
Jaechun (Drabbles)


He always went to the bar, downing buckets of liquor and alcohol-alike until he drops and forgets to collect his change to his 200 bucks. Too much for 1 and a half bucket of gin and vodka, mind you. 
Sometimes he splays himself on top of the counter, too much of an embarrassment to all people who notice his unlikely behavior. With matching dance steps laid back on the counter, he sings.
His blonde hair outshines the blinking of the neon lights, and they look texture-smooth I'd want to touch them given a chance.
I don't know the reason behind his weird behavior. I don't even know the reason why he must do it ALL the time in my presence, seeing so that he's got the looks to charm almost the whole room for maybe a fling; maybe even hook-up.
Some time in November, he confesses. He tells me that it's to get my attention, but I do not tell him that he gets it most of the time. All the time, even. 
He doesn't need to know.
I only smile in response, and think 'What a desperate attention-seeking .' he is.
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The drabbles are really nice :) especially the last one :3 it was so cute :)

"So would you be my idea of perfection?" 

That was such a sweet line ^^ matching the soulmate couple really well :) don't know whose pov it was though >.< keep up the good work,fighting!