualities if you calm down and show us what you can do. Are you shy?” she finally asked.

“Yes, I’m really shy.” he said

“Okay, but don’t be shy with us you know, nobody will tell mean things about you! How old are you?”

“I’m 19 years old.”

“You’re young, it’s normal if you’re shy, but look in this room there is Namjoon and Yoongi, and trust me they’re not mean at all, they know what it is to audition so they can’t do anything else than help you if you’re scared. Bang PD is the best director ever don’t worry about him, if anything bothers him, he will tell you really nicely. The only two left are Manager Yang and me and boy we don’t know anything about rap, so you can do everything you want we won’t judge you. If you’re nervous because of them just look at me or someone that doesn’t intimidate you. Everyone in this room is here to make you a better rapper but they won’t judge you in a bad way only as professionals do don’t worry. Are you ready to nail it or what?” she exclaimed.

“Yeah, I don’t know if I can.” he said sadly.

“If they chose you at first it’s because you’re talented enough to be here so just do your thing and everyone will be pleased.” she tried to reassure him, but she didn’t know what to say.

“Maybe you’re right.” he smiled a little.

“Of course I’m right, you just have to rap a little and it’ll be over. I’m sure you can do it.” she assured while looking right in his eyes. “Now you’re gonna enter this room choose your melody and rap like you never did.”

“If you say so…” he muttered.

“Come on!” she said when she opened the door.

She went to sit silently, and she looked at him with an enormous smile. Ji Ho seemed less anxious which made her happy, he was looking at the small space between Yoongi and Namjoon’s shoulders. He suddenly started to rap without any background music. As soon as he rapped the first words he changed into a more confident person. Kida was surprised to see him become like this, he was really charismatic.

The rest of the interview went by rapidly and Kida was happy that it was all done. Ji Ho left the room with an adorable smile stuck on his face. Bang PD and Manager Yang still had a meeting to go through before they could go home but Yoongi and Namjoon left a few minutes after Ji Ho. Kida was alone in the room and she thought she could dance a little as she hated standing still for too long, it was even worst when she was sitting. She went to the computer, she searched a song for a few seconds before she heard a familiar voice raise in the corridor. She walked to the white door and she understood it was Manager Yang when she turned the metallic handle. Her curiosity made her open the door only enough to perceive Manager Yang who was facing her, but luckily, he was too focused on the boy he was talking to. Actually Kida didn’t who the boy was as she only saw his dark blue sweater. They were talking about Ki Moon and Manager Yang didn’t seem really happy to have this conversation. He told the boy to follow him, so Kida came back to the computer and finally chose her song. She danced for a long time on every song that came without changing them.

As she was getting tired, she turned off the music and she got out of the room. She hit someone when she closed the door.

“Oh sorry.” a deep voice apologized.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, I was the one who didn’t pay attention.” she saw his sweater before she saw his face and it was the guy that was arguing with Yang. “Kim Nam Il?”


“What are you still doing here?” she asked.

“I had to talk to Manager Yang before I could leave.” he said.

“But I told you to leave, you’re kinda stubborn, aren’t you?” she laughed.

“I wanted them to see what they were giving up on. He is really talented you know?”

“And did it work?” she was curious.

“Yes, Manager Yang told me he will call Ki Moon.”

“Well, that’s good. Now go home it’s getting late.”

“Yes, thank you Miss Kida.” he bowed.

“Don’t call me ‘Miss’, now that we’ll work together just say Kida please.”

“Okay, goodbye Kida!”



sorrryyyyy I took soooooo long, but I'm a bad person what do you want... I'll try to upload soon but so many things happen when I was writting this chap, also I didn't know how to finish it!! ignore the typos plssss!! thank you for reading and also comment all you want!!

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Chapter 3: Nice chapter, non keep uploading this story please !
Chapter 1: Hi, I can’t wait to read the next chapter !