Chap 2

I'm happy to have you here

The next morning, when Yoonhae was still sleeping the phone rang

"baby your phone is ringing" Hae called Yoon but he didnt get any reply " baby your phone"  Hae took Yoong with sleepy vocie but Yoong didnt say anything


"can you answer it for me" Yoong open one eye and took Hae

"hello. Mr.Lee is speaking"

" hi is this phone belong to Lee YoonA"

" yes, she is my wife. who is it" 

" ah! we call from Seoul hospital. we have the result of miss Lee. we have some new about your wife. can you meet the doctor Choi at 9am today"

" oh. ok i will be there" Hae has some bad feeling is happend.  maybe Yoong was hiding something that he didnt know. he delete the call. he want to find out what happed

"who was calling" Yoong said with sleepy vocie

"no. they was wrong number"


"keep slepping, i will make for you breakfast"

"ok . tks you fishy"

"you wellcome" Hae kiss Yoong in lips, his favourite forehead then go to kitchen

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Chapter 7: it is good
please write more
SoneVN #2
@vvmykki223: you want bonus don't you? Thank for like my story
...Yoona didn't die !!
Yesh !! can't be the end :C
Noooo T___T
Yoona can't die X(
mizalee #5
yes !!!
This story is so dad :C
I hope Yoong will be healthy soon
mizalee #7
hae always beside her, take care her and sweet with her...huhu

hae make me cry

please update soon
Omo,, pleasedon't make Yoong unnie leave Donghae oppa..

I wanna cry... :'(
Update soon....
Whoa kidney cancer !?
That's even worse than pregnancy O.O
Update soon !!
jhemille0226 #10
What the!
I though yoona is pregnant!
But she have a kidney cancer?!