File 01


February, 2109

Rain pouring hard, hitting the grounds, while pedestrians in Sector Twenty-Two, the most crowded sector has flee to find something to hide under. Buildings rose up high within the sector and architects has tried to compete for so many years in building the most modern and tech-advanced building in that sector. Mei walked pass the pedestrians and went inside the Nemesis building, the pride and the landscape building of Sector Twenty-Two. Build by the most famous architect in that era, the building was known as stairway to heaven, because of its well protected security, avant grandee and unbeatable height to the sky. No one has ever complained when the government put on a large funding on it, since the one who resides there are the 'Electus' after all.

"ID please." a big man stood in front of Mei, with guns on his body. Mei took it out and showed it to him. He looked at Mei carefully. The photo has little resemblance to Mei as the photo shows her with long black hair, bright green eyes and she was smiling brightly. While the one who stood in front of him is a girl with short unkempt hair, shaggy shirts and baggy pants, along with dulll green eyes. 

"Are you Mei Gayna?" the security asked in disbelief.


The security looks reluctant. He talked to the walkie talkie and when he heard the responses, his eyes dilated.

"I'm sorry Ms. Gayna. Please come in. The Director has been waiting for you." even the tone has changed, he talked more slowly and politely. Mei doesn't care though and automatically walking pass all the security system, making all the other people turn their head around and see the petite figure, none even the highest rank has been allowed to pass all of the security system just like that. Making everyone wondering who is this girl.

Mei care less about the gazes and looks from around the room. The fellow 'Electus' must been trying to digging information and asking people from their own social groups. Some even tried to take picture of her. But she let it slide. She hates them and she didn't want to be bothered by them. After all, the 'Electus' are just group of people with prides but void, which she has no interests on.

After passing the hallways of security systems, Mei reached the main reception room, which appear nothing like that. Glamorous chandelier hanging from the ceiling, gold plated table and floor filled the room, followed by fountain with the statue of Dominic Rei, the founder of the 'Electus' stood in the middle of the room. At the right side of the room lies little bar, also covered in gold and the bartender was an old man hologram. But what most grandiose over all are the display of Erdenite, the rarest gemstone ever known which known to be equivalent with the Philosopher Stone. Dominic created the stone and only certain people in the 'Electus' knew the mixture and the remaining stones made by these group of 'Electus' were locked in the safest place in earth. However, no matter how much they made it, to use Erdenite as the Philosopher Stone, one must decipher the codes from Dominic's diary, the code no one ever able to decode. Even the most intelligent person on earth except for Mei Gayna. 

It explains a lot why she was treated with honors and how she was prioritized. The government has been eager to decipher it since they wanted to use it as soon as possible. 

"Ms. Gayna." An old man wearing tailcoat greeted Mei. Mei knew her as Mr. Werrington, as she met her before in an unfavorable time. "Please go this way." He led Mei to the door behind the reception desk. Not what people expect, the room was pitch black until Mr. Werrington clicked his tounge and a light emitted on a door. They went in and sees another a white hallway where a capsule stood at the edge of the hall. Both of them went in and the system started scanning Mr. Werrington's whole body. After security check completed, the capsule started moving upwards, the only path right to the office of the General Counselor of Earth. 

After few seconds, they have arrived at the top floor of the building. As the capsule opened, Mei sees a room covered with crystals and the room was empty, only a wood table in the middle of the room and a man was sitting there. He was young and good looking with sleek black hair and childish eyes, no one would expect him as the General Counselor as luckily no one ever saw his face except for Mei and Mr.Werrington himself to be said. He raised his head from the paperworks and his smile brighten automatically. 

"Mei!" even how he greeted was very childish. He rose from his seat and he was wearing navy suit walking towards Mei and hugged her so tigthly that Mei almost couldn't breathe.

"Stop squeezing me, Jungkook." Mei told him with monotone voice while her hands busy trying to push him away.

"I'm sorry, Mei."Jungkook quickly let her go. "I'm just glad I'm able to see you again. You are really hard to contact."

Mei wouldn't deny that. She kept her location as low as possible and the only person who knew how to locate her is Yondi, but Yondi himself is hard to find. 

"I have some business." Mei simply answer.

Jungkook clicked his finger and a set of sofa and table appeared from the floor, complete with tea and cookies. He told Mei to sit down and he told Mr. Werrington to leave the room. With only the two of them Jungkook took out a coin out of his pocket and put it on the middle of the table. As the coin touched the table, it transforms immediately into a metal box and Jungkook uses his finger as a confirmation for the box to be opened and showing scrolls inside.

"Have you done what I wanted, Mei?"

Mei looked at Jungkook who was taking out the scrolls that are made of hologram. In there she could see the whole plan and what he was trying to build. Something Mei wouldn't like to look at and what she has tried to avoid all these years. 

"I almost finished it, there is only one code left."

Jungkook looked at her with sympathethic smile, "You know I dislike half-way done right?"

She didn't flinched and continue on talking, "This code couldn't be decipher just like that. I need to get inside Dominic's mind to find out. That's the only way."

"Aren't you already going inside his head all these time?"

"No." Jungkook was looking at her incredulously. But Mei wasn't affected. "I need to meet him."

"You are joking right?"

"No, I'm not." she answered it as fast as Jungkook asked her. "I want you to grant me the permission to time travel."

Hearing the agreement given by Mei, Jungkook sighed, scrutinizing the floor. Time travel has long been banned because of its affect that has create wars many years ago and the many of the machines were destroyed. Only a machine left and to grant her that permission was not easy task at all although he was the highest rank on Earth. The cost was too much, but not able to use Erdenite was also a great disaster. They need it and only the mind of Mei Gayna could put those codes into reality. The dilemma was too great for Jungkook. 

"You know it was impossible, right?" Jungkook asked with low tone. 

"I know. And that's why I have been thinking about what can you do to make it possible." 

Mei took out a paper and gave it to Jungkook. After reading it, Jungkook furrowed his brows and devilish smile started to appear on his face. 

"You are making me as a bet."

"Yes, it's the best plan for now."

"It is not for me."

"It is not for both of us."

Silence suddenly filled the room and both of them only staring at each other. Until Jungkook put the scrolls back to the box and locked it again. He took out the coins and it transform back into a normal table. 

"Mr. Werrington." he called and not long after that, Mr. Werrington had came.

"Please Ms. Gayna out. And put her in jail."

For a while, Mr. Werrington stood still. "What do you mean--"

"Just like I said. Put. Her. In. Jail."

Mr. Werrington looked at Mei, trying to decipher what had happened. But doing a poker face is Mei's forte and her straight face reveal nothing of what happened. Having Mr. Werrington still in great puzzlement in his head, escorting Mei to the jail. 

"And Mr. Werrington. Please inform the official to put her to Rockden Prison."

The reveal was too shocking for Mr. Werrington as the prison was the place for the most dangerous criminals. No one has been able to get out from there and the torture was unimaginable. The one who went there would absolutely turn mad, even the strongest man on Earth. It was the place of hell and instead of staying there, many criminals decided to end their life instead.

Mei wasn't happy with the result of her negotiation, as she had always expected Jungkook to love his plan so much. It seems like she was wrong and she took the wrong step this time. She lower her head, while she was trying to think another way as she really needs to get into that time travel machine no matter what happened.

Dominic needs her that badly. 

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