
Those Three Words

Lisa's POV

" no kidding?" Then Sana laughed hysterically. She even looks like she's about to cry. I glared at her. "Imagine meeting someone for the first time and that person kills you."

"It was an accident."

"Yeah but still. And wait what's wrong with you? How did you not notice the peanuts in the cookies?"

"Cut me some slack. It's really hard to notice."

"Psh. Is this girl pretty?"

I scoffed at her, "How is that relevant to the situation?"

She took an apple from the counter and bit on it, "Lisa, we've been best friends for 5 years. I noticed that you tend to get stupid when you're around attractive people."


"Jamie Gallagher, your groupmate back in 2nd year. You were so into her you just kept nodding to whatever she says and later realized you just agreed to going out with her friend."

Ah, yes. I remember Jamie very well and she is indeed beautiful. She kinda looks a bit like Elizabeth Olsen, only with short hair.


"Not true. I just wasn't paying attention to her because I was doing something. The date with her friend however, good thing I managed to get out of that."

"Zoey Clifford, Professor Lee's student assistant. You gay panicked when she praised your sketch while she was distributing handouts to you."

"Well that's my normal reaction every time I get praised. You know it makes me uncomfortable."

"Fine," she crossed her arms. "How about my cousin, Momo Hirai? We were at this Christmas Party and she complimented you once and you couldn't say a single word without stuttering for the rest of the night."

"Oh that. Yeah well I just couldn't find my tongue that night." Sana was about to protest when I continued, "Good thing she found it for me."

She gaped at me with eyes wide open. She even dropped the apple she was eating. What a lousy visitor. Eating my food then littering afterwards.


"Yeah," I shrugged. "It was a one-time thing. We didn't even bother texting each other after that."


"Hey calm down. She was the one who insisted it. She went up to me later that night and pointed to something above us and there I saw a mistletoe. Then she said 'it would be rude not to follow tradition' so I kissed her."

In case you're wondering, there was a brief moment back in 2nd year college when Mina and I separated for a while. So no, I did not cheat on her.

Sana took a deep breath and seem to have calmed down, "Okay moving on. This is what I'm talking about. Either you do stupid stuff or become stupid."

"Fine, fine, you win. Can we drop this now?"

"We're not yet done. You still didn't answer my question, is she pretty?"

"Well... umm... you know beauty is relative."

"I knew it, she is!" Then she wore this grin on her face that could only mean one thing, she's planning to do something. She stood up and went to the door.

"SANA NO" I was about to run after her when I heard my phone ringing.


Ketchup calling...


Instead of running after Sana, I went back to the kitchen and sat before answering Mina's call.

"Hey babe how are you?"

"I'm great. Though I think I'm about to lose my only neighbor who knows me."

"The cookie girl?"


"Why? What happened?"

"Nothing has happened yet but I bet something will. Sana just went over at her place to hit on her." I facepalmed.

I heard her laugh on the other line and I can't help smiling. It's unbelievable how her laugh can brighten up my day instantly.

"Classic Sana. I guess she found her flavor of the month? Tell her if she doesn't learn how to commit in a relationship she might die an old maid."

"Done that. I remember her calling dibs on one room in the house we're planning to build when we get married. She said since she's gonna be an old maid, she might as well live with us."

"You were right about adding another room to the design then."

"Yeah. Enough about that. How was your day?"

"Exhausting. But you know what, I'm excited about this. I have been wishing for this since the moment I decided I wanna be a singer," I heard her sigh. "I wish you were here though. I can't believe it's my first concert and you wouldn't be able to watch me."

I was already feeling bad about it but hearing it from her made me feel worse. Not to mention how her voice croaked while saying it.

"Shh baby please don't be sad. And hey, I would still be able to watch you from here."

"But it's different. I won't be welcomed by your embrace at the backstage after performing. You won't be at the after party too. I just... I'm not used to not seeing you every after performance."

I can tell she's already crying by the sound of her voice. If only it was possible, I would fly to her right now just to comfort her.

"Just tell me you want me to come there and I would take the next flight to New York right now. I wouldn't even pack."

She laughed, "As much as I want that, I can't do that to you. You have your life too, babe. I can't make you sacrifice it just to go to this tour with me."

"But I don't mind--"

"I know you don't. But I just can't do that to you. I'm just saying these things because I miss you. So stop worrying okay?"

Even though I know she can't see it, I nodded. "I love you, Mina."

"I love you too. I'm gonna hang up now, okay? Let's talk again tomorrow."


Jennie's POV


I already used two pillows to cover up my entire head in order to block the noises coming from the other room but it's no use. I looked at the clock on my bedside table, 11:29 pm. You've got to be kidding me.

I really don't mind living with my sister. Our parents bought this condo for us as a birthday present. So you can say we both have a right to this place. But sometimes, like now, I just want to kick her out.

Sure, this isn't the first time shs brought someone home. And yes, every time she does, there is always that noise. But I've had it with her. I have to wake up 6 hours later to get to work and I can't sleep because of the repeatedly banging headboard on the wall.

That's it. I got up and knocked as hard as I can on her door. I heard her whispering, "Sana sweetie I have to get that. It's my sister."

She opened the door with an irritated look plastered on her face, "Yes?"

I took a deep breath to calm myself, "Chu, I think you're forgetting the fact that the wall separating our rooms is not that thick."

"So what?"


She went back inside her room then came out a few moments later, "Here maybe these could help." She handed me earplugs.

"How about the banging of the headboard?"

"Oooh. That I cannot control. Goodnight dear sister." Then she quickly shut the door to my face. Ugh I swear I'm this close to kicking her out.

Realizing I won't be able to get a decent sleep tonight, I grabbed a book and decided to go out. The moment I opened the door, I found our neighbor from across the hall doing the same thing.

She's wearing sweatpants, hoodie, and flip flops. She smiled at me so I smiled back.

"Where are you heading?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know. I was thinking about going to a café but it's raining so I guess I'll just stay in the lobby."

"Why don't you use your car?"

"I don't drive."

"You drove me to the hospital the other day."

I cringed at the mention of that embarassing event. Even though she said we could start over, I can't help feeling ashamed of what I did to her. So I've been trying to avoid her but the universe is just being a .

"It was an emergency so I had to. But I don't really drive."

"I'll take you. I'm going out myself."

"Where are you going?"

"Mcdonald's. I really want some chicken nuggets right now. I know, come with me." She smiled widely.

"You sure you want to be with the person who almost killed you?"

She laughed, "Well for one, you won't be the one making my food so I guess it's cool." I rolled my eyes at her.

I was actually craving for fries myself and she offered to treat me so I conceded.

When we arrived, I proceeded to find a table while she ordered our food. As she was putting down our order, I noticed a picture on her wallet when she set it down on the table.


She furrowed her eyebrows so I pointed at the picture on her wallet.

"Oh. No, actually she's my umm..." she scratched the back of her neck.


"She's my girlfriend."



By the time I finished laughing, I looked up to find her looking at me with a poker face.

"Are you done?"

"Wait," I cleared my throat and supressed a new laugh forming. "There, I'm done."

"Good because I would like to take back the fries I gave you."

I instantly held the fries closer to me as she said that and smiled apologetically at her.

"Come on stop pulling my leg. Are you her fan too?"

She looked at me straight in the eye, "I. Am. Her. Girlfriend."

We looked at each other for a long moment before I broke it. "Proof?"

"Here I'll show you our text conversation."

"I don't trust that."

"Fine, a picture then."

"Can be photoshopped."

She squinted her eyes at me. After a few minutes of searching her phone for a believable evidence, she exclaimed.

"You're her fan right?" I nodded. "Then you might have heard she got engaged already?"

"Yeah it was all over the internet."

"This," she showed me a picture from instagram of Mina's hand with the engagement ring on. "Is from the night I proposed to her." I was about to speak when she shushed me. "I'm not yet done," she removed the case of her phone and took a piece of paper out. "And this is the receipt of the ring."

I took the paper from her, "How can I be sure this isn't from another ring?"

"There's a picture of the ring at the bottom."


She snatched it from me, "I told you to look at the picture, not the price."

"YOU'RE REALLY MINA'S FIANCÉ?" She shushed me again. I don't understand why it bothers her that I'm shouting because we're the only ones eating here right now.

"Yes I am." She wore this proud smile before taking a bite from her burger.

"Wha--How did that happen?"

"We've known each other since we were kids. Bestfriends turned into lovers."

"Wow. That's so... wow." I couldn't find the words to express my disbelief. "I'm sorry if I offended you for not believing what you said earlier."

She shook her head, "Don't mention it. I get that a lot so I'm kinda used to it already."


I interrogated Lisa all about their relationship. I know, I'm being too nosy. I remember Jisoo would always scold me fr being like this. But I just can't help it right now. I just met the fiancé of my idol.

I discovered Mina from the reality show she joined a few years ago. I really admired her perseverance in all the tasks given to her so I began searching stuff about her then I stumbled upon her cover videos on Youtube and I've been a fan eversince.

"Do you think you could get me to meet up with her?"

"Sure. She already knows you. I told her about the incident that happened the other day."

"WHAT?" I hit her arm, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?"

She just laughed. "Relax. She found it funny. Don't worry, your idol doesn't hate you for almost killing her fiancé."

"You're unbelievable."

"I know," then she smirked. "Wait what are you doing out this late by the way? Don't you have work tomorrow?"


"I do have work tomorrow," I checked my wrist watch, 12:48 am. "I mean later. I just had to get out of there. My sister was having with someone."

She almost choked at the chicken nugget she was eating. I looked at her face and it was turning red.

"Don't tell me the word makes you uncomfortable?"

"Please stop saying it." Then she covered her face with both her hands. I just can't with this cuteness.

"Ohmygod. Are you seven years old?" Then I laughed at her.

"I'm just not used to hearing those."

"Let me guess, you still call peeing as 'wiwi' and pooping 'poopoo'?"

"Why am I getting this sudden urge of leaving you here?" She glared at me. "Changing the topic, who was your sister with?"

"I'm not sure but I think I heard her say Sana or something like that."

Her eyes widened at the mention of the name. She immediately recovered and pretended she wasn't surprised. Odd.

After a few moments she ordered coffee for both of us. I think she's planning to stay up until the morning.

"You really went out this late just because you were craving for chicken nuggets?"

"No. Actually I was planning to work on this script I'm writing."

"Oh you're a writer?"

"I'm a director."

For the nth time this night, I was surprised. "Really?"

"You know you gotta start trusting me and the things I say."

"Don't get me wrong. I just pegged you as something a bit different. Like a photographer."

She smiled at me, "I wouldn't say I am, but I was supposed to be a photo journalist back then."

"Really? What happened?"

"I realized I just liked taking pictures as a hobby and not as a career."

"Why did you become a director?"

"Hold on, you've been interrogating me for quite some time now but I still don't know anything about you."

I debated whether I should share some stuff about myself. I'm not an open book. I don't like people knowing too much about me. The only person who knows a lot about me is my sister. And that's mainly because I can never keep anything from her.

"What do you want to know?"

She scratched her chin, pretending to think hard. "What do you do?"

"I work for Hallmark."

"The greeting card company?" I nodded. "So what, do you write the messages on the cards?"


She might have noticed my indifference to the subject so she sat back to her seat and smiled mysteriously.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "What?"

"It looks like someone's not enthusiastic talking about her job."

I scoffed, "Unenthusiastic is an understatement."

"What, you hate it?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe? It's just... nevermind."

"You hate your job but you can't quit because then you'd have to go back to the start and find another one. And you're afraid that you might not find another job that pays well and doesn't require much effort."

My jaw dropped at what she said. I felt like I have been attacked.

"Excuse me?"

"What?" She dipped one of her fries to her sundae and didn't even bother looking at me.

"What makes you think you can just make assumptions about my life?"

The sudden raise in the volume of my voice obviously alarmed her.

"I didn't mean to offend you. I just--"

"Don't assume you know me and what goes on in my head because you don't." I stood up, turned around, and left her there. 

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BpDdududdudu #1
For some reason it isn't loading on my browser. But I will read this soon!!! I have it bookmarked :D
binguyen1215 #2
Chapter 6: Oh i really like the storyline, keep it up author-nim :) ??