Do you Hear Me?


I dealt with depression. I questioned my gender identity and uality and was hated for those things. I began to hate myself and this is my way of telling people my story. This will tell my story of how I got over it.


I looked out at the trees, the music in my ears. My lungs and throat burning from the cold air and tears, hot down my face. I want to die I thought. I'm always so angry. So upset. I'm letting my life slip away. No one is noticing.


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You're not the only one who dealt with depression, I have dealt with it for 11 years. So I know how you have felt. I also wrote a story with something like this, but I took that one offline since fiction was taking over. But I'll work on it in a different way thanks to this story
Can I make a story cover for free?
I really like this story and I would love to make one for you. ^-^