Love me not....Hate me not....

Onew agreed to help Jonghyun only on one conditions and that is “I will only help you if you promise a thing” said Onew “I wish I have gone to Key hyung, he have helped right away and I’m stuck here with him…begging….aaaaa…quick accept it quick hyung…..” Jonghyun was thinking when Onew came between him and his thought “are you listening to me Jonghyun…..”

Said Onew…. “Yeah….I am here…..anything you asked, I promise I won’t turn my back on you” said Jonghyun who really needed Onew’s help.

Jonghyun accepted his condition but Onew didn’t said what his condition is, instead he said he will let him know when the time comes and helped Jonghyun the whole night going through each and all the pages helping Jonghyun to understand all the words who was now feeling sleepy, almost half asleep……“O-o…it’s almost 4am” looking at Jonghyun sleeping he felt pity on him and thought “Poor thing…he did study hard…I wish he will do well in the test today...” thinking this he went to sleep and woke up startled for it was 7:30am and only half hour to get ready for school.

He quickly went to the place where Jonghyun was lying, quickly woke him “Ya…Jonghyun…Jonghyun…wake up…Hyung wake up…” he fell on Jonghyun who woke up with a startled seeing his hyung on top of him “Hyung….Wh…what are you trying to do…” catching his blanket….”get off me                                 hyung….it’s embarrassing…” said Jonghyun. “I came here to wake you for it almost…(seeing the time) a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-A-A-A-A-A…..”both screamed looking at each other as they have only 20 minutes to get ready, both of them ran to bathroom washed up and got dressed as quick as possible. They manage to reach school but were late as everyone was in their exam hall waiting for them… “The great SINGERS are late today….and may I know WHY?” said Miss Park who is very strict in timing “sorry Miss it won’t happen again” said Onew and Jonghyun and went to their seats where Taemin said “Hyungs…why were you two late….we waited a lot for you two and almost got late”…”I will tell you once the exam is finished” said Onew.

The exam started and everyone was struggling so hard for the answers…..time was ticking by and Jonghyun was looking here and there as he had forgetten what he studied last night….first he looked at Taemin and Key who was writing without stopping then he lookied at Onew and Cho-min-ho….same thing was happening…he looked at Luna and Krystal who was busy writing their answer….

Time was not there….Jonghyun was struggling…..

Finally when the exams finished everyone was outside the class room disscuing the questions and answers….Jonghyun was the last to come out…Onew and all went towards him “how was the questions…hyung” said Taemin….but Jonghyun without saying a word went home. “poor thing….he is very poor in biology and when it comes to reading and understanding hes always out of the world….” Said Key…. “what do you mean that hes out of world….?” asked Onew… “I mean to say…..when someone teaches him he is always busy inside his mind ining, thinking and laughing about the person who is teaching and that is why he never understands a thing…..” said Key….”what…..i have wasted so much time……no….no……NO…” cried Onew.  

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