Furtive Glances

Jaechun (Drabbles)

I was watching The Avengers just lately and thought of this as I did...


Yoochun enters the cinema alone with only a hotdog sandwich in hand and a tumbler of Sprite. Regardless, as he sat, he didn't care at all. He just sorta goes with the flow, after all. He tucks the tumbler of Sprite in the seat's armrest with a slot and bites from his sandwich as trailers jumpstart the cinema. Majority of the seats in the back were almost full and he was in the third closest row, not that he minded a bit. Minutes later, a raven haired man enters the cinema sitting two seats away to his left. They pretty much matched everything they had and acted almost just the same upon their entrance to the cinema, only that this man is named Jaejoong, started sipping on his Cola, and settled for a chicken sandwich on his lap. Jaejoong didn't know why he had the urge so, but he'd look at his right and started staring rather rudely. 
Just a couple of seconds ago as he was searching for his seat, not that it took him a long time, he'd notice the man two seats away from him and looked but not really stared unlike he did now. 
He was caught off guard when the other had countered, "It's rude, y'know." Jaejoong badly wanted to ask why or what he'd done to deserve the unwelcoming remark from the other but the other continued, "Staring. With no permission." Jaejoong almost choked on his Cola when he realized what he was doing and snaps back at the screen trying to focus on how hot Scarlett Johansson is with the first couple of fierce action scenes. At least for now, he was trying to convince himself for a while to look at the woman on the silver screen even if his eyes wanted to see otherwise the form seated a meter from him.
They were both watching Marvel's The Avengers.
Yoochun just smirks in his seat and goes back to his hotdog sandwich. It bothered him so much that no one had bothered sitting in between the man who stares at him and him. Just to make sure he wasn't glancing or staring or gaping at his form anymore, he'd furtively glance at the other's form and immediately shifts his attention to the silver screen when he's done checking.
There had been no conversation between them until halfway into the movie when Yoochun noticed himself staring as rudely as he was being stared at half an hour ago. Yoochun had mentally noted how the man who'd previously stared at him gaped at the screen in awe and laughed with a hand on his mouth during the deemed expressions and gestures seemed fit for certain scenes in the movie. Yoochun had even noted the glow of the man's skin in the dim ambience of the theater and how the man's haircut stopped just before his jaw. "." Yoochun didn't even know anymore if he was cursing at himself for secretly glancing at the form two seats away from him or just that Thor and Loki's scene had him cursing so. He didn't even know if he was watching anymore! 
Yoochun had guessed that he must have cursed out loud when he looked at his left again and realized they were looking at each other. More like boring holes into each other's faces, if not for Yoochun shifting his head back to its original watching position.
When no one bothered to talk for a minute, Jaejoong wittily remarks "You're right." Yoochun looks past his shoulders for a while, for a split second looking like the movie interested him more than the man to his left, but breaking that impression in a heartbeat. Yoochun hadn't even noticed the man moving a seat closer if he hadn't looked at him fully in question. "About staring without permission."
"Ah, that," Yoochun just bluntly replies. It's not that he minded him sitting a seat closer to him or minded being stared at, really, now that he's thought it over more carefully. It didn't mind him at all. Yoochun wouldn't even dare complain about it to him. At least, not in a setting like this. Yoochun imagines himself begging instead for the man to close the gap in between them. So that he could hear the man's voice clearer and louder. 
The attraction was coming in ways he couldn't express and he just shivers it scares him.
After that, no one had really bothered talking until the rolling credits and Jaejoong almost scares Yoochun with only the armrest in between them as he whispers in Yoochun's ear, "Kim Jaejoong."
Yoochun blinks once, twice and says "Park Yoochun. Nice to meet you." And maybe the offer came a little too fast with him saying "Maybe we could watch another movie together" he hadn't even noticed himself saying it if Jaejoong hadn't looked at him with lips slightly parted after and an unreadable expression in his eyes, but somehow Yoochun had collected from them hesitation so he attempts to take the offer back, "If you don't wa-"
"No, wait, maybe you're right," Jaejoong chimes all of a sudden. "Let's watch the same movie and make out."
Yoochun almost falls down on his knees cause he swears he must've just felt the most intense wave of emotions he could muster inside, until he just looks up at Jaejoong's face more intently, smiles at him, and holds onto his wrist leading him to the ticket booth right outside.
And in the most furtive of glances, Yoochun knows this just might work out.
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The drabbles are really nice :) especially the last one :3 it was so cute :)

"So would you be my idea of perfection?" 

That was such a sweet line ^^ matching the soulmate couple really well :) don't know whose pov it was though >.< keep up the good work,fighting!