Trying Again

Why Did I Love You?


She stopped dead in her tracks. Was it her imagination or was it Keimin's voice?


The voice got louder and the footsteps that followed after sounded uncannily familiar to his loafers. How she hated herself for knowing every figment of his existence.

Raerin turned around, tightening the grip around her bag strip, forcing her face to stay nonchalant. 

It was him.

He stared back at her, his usually calm and expressionless face contorted uncharacteristically into a look of torment and regret.

You can never be with a guy who you love more than he loves you. The words echoed in Raerin's head just as she took a step forward and with that, she froze in her footsteps again.

Keimin blinked.

The silence that ensued was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Yes?" Raerin suddenly choked, willing her voice not to betray any emotion.

To her horror, a tear escaped from her eye. Covering her face in humiliation, she turned around and bolted as fast as the wind. 




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Chapter 2: Keep writing poetry! This is quite good :)