Chapter 6

Magical Mayhem

“What’s that,” Donghae asked. He had gone out to lunch with just Hyukjae and Kyuhyun during their break at school since Henry and Sungmin couldn’t join them. They had just received their food when Kyuhyun pulled out a small vial along with his water bottle.

Kyuhyun hesitated, slowly lifted the vial as if to ask if that was what Donghae was asking after. Donghae nodded, waiting for the answer. “It’s a sort of herbal medicine,” Kyuhyun finally said.

“An herbal medicine?”

“Uh yeah.”

“Why are you taking an herbal medicine,” Hyukjae asked.

“Well, that’s because,” Kyuhyun started, trying to come up with a believable explanation, “of my mom.”

“Your mom?”

“Yeah, you know how she has been on that all-natural kick lately.” While Kyuhyun was distracted trying to explain it to Hyukjae, Donghae leaned across the table and took the vial from him. “Well she was talking to people in a group she joined about me, and one of them suggested this. I have to take it at every meal mixed in water.”

“Why? Doesn’t seem like something you’d try,” Hyukjae continued to ask.

The two were mostly ignoring Donghae as he investigated the vial. First looking at the pale green color that only slightly prevented the liquid from being considered transparent, which was unusual for herbal medicines. Carefully he popped the top off to take a whiff of the scent. There were definitely a number of herbs that went into it, mint being the strongest one he could smell, but there was something else there too that he couldn’t quite determine. Making sure they were still talking and not looking at him, Donghae held up the vial slightly to catch the light better after putting the top back on and tapped the side with his nail twice. The liquid swished around in the bottle from the force of the taps but in the center a small glow appeared showing the silhouette of a green turtle on a white cloud. Seeing what he needed, he quickly closed the vial in his hand to block any light from possibly attracting his friends’ attention. His movement did however catch their attention.

“Sorry, I almost dropped it,” Donghae lied, slowly opening his hand to make sure the light had left it before handing it back to Kyuhyun.

“It’s a good thing you didn’t. I only have the one vial on me.”

“Anyways, enough about your medicine. Are you free tonight? We have that test tomorrow, we could study at my place,” Hyukjae suggested.

“What no Donghae tonight?”

“I’m busy. Besides he really does need to study. I’ve seen the grades on his homework for this section.”

“Ah, so you need me to teach you it again. As usual.”

“No,” Hyukjae huffed feeling quite insulted. “I just may need to borrow your notes to make sure I didn’t miss anything that’s causing me to struggle.”

“Yeah, and then have me go through them with you again and basically teach you the lesson. It’s the only time you ask me to come study with you. Don’t forget I’ve known you since middle school.”

“That doesn’t mean this time won’t be different. You know I missed a class a couple weeks ago. That could be part of the issue.”

“And how does that explain your homework before that day? Donghae’s not the only who’s seen your scores,” Kyuhyun said smugly.

“He has been complaining about this class all semester. Barely leaves me time to complain about my own classes,” Donghae added.

“If you two are just going to keep going like this maybe I should just go now.” Hyukjae slowly stood up and made the motions of grabbing his bag not actually intending on leaving. Donghae leaned across the chairs to grab Hyukjae by the hem of his shirt.

“No. Don’t go,” Donghae whined while laughing. “Please. We’re just giving you a hard time. You know we love you.”

“I don’t know if I’d go as far as saying I love you,” Kyuhyun shrugged making a weighing gesture.

“Well that doesn’t matter. He’ll help you anyways. He always does.”

“That part is true.”

“Fine,” Hyukjae said attempting to sound completely inconvenienced. “But you two are paying for me.”

“Okay,” Donghae hastily agreed while Kyuhyun just sighed.

“You don’t even have your wallet or money on you right now, do you Donghae,” Kyuhyun asked.

“Nope,” Donghae answered with the biggest grin he could muster.

“Of course not. I don’t think I have every seen you have money on you in the time I have known you.”

“I have it. Sometimes. But whenever I have it, I don’t need it. So, I often don’t bother with it.”

“You know, the point is to have it on you always for when you do need it,” Kyuhyun explained getting rather frustrated. “Anyways, I guess I’m paying then. So, What time am I coming over later?”

“After your last class.”

“Alright. I’ll text you after I’m out of class. I’ll need to stop home first since I don’t have my stuff for that class.”

“Works for me.”




“Hey, you ready to check out,” Ryeowook asked Donghae when he walked up to the register after the last customer finished.

“Actually, I have an order to pick up.” Donghae sounded uncertain having never been in the store before, but Ryeowook just nodded and smiled at him.

“Okay. What’s the name?”

“Lady Maeng. Or do you need her first name too,” Donghae asked when Ryeowook looked confusedly at him.

“No, I know who Lady Maeng is. Usually it is her daughter who picks up her order. I wasn’t aware someone else was coming this time,” Ryeowook clarified.

“Her daughter is on vacation with her family right now. I’m her student.” Donghae laughed nervously, scratching the back on his head hoping for Ryeowook to stop giving him that skeptical look.

“Well either way, I will need to fetch Jongwoon and see an ID from you.” As Ryeowook mentioned the need for an ID, he casually wiped his hand across his wrist and forearm. Thankfully Donghae didn’t miss it and took a quick look around to make sure no one was looking their way and then mimicked Ryeowook’s movement on his own arm. Once he swiped his hand however, a foggy orange image of a clown fish appeared on his arm just long enough to Ryeowook to see it before he wiped it clear again.

“Is that enough or do you need something else too?”

“That’s enough. I’ll be right back with Jongwoon, he should be just inside,” Ryeowook gestured to the door to the magic shop before excusing himself inside. Donghae just quietly waited, shifting his weight from one leg to the other and slowly walking himself in circles in the process.

“Lee Donghae,” Jongwoon asked while he was turned away from the door. Donghae almost stumbled to quickly turn around and face him.


“Good. I’m Jongwoon. I’m sorry, Lady Maeng informed me you were coming this time, I just forgot to pass the information along. You can come on inside.” Jongwoon apologized to Ryeowook as well for not telling him and then ushered Donghae into the shop. “I was just finishing preparing the fresh cut herbs for her, so it will only be a couple more moments. The rest of her order is on the table nicely wrapped.”

“Oh, thank you Master Jongwoon.” Donghae went over to examine the two bags full of different style packages, taking a seat while Jongwoon went back to the herbs.

“Just Jongwoon is fine. No need for titles around here.”

“I’ve always been taught it was rude to not include a title when talking to or referring to a mage with their master title.”

“It used to be, and to some of the older mages, that’s probably still true. But here in my shop, it’s not. Being called Master just feels weird to me and I would rather people didn’t use it unless they absolutely had to. And that is the same feeling I know quite a lot of other mages around my age have. Though I don’t believe I’m much older than you. I’m only a few years older than Ryeowook and I would guess you’re his age.”

“I’m twenty-two,” Donghae said even though he wasn’t specifically asked.

“I was right then. Exactly the same as Ryeowook then. I’m just twenty-six myself.” Donghae had been looking through the bags to see what all Lady Maeng had ordered, but his head snapped up and looked towards Jongwoon when he announced his age. “Shocked?”

“How long have you had your master title for?” Jongwoon looked back over his shoulder and laughed quietly to himself at Donghae’s shocked and confused expression.

“For about eight years now.”


“I started my apprenticeship at the age of twelve which is on the early end for a lot of mages, and I’m a quick learner. It took me only six years to know everything my master did. But to be fair, all I did during my apprenticeship was study when I wasn’t in lessons. I read every book my master had and practiced all of the spells and potions I physically could. And well if I’m honest, that’s what I still do now. Running this shop allows me access to even more knowledge than I would have from my hometown. I have read and practiced everything from all of the books on these shelves. And that doesn’t include our personally library in our workshop downstairs or my collection up in my room.”

“That’s insane. I’ve been an apprentice for nine years now and Lady Maeng says she believes I still have at least two years more.”

“That sounds the same as Wookie. He still has a year or so on his training before I would submit him as qualified for his master title, but he’s been training for about the same amount of time. Don’t compare your training too much to mine. I know I’m an outlier to the norm in this case. And with the amount of knowledge Lady Maeng has to teach, you should be pleased that she feels she only has about two years of information left to teach you,” Jongwoon comforted, knowing that Donghae would try to compare their training.

“It still feels like a long time.”

“It’ll be shorter than you think. Just go your own rate and you’ll make it. Most mages don’t finish their apprenticeships until they’re about my age anyways.”

“Can I ask you something else?”

“Sure. I’ve finished the last of the herbs too, so you’ll be able to get going when you’re ready.”

“Do you ever take on non-mage clients for the shop?”

“For the bookstore, all the time. For here, only if they have a mage connection that introduces them to me. Why?”

“No reason really. I have a friend who has had some weird things going on for a while now and wasn’t sure if it may be magic in origin. He says he’s getting help for it. But he doesn’t even believe in magic, so I’m not sure what kind of help he’s getting.”

“Well just from that, I’m not sure I could help him. And dragging someone who doesn’t believe in magic to a mage without proof can be difficult and you don’t know how they will react to having magic proven to them, so it can be dangerous too.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll wait and see how things go first. Thank you again for Lady Maeng’s order. I’ll take it straight to her now.”

“Of course. Stop by any time Donghae. And make sure you get those potions to her directly, she should be near the end of her last portion of medication and she should have the next ones in hand right away.”

“I will,” Donghae responded, letting himself out of the shop and leaving Jongwoon behind. Once outside, Donghae called for Lady Maeng’s personal driver to pick him up as she had instructed him to. When he was in the car, he took one of the potions out of the bag and tapped it like he had with Kyuhyun’s potion earlier in the day. The potion created a bright red rose bud this time in the center.

“So, Jongwoon’s not the one who made Kyuhyun’s potion. I wonder who did then,” Donghae whispered to himself, placing the potion back in the bag before they reached their destination.




“Hey, what are you doing here,” Jongwoon asked upon seeing Kyuhyun sitting at one of the tables in the bookstore. “I didn’t get my days confused, did I?”

“I just came to work on a research project while I’m on break. Might as well work on it since usually I hang out with Sungmin and Henry during this break but Sungmin still refuses to be around me and Henry is meeting with his group for their project,” Kyuhyun explained, setting out his laptop and a couple books.

“What and the library wasn’t good enough? Or do you just like us that much,” Jongwoon teased taking a seat across from him.

“You must have never been to my university. There is no way I could get a table at this point in the day. So, don’t flatter yourself too much, you’re just the next best option.”

“And what makes me the next best option?”

“You’re reasonably close, have food, and when I was helping Hangeng I noticed some books related to my topic.”

“Those the only reasons?” Jongwoon leaned forward to set his elbows on the table, interlocking his hands and resting his chin on them.

“The only ones that matter today,” Kyuhyun responded, leaning forward as well.

“I see.” Jongwoon sighed, leaning back so he was slouching against the back of the chair, staring purposely in a direction away from Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun couldn’t help but laugh at Jongwoon’s somewhat over dramatic reaction. Hearing Kyuhyun’s laugh, Jongwoon let out a quiet breathy laugh of his own and sat back upright in the chair. “Alright, in all seriousness, how are you feeling since you were last here?”

“Good actually. Obviously not perfect, but it’s been a few days and there hasn’t been any major incidents. I’ve had a couple in the last day that I would say are a rank higher than the little stuff, but that’s it.”

“That’s good to hear. You’ve been taking it with every meal, right?” While Jongwoon had not specified what ‘it’ was, Kyuhyun immediately knew he was talking about the potion.

“Yup. Full glass of water as well exactly like you instructed. Had to come up with an excuse to explain it to my friends, but otherwise no trouble.”

“I know it’s hard to keep it from them, but it’s for everyone’s safety. And pay close attention over the next couple days until your appointment, if it’s starting to get even slightly worse, it has the potential to speed up like it did last time and suddenly be very bad.”

“Yeah, you reminded me when you took me home.” Jongwoon nodded, remembering that he had indeed gone over it with Kyuhyun that night. He started to speak again, but before he could actually say anything, a balled-up rag smacked him in the back of the head. Jongwoon turned around to see Ryeowook staring at him from behind the café counter. Kyuhyun had looked up as well to notice Ryeowook and another boy he didn’t recognize.

“Aren’t you supposed to be working right now,” Ryeowook said sternly.

“Hey, I’m the boss. I can do what I want.”

“That’s a horrible mentality to have and a ty excuse. Boss.”

“It’s the only excuse I have right now,” Jongwoon admitted. “Though, I am talking with a customer and helping him.”

“Yeah, but it’s Kyuhyun, he barely counts anymore. He hasn’t even bought anything yet.” Kyuhyun snapped his head back and threw his hands up slightly very confused by Ryeowook’s statement.

“He still counts. We only put him to work once. And that was Hangeng, not me. And you weren’t even here that day either.”

“Doesn’t matter. Don’t slack off too much or I’ll have to tell Heechul.”

“Why would he care?”

“You know exactly why he would care,” Ryeowook cryptically said and returned to working with the boy next to him, obviously signaling the end of the conversation.

“I am so confused right now,” Jongwoon said to himself when he turned back towards Kyuhyun.

“Did you hire someone new or have I just never met the other guy there,” Kyuhyun asked.

“Oh no, that’s my brother, Jongjin. He came up for a visit, so I put him to work.”

“You put your brother to work when he’s visiting?”

“He knows I’m going to. Besides he and Wookie have been friends since they were little, so it gives them more time to hang out together. He comes up now to visit Ryeowook as much as he’s here to visit me.”

“I feel like you have this bad habit of putting everyone you know to work.”

“Not everyone,” Jongwoon argued but Kyuhyun just raised his eyebrow.

“Just a large percent of them,” Taekwoon stated, suddenly standing at the side of the table.

“I don’t put my customers to work and I know most of them personally.” Taekwoon just pointed at Kyuhyun. “That wasn’t even me or my decision, so you can’t use him as an example.”

“We’ll see.”

“Is this pick on the boss day and I missed the memo because I am the boss? Don’t answer that. What’s up? I’m sure you came over for something other than to tease me.” Taekwoon nodded.

“I’m heading out for a while.”

“Oh? Where to?” Taekwoon pursed his lips and dropped his head down. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I’m just curious.” Taekwoon shook his head and took a deep breath.

“I’m meeting with Hakyeon,” he finally admitted.

“With Hakyeon? Are you sure you’re ready to? I know I suggested you talk to him, but you don’t have to.”

“I want to.”

“Hakyeon is the one who was leaving when I came in the last time, right,” Kyuhyun asked and both Taekwoon and Jongwoon nodded.

“Do you want company? In case it doesn’t go well,” Jongwoon offered. Taekwoon sighed and laughed slightly to himself.

“You and Heechul are too similar. Though he immediately jumped to get his coat and keys. He’s nursing the bump on his head now.”

“Did you really hit him?”

“He kept insisting. He’ll be fine,” Taekwoon explained. Jongwoon knew it was the best he was going to get so dropped that part of the conversation.

“Are you sure about going alone,” Jongwoon asked instead.

“Wonshik’s coming. We’re meeting at the bus stop.”

“Alright. Call if something happens and we will be right there.”

“I will.” Taekwoon excused himself and said bye to the both of them and to Ryeowook on his way out the door.

“You’re awfully protective of him,” Kyuhyun mentioned.

“He came to us from a bad situation. His past is a perfect example of why you can’t say anything about us. But that’s all I’m going to say about it.”

“Got it.”

“Sorry. I seem to have stolen a lot of the time you could have been working on your paper,” Jongwoon said when he noticed Kyuhyun starting to pack up.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not due for a couple of weeks still and I already have it started. Though I should make my way back, if I don’t beat Hyukjae to our class, he’s going to confront me with a thousand questions.”

“And the library won’t work as an excuse?” Kyuhyun smiled at the thought.

“He knows better.”

“Of course. He goes to your university.”

“Yeah and he drops Donghae off at the library before going to our class.” Kyuhyun noticed Jongwoon looked slightly shocked at Donghae’s name. “What?”

“Oh nothing. Sorry, you just keep listing more people. Have to keep them all straight.”

“There’s only five of us.”

“Yeah, but this is the first I’m hearing their names, so it feels like more are just being listed than there actually are.”

“I suppose. I’ll see you in a couple days. I’ll text you if something major happens.”

“See you then.” Kyuhyun had gotten up and was about to head for the door when he remembered something else.

“Before I forget. We never discussed my payment last time.”

“Right, we didn’t. I’ll work it out for you, and we’ll discuss it when you come back.” Jongwoon had been so preoccupied with worrying about Kyuhyun, he hadn’t even thought about needing to charge him. And if he were to just let it go, he would never hear the end of it from Heechul.

“Works for me.” Kyuhyun said goodbye again and finally made it to the door this time. “Bye Ryeowook. I’ll stop being a distraction to your boss now.”

“Good. Buy something next time,” Kyuhyun could just barely hear Ryeowook shouting at him before the door closed.


“Yup. It’s exactly as I thought,” Heechul announced when he took the seat Kyuhyun had been sitting in before Jongwoon got up.

“What? Why are you even out here? It’s your day off. Besides, don’t you have a bump on your head to be whining about.”

“Taekwoon told you I take it. Also, Wookie texted me.”

“Why are you texting on the job,” Jongwoon shouted back to Ryeowook.

“We don’t have a rule against it,” Ryeowook defended. “You’d be the worst offender if we did. Followed by Heechul.”

“Rude,” Heechul and Jongwoon said in unison.

“Anyways. I heard you were chatting with Kyuhyun.”

“What about it? He’s our customer and I was checking on him.”

“Mhmm. Sure you were,” Heechul said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Just say whatever you’re trying to say already.”

“You like him. It’s still in the early stages, but you like him.”

“I don’t like him the way you are implying that I do. He’s just a customer and he’s got a lot going on to make me worried for him. That’s all.”

“I’m not the only one who thinks you like him, it’s pretty obvious,” Heechul stated and looked past Jongwoon to Ryeowook and Jongjin.

“You’re totally crushing,” Ryeowook said.

“Yeah, I’ve never seen you this interested in a person before.”

“Really, Jongjin? What do you even know about this?”

“Wookie’s told me everything,” Jongjin said.

“And Taekwoon agrees with us too,” Heechul announced showing Jongwoon his phone with the text conversation with Taekwoon.

“He’s smitten. Wonshik agrees,” Jongwoon read aloud. “Smitten, really? And why would Wonshik have an opinion?”

“Taekwoon tells him everything,” Heechul stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world and Jongwoon just groaned laying his face in his arms on the table.

“It really must be pick on your boss day. I hate all of you. And you’re all wrong.”

“We’ll see.”



A/N: Alright, so a lot faster of an update than between the last two chapters. Though with how I started with writing this chapter I'm a little surprised I managed to finish it this quick. Honestly this feels like a bit of a filler chapter, but at the same time there was some good information in it, so maybe it's not really a filler.
Anyways. Hope you liked it.

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Chapter 10 is written and will be up sometime on Monday for Kyusung Day.
Sorry for the long wait as usual


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Liza-Nan #1
Chapter 12: Welcome back authornim, this is an outstanding story and I'm so pleased you are continuing with it.
Chapter 11: Hello! I've really enjoyed this series so far, and love the Kyusung interactions! The system of magic you've created is really interesting, and all the characters are so fun to read too! Will be waiting for updates!
zah1102 #3
Chapter 11: This is really a good story, authornim i’ll be waiting for you, so please comeback soon, fighting authornim ❤️❤️
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 11: I'm looking forward to reading more of this intriguing story......!!!
366 streak #5
Chapter 11: it's a long update, love it! And that little "date" of kyusung, kyaaaa~
aebongie84 #6
Chapter 11: Tbh i'm impressed by how authornim wrote about Jongwoon skill to investigate discreetly, really subtle yet encouraging kyu to tell more.
Thank you serrenna authornim. Look forward for next hopefully soon
Cloudye84 #7
Chapter 11: wow, you’re back!! i’m happy to see this story getting updated. the storyline is really interesting to keep up. It’s ok, take your time. I’ll wait ^^
Cloudye84 #8
love the storyline so far, really look forward to the next chapter. Fighting authornim!!
Chapter 10: Even tho i know Sungmins and Donghaes reason i still am bothered by their actions lol they are middling too much but again they are trying to keep Kyuhyun on the safe side so dunno. As for Jongwoon i really like his character in here along with Kyuhyuns there isnt an over dramatic change between them and it goes in a slow base plus their interactions are so cute and i most definitely love Ryeowooks characters i can even imagine his voice cause this matches with him alot lmao i love this im waiting for another update :)
366 streak #10
Chapter 10: OMG you're here and updating~ Thank you~ <3333